We take a look back at Season 7. In addition to Radio Westeros, there’s Sean of House Beard plus guests Michal Schick (Vassals of Kingsgrave, Hypable) and Zack Luye (Game of Owns)!
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Great video guys! I sure hope they end this series on a high note next year
I don't know who the new lady is but a great addition. I like her chemistry with Radio Westeros. I never miss an episode.
Shit Sean's on this one I'm out
"In this world, only winter is certain" – Eddard
In the discussion about The Hound, Sean mentioned that he's not sure (unless Cersei goes north) how they're going to logistically get The Hound south again to fight his brother. Well after the Dragonpit scene we didn't see Sandor anymore so why are people so sure that he's gone north again on Dany's ship? Couldn't he have just stayed in Kings Landing to see Cleganebowl through?
A potential scenario might be, The Hound is preparing to go his own way in the world, he's done his job Beyond-The-Wall and is preparing to leave Kings Landing on his own merit. Cersei has him arrested and tried for the desertion of the royal army back in season 2. Then of course a trial by combat leads to Cleganebowl.
I'm just not so sure that Sandor went north again.
Thanks everyone for the wrap up and fabulous content! I appreciate being able to listen to balanced reviews.
isit avail on podcast???
Lol Sean, I have been onboard with you about the Iron Born. I hate their culture and in recent memory they've not amounted to much in the larger scheme of things. The phrase that always came to my mind was, much ado about nothing.
I thought I remembered Liam Cunningham in an interview saying that he had done some comedy on stage which would totally explain his excellent timing and delivery. I love watching him.
The ladies on your show have the best voices!! And I desperately want a house beard shirt! Lol
This is the first time in seven seasons that I've not felt any compulsion to go back and rewatch the season. There were no moments that I truly enjoyed or stood out to me.
I agree with Lady Gwyn that Brienne's eff loyalty comment was about Cersei not loyalty in general. That's why she said " talk to the queen! " Plus else was said they had just come off of a very high tension situation and I'm sure her mind was reeling with the implications of what she had just seen. But I also agree I wish they would have worded it differently.
Show runner couldn't use Bran efficiently and I think and hope GRRM will do much better job and Bran is fucking core ch and first and last POV ….When you change others when cut down euron and when you change wingdings well Bran efficiency reduced in shoiw.
"Mykail what do you think about Bronn?"
"I don't like Bronn…"
Yeah like that wasn't entirely predictable.
I think someone needs to take show Cersei's smart pills away from her.
Great discussion as always. I thoroughly enjoy all your wonderful GoT videos!
I am, however, a little disappointed that no one stood up more for Arya's character arc, and I don't mean specifically in the context of her feud with Sansa this season (I'm completely with all of you in my disappointment with this subplot). When discussing Arya's character, it often goes right to her being a killer and a "badass", and I think focusing solely on those aspects of her does a real disservice to the deeper and more complex layers of her character. Her struggle with identity, her strong survival instincts and street smarts, with her deep desire for love and family make her one of the most fascinating characters in the story to me. In fact, this season was the second time she chose family over murder (when she chose to, at least temporarily, go home instead of continue her quest to kill Cersei). The first was in season 2 when she refused to go with Jaqen to Braavos saying that she needed to find her mother, brother and sister. I also find her line to Gendry ("I can be your family.") to be very poignant in this regard as well.
It was mentioned in your discussion that Sansa has gone through a lot of trauma (which is absolutely true), but so has Arya. Seeing their father beheaded was undoubtedly traumatic for both sisters, but I think it can be argued that it was even more so for Arya because he was one of the very few people (along with Jon) who truly accepted her for who she is — a fiercely independent young girl who has little interest in being bound by the conventions of society. And while Sansa knows the details of the Red Wedding, Arya witnessed first-hand the aftermath of Robb's decapitated body with his wolf's head sewn on top! She has also endured constant loss of both friends and surrogate parent figures (The Hound & Lady Crane), which has left her vulnerable and alone at times (being a blind beggar on the streets of Braavos, for example). She also had a front seat to some pretty horrific things at Harrenhal that really broke her down before she ended up using her cleverness to escape.
Granted, the show squandered great potential this season to explore these nuances of Arya after she returned to Winterfell. But last season, for instance, I really enjoyed the scenes of her at the play and her relationship with Lady Crane. And her reunion this season with Nymeria was a standout (just look at the devastation on her face when Nymeria walks away from her).
Also, don't get me wrong; I love Sansa. I think she's a great character with one of the most transformative arcs, and the dynamic between the sisters is so interesting. I hope we get at least some more exploration of this next season that doesn't involve petty squabbles. I just felt I needed to stand up for a side of Arya that is too often ignored in favour of her "badassery". 🙂 As I've pointed out, there is a lot of internal struggle within her, balancing the darkness with compassion, honour and loyalty.
Keep up the great work. I'm looking forward to lots more in-depth GoT content to come! Cheers.
no Ashaya God Dammit?
Jamie was meant to push Bran I feel, so Bran will look past that just like he forgets other personal feelings.
WIN WIN WIN for Targynecologist. A++
Anyone else think something was wrong with this video? No sound till 36.00?!! Lol
Say what you will about season seven, GoT, but I don't think it can be denied that this has been the best season in the GoT fandom. The collaboration between my favourite podcasters has been absolutely wonderful. I'm so glad you all got together at Con of Thrones.
OWN to GOO for driving me to their twitter feed to find out where 0706Part2 was because I was treated to a retweet form Lady Gwyn about the Restaurant Rando who tried to school her on Bran = Night King. Makes me laugh every time. Almost wish I'd been a fly in the soup.
How would D&D not have considered undead elephants when the giants are riding on MAMMOTHS?
I feel like the NK left Jon alive because it's his link to finding out what's going on in Winterfell. I mean, he's got that psychic connection to Bran, but Bran's the 3ER now and isn't really paying such close attention to little things anymore. If the NK was using Bran to spy on Jon, that could explain how he planned the whole 'trapping of a dragon' bit in the first place.
NK connects to Bran through that vision, so maybe he can see what Bran sees since Bran can see the NK -> Bran knows Jon's going to meet Dany -> Magic came back to the world when dragons were born and the dragons are with the only living Targ in the world (Aemon wouldn't count since he gave up his family when he joined the NW, and everyone knew where Jon was prior to being 'killed') -> NK needs a magic being to take the wall out so he needs a dragon -> Jon comes back north…trap him and LET Gendry escape to send that Raven -> Dany shows up to save the day -> Shoot a dragon down, Win.
Now that Jon's gotten away, the NK could once again use Bran to spy on Jon once he's back in Winterfell, and use that knowledge to either get into Winterfell to raze it, or bypass it and leave it stranded.
Cersei's preggo for sure. The line from Qyburn sounded more like an offer to give her something for morning-sickness, not to abort.
Dany being pregnant…eh, maybe. It'd be interesting if she found out she was and THEN found out Jon is her nephew. Emilia Clarke seems really grossed out by the whole thing but I think Dany would be happy because (up until she was sold to Drogo) she was expecting to marry her brother anyway. Targs keeping it in the family is the best possible thing, and for a lady who thought she was the only Targ left in the whole world, finding out Jon's a Targ as well (A LEGIT Targ) would be the greatest thing. It would answer Tyrion's question about succession and Dany would likely not care if the child is male or female. Jon's already shown he's ready to put aside outdated gender roles in favor of what's best for everyone.
Qyburn…I think he'll die in some mundane way, to contrast with how powerful he thinks he became under Cersei. He'll take a stray arrow or fall off a parapet somewhere during a battle. I highly doubt he'll get a bit dramatic death, and being killed by The Mountain seems 99.9% unlikely.
Arya's whole story this season was really pretentious. I didn't like it at all. The way D&D portrayed her was really inconsistent, petty, and OOC IMO. Their whole handling of Arya has been missing the mark for me entirely after she got to Braavos.
4 hours?! I'm gonna have to do this in two sessions 🤘🤘🤘🤘
This was fantastic, thank you very much for all the quality content!!!
I got the impression at the end of season 7 that while things look good for Cersei right now, Ned Stark will end up being the winner of the Game of Thrones in the end. His legacy will live on in all of his children, including his adopted son Jon and his foster son Theon. Conversely, with the possible exception of Tyrion, the Lannisters will be forgotten.
I choose to believe that Cersei in the show is not that smart and its Qyburn suggesting theses ideas
Regarding the Wall – isnt there a way Castle Black can set off a signal that is visible by the Maesters at Old Town? I imagine Season 8 episode 1 would include the Maesters' reaction to the destruction of Eastwatch-by-the-Sea
That stuff at 1:10:00 about how they handled Arya is just the tip of the iceberg of my criticism of the season, but it began there for me. You go from 7.04 being the type of fan-service mixed with logical plot that WORKS to 7.05 which is ridiculous on almost every single level, in almost every single scene… then doubled-down on in the following episode which is somehow even worse.
Arya and Jon will reunite on the battle field with the Night King, he'll say "No-one can kill him!", so Arya will say something like "Just so? I'll stick him with the pointy end then".
She'll run off, get stuck on the Night King's spear and come back as a super ninja Wight Arya, with needle in hand.
Bran knows about the Walkers crossing the wall too.