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  1. Pretty sure Jon will become the new white king. But like his uncle will be half dead half alive. He will sacrifice himself in order to lead the army of the dead away from everyone.

  2. All of game of thrones is a boot strap paradox. Bran trying desperately to fix things has been stuck in this unending time line as the Nights King. I think he's honing Danny and Jon for the wars to come something to end this cycle of events. As Danny said breaking the wheel.

  3. My theory: IF Bran is the Knight's King, then he is marching to King's Landing to rat-fuck that magnificent cunt Jamie Lannister and his cunt sister and get sweet and eternal vengeance for House Stark. Winter is finally coming for House Lannister who set off this course of events with their treachery. Fuck Lannisters. Live House Stark!

  4. I throw into the pot that there must always be a Lich King in Westeros… ;-P

    Think about the Endgame of Wrath of The Lich King. They are probably pulling that one off since there is such a huge number of undead that can not be all controlled properly.

    I wonder how Qyburn will react to the wight they will eventually bring to cercei.

  5. I'm getting a little annoyed with Bran this season. We spent a full season with him in a cave amassing all this training and information and now that he knows it all, he won't say shit to no one! What's the point? People are risking their lives on suicide mission to help the realm and save mankind and he just sits there? Speak up already! On that crazy pace this season is taking us you'd think he would have done something more to help out. There's only 2 episodes left! Tell your sister about little finger, or better yet, go see Jon! Everyone else is traveling throughout Westeros at lightning speed why not you? How was Missandei having sex with Grey worm or Sam changing chamber pots more important to the plot then Bran's visions is beyond me. We better get something useful out of him before the season ends or I'll be pissed.

  6. Thinking that each White walker that makes other walkers that get killed, those minions die as well. Sortive like a robot or vampire that controls other robots/vampires. Kill the master, the minions die too. Just a theory.


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