In this video I walkthrough my theories predictions and thoughts on what will happen to Arya Stark in Game of Thrones season 7. I do a episode breakdown on what Arya will be doing in every episode of Game of Thrones Season 7. #gameofthrones #GoTS7

Let me know what you think in the comments section down below!



Thumbnail Designer Yannick Boulanger:

Episode Breakdown:

Bran Stark’s Purpose:



  1. I'd definitely prefer your version of the reunion between Arya and Nymeria :')

    But about her meeting Sansa and 'needle'
    I have been convinced that she gave her sword the name 'needle' because of something Jon told her, before he gave it to her along the lines of finding her body after winter is over, frozen, a needle in her hand.
    There's no connection between her sword and Sansa at all and Arya does not really respect Sansa or her priorities.
    That fact won't have changed. She does not hate Sansa, she explicitly said during her stay at the house of black and white that she misses her family, EVEN Sansa.
    But I just don't see this close sisterhood between those two. Sansa used to bully Arya by making fun of her together with her best friend. It's her fault that Arya's friend , the butcher's boy, was slaughtered by the hound and that she had to sent away Nymeria. The old Sansa has chosen her well-being dreamy world over her winter blood and Arya. So there is some sort of grudge inside Arya and I don't think she will kill Baelish under Sansa's command, first of all because Arya does not seem like someone who kills for someone else's sake. Seeing however how she's aware of Little Finger's part in killing their father, she definitely would have a reason to kill him for her own sake.
    Another point of doubt would be the fact that it just seems too predictable.
    'All the living Stark children get together, forget about their differences and avenge their family'

  2. ok, so after seeing the first episode and re-watching this video, I think that it is safe to say that the whole Arya overhearing the conversation with the brotherhood without banners and melisandra is out the door. The brotherhood is already further north than arya, isn;t she? Looks like the Nymeria thing is going to happen, but we shall see next week.

  3. i find it so bs that no1 is bitching about how sansa is the reason thousands of people are killed, the wildlings and other houses and all jon says is we need to trust eachother… WTF she is the reason thousands are dead, melesandra kills 1 girl and they lose their minds but thousands of men and o well dun worry yourself sansa

  4. Nice video but Sansa's letter to Robb in Season 1 didn't say anything about Arya at all. In fact, Cathelyn Stark made a comment about this saying "There is nothing about Arya here".

    I just finished re-watching season 1 that's why I know this. Cool video though.

  5. Yes! The Hot Pie reunion we all need!!! I had hope that it would happen since she was traveling. I love that she'll see The Hound alive, but no interaction. I really want their reunion to include him bringing her The Mountain's head, there was an aside where he said he'd help her cross that name off if he ever ran into him again. I want him to say something like "thanks for leaving me for dead, I brought you gift for that, thought I'd cross a name off your stupid list" and like tosses her a bag and says it's his brother's head, then he'll say he hungry and ask for some chicken. Arya will smile while looking at the bag and say he can have as many chickens as he likes. (But that's just the fan girl in me.) Can you do a video about The Hound? I really love him and soooooooo want him to make it to the end. With him saying he's got nowhere to go once it's over and Sansa and Arya insist he live at Winterfell with them. But I digress. What about her faceless man training? Surely it can't only be Walder Frey's face she'll wear? Will she be wearing her own face when she kills Littlefinger? We can't have spent two seasons with faceless man training just for Walder Frey? And I don't see what use that skill will provide against the army of the dead. Do you think we've seen the last of Jaquen H'gar? He looked really pleased when she left the house of black and white. Surely a man will ask the girl for help with something. He knows her list and knows she will not resist an opportunity to cross off a name. Maybe a certain mad queen who owes the Iron Bank a lot of money. They would totally send a faceless man to kill someone who owed them money. And Cersci was quite obsessed with finding Arya after Ned died. There are a lot of theories that Arya will be the one to do it, possibly the same way Joffrey went. With Arya telling her she was already dead, since she had already drank poisoned wine.

  6. Great Vid – LF is one of my favorite characters but I'm not convinced he ordered Bran's death because of the distance (he was in King's Landing). I think it was King Robert, who knew Ned couldn't do it, so he did it for him. I think Robert gave us a clue when he & Ned had lunch on the road back & Ned sarcastically asked what they would send Darnerys as a Wedding gift & Robert said, " A knife – a good sharp one – & a bold man to wield it." I think he had just done that in Winterfell. He owned the knife & was immune if found out.

  7. I have a hard time wrapping my head around Arya carrying out a death sentence imposed by Sansa… at least once the two of them have returned to Winterfel, and Arya has embraced her own identity as a Stark. It's simply not the Stark way. 
    Remember Ned saying "The man who passes the sentence should swing the sword." I think if Arya executes Littlefinger, it will be based on her own determination that he deserves to die.


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