Season 5 may have ended but Game of Thrones keeps on, but we still have to wait 10 months for the next season and until then we are going to be wondering, speculating and theorizing what will happen in the next season. Here are my theories for season 6!



  1. I believe in the mad queen theory. cercie will burn kings landing to the ground in a fit of anger maybe when tommon and Jaime dies in an effort to kill her potential murderer. but then a young queen will strangle her to death?

  2. Congratulations! You have a natural warm intimacy to you! It makes it feel like a conversation with a friend. Well done and here's to more wild, wacky & wonderful GRRM storylines and fan driven theories to come! 🙂

  3. hey girl u lost everything when u said that stannis deserved his death cuz he killed his brother?!REALLY?!his brother was a bloody traitor,renly was about to start a war and kill stannis,stannis did the right thing for killing a traitor like renly,also dany killed her brother but noone said anything,also tyrion killed his father but noone said anything,using the cheap excuse that viserys was a bad man and tywin was a bad man too
    but everyone forgets the fact that renly stole everything from stannis!renly was a fool that deserved a much worse death than that!

  4. Would love to see where GRR takes the Brienne/Jamie storyline. They both seem to respect and trust one another; could this morph into love? Would also like to see Jamie kill Cersei which is morbid. With this new leak about the Mountain killing Jamie at Cersei's orders coming out I'm not sure what to think. I do know if that happened Brienne, Bronn, and the Hound, if he is really alive, will go after the Mountain. I could see Tyrion orchestrating all of this. Guess we'll just have to wait and see!

  5. Damn there are some hardcore Stannis supporters here in the comments. Stannis dapples in blood magic so he got what was coming to him especially seeing what he agreed to with his own daughter… she was a sweet heart and hard to believe she came out of Stannis' loins.

    The only good Barathion was Robert. He was a man whore but hey, if u were married to Cersei or had Jaffery as your supposed son, you'd have to have some escape.

  6. Dany swore in a previous Season that the traitor Khals will die screaming. She won't marry anyone, she'll suffer a bit and then Drogon will fry the Khals and the dothraki will  follow Daenerys….I also expect Jorah the explorer will find that ring eye roll…..As for Sansa I am hoping that they will make her stronger and she will WAKE up to Littlefinger and head for the Wall………I also hope that the Wildlings will join with Sansa and Jon….but also Davos is there for a reason. He is very good at gaining troops and he will want the Boltons dead!

    Stannis is dead. No Stephen Dillane in Season 6. Not a good ending they totally screwed up the battle for Winterfell…..Unforgivable!

    Cersei's life is mirroring that of the mad king and he tried to burn KL to the ground. She has said it so many times, 'I will burn this city to the ground' etc…Myrella is dead, Tommen is her only surviving child and at the end of Season 5 Qyburn tells her that Tommen has eaten or spoken to anyone…Is he even IN his bedchamber? One thing for sure, that Septa who kept slapping her is gonna be one dead Septa lol……I believe they are gonna cast Euron Greyjoy sigh they bore me.

    Asha Greyjoy=Yara in the show version.

    The Taryly's will make an appearance, I don't know for how long but it will be interesting to see Oldtown……

    There was talk of casting a northern lord…..but is this lord the father of Ned Stark….Lord Rickard Stark and we will see him in a flashback scene.

    Another casting the greatest Knight in Westeros is Ser Arthur Dayne who will be engaged in an Epic fight….This has to be with Ned Stark….but it was Howland Reed who actually killed Dayne…and how can they NOT cast Lyanna if they are doing the Tower of Joy scene?….Pray God they do NOT mess this up as they did Dorne!

    Bran had that vision of undead Mountain, the Hound and Jaime Lannister…perhaps D&D will play that out…….who knows……


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