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  1. So sad, after GOT season 1 I read all the books through ADWD. Now I am starting to forget book characters and plots like gravedigger, stone heart, citadel Sam, etc. wonder what the heck "winds" will do

  2. My thought for Jons theory is maybe he is a Targaryne. In season one Ned said "the next time we see each other will talk about your mother." That being said both are dead, it can lead to them meeting in the after life reviling who is Jons mother. And to other thing when Ned is talking with Robert, he asked Ned who Jons mother was and Ned looked away and said a woman name. Now thinking it over in the book it states that Ned was about to utter words but says something else. That being Jons true mother and it can lead to who she really is. Now thinking about that R+L=J is making me think about the Tower of Joy. Ned says he promised her to take her back to Winterfill, but there had to be more to that one promise. Looking back at it all in season two episode three after Jon becomes Mormmonts stward he throws a hot lamp torrid the dead wight walker. The next we saw of Jon his hand wasn't banded or did they ask if he was hurt. His hand was alright, now is it odd? no not one bit. Thats all i have to say.

  3. +emergency awesome question do you think cerse lanister and the king who killed rob and her mother will fall in the hands of arya blade since they are on her list and now that she is geting the training she needs to take her revenge on her family,,,pliz help me answer this one am a big fun of the channel

  4. question do you think cerse lanister and the king who killed rob and her mother will fall in the hands of arya blade since they are on her list and now that she is geting the training she needs to take her revenge on her family,,,pliz help me answer this one am a big fun of the channel

  5. If they're going to do a spin-off series, I think the Robert's Rebellion Timeline would be perfect! It would answer a lot of unsolved mysteries in the current timeline and characters in Robert's Rebellion are pretty badass.

    P.S. Chris Hemsworth is a perfect actor for Rhaegar Targaryen 😀

  6. QUESTION: Why don't you ever read the entire comment/question that you put on display? What's the point of showing what it was and just stop half way and answer half of what was in the entire section?

  7. the nights watch does not know about the white walkers, or believe it anways, only the few that were with jon in that battle.

    how can anyone sa that the rest of westeros will believe sam for no reason

  8. Hey Charlie, I'm a huge GOT's fan I haven't read the books and all info other than the show on HBO I get is from you and other web videos I have a question do you think High Sparrow is How
    land Reed and is Jon really Brandon Stark and Ashara Daynes son ( so he can weild Dawn!)

  9. At no time on the show was Jaquen H'gar a kingsguard. At the time of his capture he was in regular clothes along with biter and Rorge. He had no tools available by which pick a lock so Arya really did save him by opening the cage. Perhaps people are confusing the fact that he became a Lannister soldier after Tywin told the Mountain to put the prisoners to work at Harrenhall.


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