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  1. I'm sorry but I get that Kings landing will still have a large army and with the Lannister army to boot what rather Jamie or Cersi is incharge of it that Cersi has a big army…. but what else does she have for her to sit so smuggly on the Iron Throne?
    She just lost her hold in the North, the South Dorne who are ready to declare war alongside the house that was mainly funding the Kings Landing Army the Tyrells. The Vale well I dunno with Little Finger he's tricky and Robin well he'll do whatever he says.
    You then have Dany coming (what Cersi doesn't really know about to be fair). Like WTF! Oh and ofcourse you have the Army of the dead how could I forget, Cersi is fucked! Unless she stocks up big time on wildfire and makes a sort of alliance with the army of the dead – being that cersi would be there only real threat.

  2. It will be interesting to see how this goes. Quite a few storylines were either skipped entirely or dropped without warning over the course of the television series. Others were changed around or expanded upon somewhat. I do want Samwell Tarly to forge his chain faster than anyone else ever has, though.

  3. I agree – I immediately thought of him as a contact for Samwell, probably a Maester, as soon as it was announced. Jim Broadbend is a wonderful actor, and I know he'll be a perfect fit for the GoT cast.


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