Game of Thrones season 6 | Trailer 2 Breakdown | March Madness


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Game of thrones season 6 teaser trailer 2 and official images breakdown

Game of Thrones season 6 | Who is the flayed burning corpse? | Trailer

Game of Thrones season 6 | Brandon Stark predictions

Game of thrones season 6 playlist

Game of Thrones season 6 ► Teaser trailer 2 ► March Madness ► Brandon ► Tyrion ► Daenerys ► Sansa ► Jaime ► Margaery ► Night’s king ► 3 eyed raven

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  1. Didn't Jon kill the Night's King at Hardhome with his Valaryion steele? Yes, this is a different actor. But it's probably a different Night's king as well. Wun Wun is breaking INTO CASTLE BLACK. Not Winterfell. If you look at footage of the door and bridge above it in another video, it is quite clear. Wun Wun is probably in front of the Wildlings. They found out about Jon. They want their revenge. Did you notice that Tyrion's speech ends on 'terrifying'. While showing Ramsey at the same time. He sure is damn terrifying!

  2. I agree with you, Arya is refusing to kill someone, and for her to refuse it means its not someone on her list, or its someone she is close to…Jon Snow maybe? and that shot when she is jumping from a height, I think i'ts an escape not a training…because she is putting on a trouser, but all along she was putting on a dress.

  3. There are so many things cliffhanging that won't know if they will cover all up, in contrast with season 5 this has to be very dynamic, nothing slow. For example, Sand snakes or Dorne hasn't even shown. If the Euron Greyjoy plot gets relevant needs a lot of screentime. What will do Littlefinger and his Vale army? And Rickon? And Walder Frey? The actor may die before it's expected to die in the show.

  4. Does anyone here see that the night watchmen that's in the room with davos and js is with him and not against him. 2 reasons being if they was there to kill him and take jobs body they wouldn't let him walk to long claw to fight they'd just kill him and 2 with ghost standing by and able to sense danger coming to his master he'd be trying to rip their throats out. I believe them are the nights watchmen who are loyal to Jon snow. Thoughts anyone?

  5. The Giant is breaking in to the castle black.. i guess look at the gate the same gate was breached by the wild-lings… and i believe the army of the dead will reach to the wall at the end of the season.. not south 😛 🙂

  6. isn't there supposed to be like 4 night's king like the four horsemen of the apocalypse; so if there is more than one couldn't it just be a different one of the four than we had seen before, instead of a new actor?

  7. I sense Olenna Tyrell's involvement in sending a Tyrell army to King's Landing. Whether she plans to support the Lannisters or betray and overthrow them remains uncertain.

    Jaime will learn what the faith militant did to Cersei just after seeing his daughter die in his arms. He will have many debts that he will desire to pay in blood. I would love to see Jaime, the Tyrells, and FrankenMountain slaughter those pious assholes.

  8. I want a simple moment where The Night's King grabs the horn they found at the Fist of the First Men, Allistar at his feet, and then he blows the horn. There's silence for a moment, and then the Wall collapses.

  9. so I'm thinking blood raven dies in the tree and after he dies bran leaves the cave under the tree then nights king shows up to kill bran now that he knows about him and his location from when the Knights king grabbed him via whatever super natural stuff there is and figures out brand location from that. so he goes to the cave under the tree doesn't necessarily go in but instead sets the entire tree on fire.

  10. I don't think Ned is fighting the remaining Kingsguard based on the Targaryen armour. I would assume they would still be clad in the armour of the Kingsguard since they owe more allegiance to the realm than the Mad King.

  11. Good work. I still think the Knights Ned and his 5 companions are fighting are the kings guard. I've read all the books, and the tower of joy is the only one I see fitting this scene. Ned leads five knights to save his sister who was protected by three Knights guards ordered by Rhaegar T. I think this is might be a vision by Bran Who starts having visions from past, present and future. Thoughts?


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