Here are 10 things that we heard WOULD happen but didn’t in Season 7 of Game of Thrones.

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  1. We could still see the scene of the burning *(exploding) man next season. My guess is it is Dario, calling out to danny for mercy after he is found supporting Cercei and he armies.

  2. Thank you so much for backing up and saying "Hey, what's up with that?" Things that were 'omitted' from the book to the screen can be just as important to speculation as the things your bringing out here. The curses or prophesies about fertility, like say for Dany, did not make it to the screen (or the part about Cersi being killed by her little brother, Maggie didn't actually say that part in the show). For curses & prophesies, you can't assume, it must be said but (no offense) book readers took these things as 'canon' for the TV show because it was in the books… got non book readers convinced of information that wasn't there. I think it's important that a 'book reader' do videos where they set the record straight, some conversations would have been totally different if we knew (most don't back to watch old episodes) that actually they kill Cersi any way they want OR they can 'give a nod' to the source material and kill her exactly as that prophesy said IN THE BOOKS. I appreciate this video.

  3. I think the thing with Euron making Ramsey seem "like a little kid" did happen; I've been thinking about it, and I believe it was in reference to the battle at the end of Stormborn. When you consider that Ramsey was never actually shown fighting in a full-on battle; (there's only that little skirmish in s04 against Yara's attempted rescue party) and the more I think about it, I reckon Pilou doesn't understand the full context of his character, how dark he is in the books, so he doesn't understand the implications of him being a worse villain than Ramsey to fans who are fully up to date, particularly including The Forsaken; he doesn't get that his comments, to us, imply the potential for the whole torture of Damphair, the drugging and the historical child abuse and killing of his brothers. Plus, if you also notice, from the post-finale interviews, he doesn't seem to know that Euron's early exit from the meeting, and King's Landing with his fleet, was just a ruse for him to go for the Golden Company! This suggests to me that he only reads his own scenes, so he's got no idea of the full context of his place in the story; and if he doesn't even do that then he definitely doesn't dig into the minutiae of the book iteration of the Crow's Eye… I also listened to his DVD commentary from last year and he embarrassingly confused by it all (it was The Door), he kept having to ask Sophie Turner why this and that was happening and what it meant, half the episode was her explaining Bran's powers, why the Night's King was at the cave, the White Walkers and wights being separate things, stuff like that ( I can't remember specifics annoyingly, twas a while since I watched it) So, the T.L.D.R is that he basically just doesn't know what the fuck he's on about! 😀

  4. Omg VAL!! I was afraid that we weren't going to see u for a while.. WE NEED YOUR VIDEOS DURING THIS LONG ASS OFF SEASON! I can't click fast enough. It help with my G.O.T. Withdrawals🐺🐉😩

  5. Ok. I'm putting this comment on the wrong video, but this just occurred to me:

    If the White Walkers can't go into the water, how did they drag the dragon out of the lake? How did they get that enormous chain wrapped around it, and the final question – Where did that huge and long chain come from in first place?

  6. Holy Jalapeno! This wonder, full, video got me thinkin’ of Dire wolves, Tollymore Forest upside down, and Things that DIDN'T HAPPEN…yet. So, I decided to take out my binoculars, turn them around backwards and re-visit the Dire wolf scene in Season 1 episode 1. With a lot of little adjustments, I focused my left eye and then my right eye, and then my third eye, to find a virtual aperture in which to slip out of a knothole and go on down the road in the company of all these teeny, tiny people vying for a place in the big picture. Yep, I saw like a 20/20 Darby O’Gill, and the little people looked small and far away, but elusive then and there. Depending on the angle of the light, they would fade into a timely whodunnit, and one-by-one, delete and not be there; despite their picturesque realism. Indeed, it was a shadowy, illusive, absurdity that seemed to make a home… but not in my eyes only’. To make a long story longer, it was brief, short-lived, and left no recourse, save dire straits. In the end, I guess, the adventure of what did happen isn’t what we care most about, but how we react to it that matters. Simple as that!

  7. you know it sucks that jon and arya didn't meet, i bet they have great chemisrty in scenes together but now theres only potential for a couple of episodes of that ever happening if at all =( and i really wanted cleganebowl. they really seem like they are packing everyhting into season 8 instead!

  8. Sansa didnt fuck Peter Baelish to death. Arya didnt fuck Peter Baelish to death. Brienne didnt fuck Peter Baelish to death. Jon didnt fuck Dany to death (or did he?). Bran didnt fuck anybody, and wont. Hell, there's five without even trying. You can do better than "things that didnt happen."

  9. Have not heard your bye line in a long time, thanks. Honestly I miss they way you were presenting things two years ago but now you seem back. Well, any character can say something on a preview clip like Bran did and not have it in the show. I like speculation videos even if half the stuff is wrong; it's our time to fill. Reading book one now and it's amazing how many things are written about that have happened in S6 and 7. So they can film something during this past season's filming and save it for next season. Really bugged me that Edmure had no scenes and no mentions. Thanks for this. Still have no clue why season 8 will be so far off.


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