Arya is heading back to Winterfell in Game of Thrones Season 7. Will she meet with Jon Snow? Sansa? Bran? Will she fight against the White Walkers? Lets make some Arya predictions! Thanks for watching!

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  1. I love Arya and I love your prediction! I hope she plays a big part in helping defeating the white walker too. Maybe with Nymeria wolf pack, that would be awesome. I kinda wish she does not coming back to Winterfell after the twins and just be on her way south to finish off her list. She might end up seeing Jon or maybe even Daenarys.

  2. Arya is the one character whose story line is completely up in the air. I have no idea where she could be heading, so I was pretty keen to hear your thoughts.

    I Agree with your prediction about Jon not being at Winterfell when she first arrives. Bran and Sansa will no doubt be.
    Sansa and Arya are the reunion I am most excited to see. They have both changed so much from the silly/stubborn little girls they once were, waaaay back in S1.

    I'm wondering though, how long she is likely to stay @ Winterfell.
    Her arc is about death and vengeance. And her list is long.
    Unfortunately, I can't see her staying home and sitting around until the finale.

    That's if she even makes it back to Wintferfell. She has a lot of killing to do on the Kings Road. And I don't know how the Red God would feel if Arya were to kill one of his priestesses. Thats if Mel can be killed?
    I'm wondering if she starts delving too deep into the 'art' of being a faceless man, and in the process, begins to lose herself.

    I also think it would be a great (bittersweet) twist to watch her meet up with her dire wolf Nymeria, but have Nymeria reject her, because she has already lost too much of her 'Stark'.

    Arya never wanted to be a Lady.
    I just can't picture Arya at the end of the it all, helping her siblings/cousin re-build the North.
    I think she is either going to die physically, or will take on her 'no-one' role completely.

    Or, it would be fun to watch her reach Winterfell (after slaughtering several houses along the way) , walk around with someone else's face on just to check on her siblings, and then be on her way….off to kill Cersei.

  3. This is an excellent theory. Arya's my favorite character, so I'm looking forward to her kicking some ass this season. I think this season will be more about the game of thrones than the war against the dead. Politics has to be gotten out of the way and Westeros mostly unified to fight a fore like the Others. Besides some terrific reunions, I think she's going to be instrumental in the destruction of Littlefinger, perhaps because she knows about some of his underhanded dealings or learns of them from the Hound. My guess is that she, Sansa and maybe Bran will out Littlefinger for the villain he is and that she will kill him. Perhaps Nymeria will even be part of that. But she does need some Valyrian steel. Needled is normal castle-forged steel as Gendry said when they met. If it had been VS, Gendry would have said so.

  4. Your video quality has improved, especially your speech rhythm 🙂
    I really like the predictions! I hope Arya's story will be better now that she's back in Westeros. I didn't really like her back in Bravos, especially when she let herself be stabbed in the gut by the Waif. Even if Walder's death kinda made up for that stupid faux-pas, I hope she'll get more important (and badass) scenes from now on.

  5. I will be sooooo disappointed if Nymeria doesn't return to Winterfell with Arya. A Ghost and Nymeria reunion would be way cool. In the promo with Arya wielding needle, some thought it looked like she also has the Valerian steel dagger used in Bran's assassination attempt. If your theory is correct, that would be a much better weapon for her.

  6. i like these predictions! Arya is and was my favorite charakter ( please dont let her die!) and I'm looking forward to her meeting jon again and also I hope that she will have some role in the final battle against the night king…


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