Game of Thrones season 6 | Sansa Stark Prophecy


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Game of thrones Season 6 â–ºSansa Stark Prophecy â–º The Ghost of High heart â–ºLittlefinger â–ºWinterfell â–º Castle built of snow â–º Knights of the Vale â–º Purple Wedding

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  1. Ha, this was exactly my idea this morning, even I didn't know about the prophecy (I didn't read the books). And 2 hours later I accidentally found your video 🙂
    Yes, I think Sansa WILL kill Littlefinger.

  2. Sansa is the younger more beautiful queen that took everything dear to Cersei. Sansa is the one that killed all of Cersei's children here is why:

    Sansa was originally planned to marry Joffrey, instead Joffrey married Margeary. Lady Olenna Tyrell poisoned Joffrey. Tyrion got accused, Oberyn became Tyrion's champion, he was killed by the Mountain. Sandsnakes got mad, murdered Myrcella by poisoning her, Tommen commited suicide because of the death of Margeary who he married after Joffrey dies.

    All of Cersei's children are dead because Joffrey didn't marry Sansa.

  3. ASOIF, just noticed ther seems to be alot of pairs but ice and fire.
    Sansa (ice) – Cersei(fire) both want to be queen, at least Sansa when she first see Joffrey with "oh i love him and want to have little blonde babies", then cersei who also is spoilt.
    Ned (ice) – Tywin -both of powerful houses 1 basically controls the south, the other the north.
    Little Robbin(ice) _Tommin(Fire) both have/had overprotective mothers and ruled from a young age
    Sam(ice) -Tyrion, one knows things from reading a book and the other he drinks and he knows things.
    Jon(ice) -Danerys(fire) for obvious reasons, both are in line to win the game of thrones.
    Littlfinger(ice) – Varys(Fire)- both no how to get information

    the next ones a bit out there..
    Hound(ice) -mountain(fire), so A. the starks banner is a wolf/hound u can say, the hound protected Arya plus he's also scared of fire.

    The reasons i've come with is to me each 1 is slowly getting picked off but all have had a pairing if you can call it that. Quite what i dunno but with their being theories on ice dragons, is their 3 ice dragon riders and 3 fire dragon rider

  4. I think the giant was Ramsay Bolton. He wasn't literally a giant. But he had a huge army in the north and commanded fear and loyalty, he made himself out to be a giant with all this power, and it was sansa who let his dogs loose on him, killing him

  5. Littlefinger has manipulated almost as many events as Varys. According to Sophie Turner Little Sansa doesn't think Jon has the intellect or anything else required to run Winterfell. Surprise for her he's King of the North and has a big army. She's Lady Bolton so the Dreadfort is hers. Littlefinger will continue trying to control her and she will turn on Jon unless there's a reveal about his betrayal of Ned and the whole business with the dagger. All she has to do to take his army is tell the Knights of the Vale that he killed Lysa. The giant has to be Littlefinger, time for him to go.

  6. omg. Guys. Have you read the book ? The scene with the giant happened in book 5. The giant is her stupid cousin and the castle is a snow castle she made to represent Winterfell. The kid jumped on the snow castle and destroyed it. No further meaning.

  7. Ramsay is not the giant, he was powerful, but Sansa's already started slaying Littlefinger. He completely abandoned the safety of his post at King's Landing to smuggle Sansa out of there, and even with the Vale underneath him, most of those lords and knights are more likely to be faithful to Sansa than to Petyr Baelish. She's going to ruin his position and then either kill him herself or have him killed.

  8. You have to remember that applying the whole Ramsey situation to this prophecy is irrelevant as it's not that way in the book. In the book, Sansa is in a pretty good position but GRRM has said something shocking is going to happen to Sansa – most likely Harry the Heir raping her.

  9. I think the giant is the ice king, and Sansa will help Jon snow kill him somehow… Also, once dany, the dragons and her army come, Littlefinger will have to give up the iron throne ambition and settle for something less. I think he will be killed next season, Maybe Bran has visions of how he betrayed the Starks…

  10. Isn't Ramsay really tall in the books? Like tall & at least 200+lbs…I think they mean him. In the show obv, but in the books bc of his rape & torture of her childhood BFF Jeyne Poole aka "Arya" 😉


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