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  1. Sansa is still a stuck up dumb dreaming child but takes after cersei and is becoming power hungry, and when Brandon makes his return she might try to setup Bran against John where she would suport Bran becous he would listen to her dumb advices.
    And i think a big conflict between John and Sansa is unavoidable becous Sansa is more Lanister than Stark, she learned to much from cersei and littlefinger and not enough from her father and mother.

  2. I feel episode 9 of S6 would've played out better if Sansa has TRIED to tell Jon about the help coming, but he didn't listen because he thought she was inexperienced/naive… and THEN she saved them… but the way they did it makes her look so bad. 🙁

  3. if Jon vs Sansa becomes ugly and by ugly I mean civil war with horrible consequenses and also based in who's going to rule the north is definately got and I'd like that cause both in books and in show one tiny misunderstanding becomes a tragedy so easily and striving for power is the norm but if it's going to be a family drama of poor siblings relationships and ends up with someone (Bran or anyone else) saving the day before it goes bad or someone's hurt then it will be cheap melodrama , I watched this show cause ned's head fell off when in any other show he'd lived , if the siblings are going to fight with each other I want blood and death and massacre and tragedy and maybe the white walkers inside wall and one of the 2 preferably Sansa dead and no day saviors …. yep I'm bloodthirsty

  4. I think jon snow is going to spend so much time away from winterfell in season 7 this isnt going to happen. its more how arya and sansa are going to conflict with each other and how they find out about littlefinger and his betrayal of there father

  5. i just want sansa and jon to be a couple..they look good together..n sans deserves a good man as a husband after the sadist bastards she's been with..dany already had a good married life with drogo n then a man who loves her for her in daario (whom she left without repentance) so yeah…sans and jon all the way !!! but this is g.o.t so i'll go n read the fanfictions instead…:((

  6. I personally think it is a horrible idea that they would allow JonVs. Sansa. I mean seriosuly, I cried myself tears of joy when I saw at least whatever remains of the Stark family to reunite then they throw it in our faces that 'Yeah, they are gonna kill and turn on each other like the others (I'm looking at the Lannisters, right now cept for Jamie and Tyrion).' I mean, come on! This is just like marking our favorite characters for death just to piss us off and make us cry!

  7. You know what, Sansa is probably one of the smartest characters in this game NOW and no one will listen to her. Sansa told Jon they need more men. Jon rushes off into battle anyway clearly out numbered but honestly not possessing enough common sense to oh, I don't know, not fight a battle he only hoped he could win. Sansa tells Jon don't do the obvious and fall into the trap. What does Jon do? The most obvious thing and falls right into the trap. Sansa had to turn to Little Finger, a man who manipulated her and dropped her off at the doorstep of a monster, for help and she honestly can't stand his guts. She's THE only reason Jon Starkgaeryen is even alive.Will Jon make a good king? Yes. But so would Ned and Rob and they're dead. Lets face it, the Stark men are good and kindhearted people but that is clearly not all it takes to rule or else they'd still be alive. The women in GoT are learning how to get it done and stay alive while doing it. Sophie basically said that Sansa didn't even want to be Queen, she just wants some recognition and Kit said that Jon won't be giving her much of it.

  8. Ok, I know this will amount to a big fat zero but I would like to see Sansa betray Jon and then have Arya get revenge on her sister who, if you remember the first season – Arya and Jon were very close while she and Sansa not so much (she mocked Sansa for wanting to marry a prince and being lofty ectre) – I think it would be cool to find out that Arya blamed all that has befallen her family on Sansa's desires to be a princess (remember Joffrey?) – if handled right it could be a neat twist.

    Just my take. Meh.

  9. It's one thing for there to be a bit of sibling rivalry and tension, but it's another altogether for Sansa for actively plot with LIttlefinger, the guy who basically gave her to a sadistic, murdering, rapist, against Jon. And for what? To rule the north? Jon doesn't give two shits about being King in the north, except for the fact that it allows him to gather the troops to face the Night King.

  10. Sansa being manipulative stems from Littlefinger and all that. But Sansa knows what Littlefingers like. And she suffered Ramsay. Plus Jon, he recognised that he won the battle for Winterfell because of her. I doubt she would want to be like Littlefinger or the Boltons. I felt that when Jon kissed her forehead, it was symbolic. I think she will turn out more like her mother in the sense of being strong on her own, but I think she will be a version of Cat that actually cares for Jon. I don't see her betraying Jon for Littlefinger. Sansa, "I always used to think about what I wanted, never what I had."

  11. All of this seems a bit of misdirection to me. I don't think Sansa would turn against Jon so quickly after he saved her from Ramsay. I also don't think she would be so eager to team up with Littlefinger again after her last experience, unless it would be to marry him, murder him, and take control of the Vale (I don't expect Robyn Arryn to last long) Furthermore, Jon has already acknowledged that Sansa is the real reason for the victory in the Battle of the Bastards. It's never been his ambition to be King in the North, in fact, he probably wants to head South and get warm. He would probably relinquish his title if Sansa asked him to

  12. Sansa had to deal with a lot of things. You can clearly see she doesn't trust easily anymore. I think that's why she didn't tell Jon. When you've been through so much you think different, maybe even smarter. I don't think people should blame Sansa for that. After all without her Jon would be dead and Ramsay still alive. Sansa has improved so much through all the seasons and if it would've been the other way around: Jon didn't tell her, then most of you guys wouldn't make a big deal out of it.

  13. ic don't think there will be a jon vs sansa. First she can't rely on Littlefinger, next she never showed any intention to rule, there is still Cersei to fight, Arya and Brian to find back (she knows they are alive).

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