Game of thrones season 6 | Samwell Tarly predictions


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Images belong to the original creators, used in a fair way here

In this video, I give my predictions for Samwell Tarly in Game of Thrones season 6

Samwell Tarly ► Oldtown ► Citadel ► Gilly ► baby Sam ► Archmeaster ► Tarly family ► Valriyan Steel ► Hornhill ► House Tarly

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  1. Here's my predication.    Sam heads for Oldtown and on route stops at Hornhill and asks his Mother if Gilly and the baby can have sanctuary.   Sam goes to Oldtown alone to begin study when the Ironborn attack.   Sam escapes and makes it back to Hornhill.    Sam's father then goes to try and repel the Ironborn………after that…….I'm open to suggestions…..

  2. This isn't really a prediction, just something i would like to see happen. Sam goes to old town and begins his training as a maester, but he also searches through the tomes for something that my help battle the white walkers, and in doing so earns his valerian chain link and becomes the first maester in a while that actually can work some type of magic, seeing that he wanted to be a wizard when he was younger.

  3. I like your predictions, but wish to add that Gilly's presence will be a point of conflict. I believe that Randyll and/or Dickon will mistreat Gilly, leading to a confrontation between Sam and his father and/or brother. I think it would be interesting if Sam were to accidentally kill his brother in this confrontation, as that would foil Randyll's original plan to disinherit Sam and make Dickon his heir. This is obviously a huge speculation in my part, and more of just my own wishful thinking. 🙂

  4. Why would his father GIVE him his great sword? Not gonna happen only way he could get his hands on that sword is if he somehow got the courage to kill his father and brother. Don't see sam the slayer or Ser piggy being a kin slayer. He will drop off gilly and the baby then head to old town to forge his chain.


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