The more I thought about it the more ideas I got for a Catspaw Dagger theory. The Valyrian steel dagger that was pictured in the book that Sam was reading at the Citadel Looking forward to finding out how wrong I was but I would love to be right!

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  1. I found more supporting evidence while I was in the middle of my editing but I had to really rush this video since I'm leaving to the UK tonight! I would love to make an update to this one later with all the new stuff I found. I rarely come up with theories so if I messed something up please be nice xD hehe

  2. If the red dragon glass is also used for glamour, then that could be what is keeping Mance Raider from being recognized as Arthur Dane and being that Aria now weilds the dagger herself, could it maybe enhance her abilities to be someone else? Just a thought.

  3. the catspaw dagger once belonged to Raneys Targareyon – and the significance of Ayra now owning it – means she will be the second drgonrider and the song of ice and fire is Danerys and Arya

  4. Rhaegar had Rubys as well. Or maybe Dragon glass? I think it's beyond the magical powers. I think the person who sent it was Brandon rivers to start the war and get bran beyond the wall. It's nothing about healing

  5. At the top of the page it is talking about how the valyrians would heat up dragonglass to make it malleable. Once a stone is malleable they could then infuse it into steel. The sharpness of dragonglass along with it's fiery nature, and with the strength of steel, my best explanation for Valyrian Steel.

  6. my theory, little finger gives it to bran in order to get him to his side now bran is back in winterfell as he knows everything now and only a priceless gift which was used in an attempt to kill him seems like a fitting gift, and since arya is holding it in pics that seems like bran would've either refuse the gift from little finger and then it was schemed on arya or bran would've given taken the gift and then passed on to arya!!

  7. Jesus, I've got simpler theory – Littlefinger will try to finish the job his henchmen couldn't do – to kill Bran. Because all-knowing person is great threat to guy like Littlefinger, who bases his actions on schemes. So he will try to make a move. Then Arya comes back and saves the day and as a reward she gets the knife.

  8. Ooh, I just thought of something. Wouldn't it be cool if whoever has the blade got into a fight with the "white" version of summer, stabbed him and he became an undead version of his old loyal wargable self again. I'm calling it tinfoil but still crossing my fingers 😁😋

  9. The question why this dagger was in the hand of the one who try to kill bran ?
    bran does not need to be killed with this kind of dagger any dagger or weapon could kill him . i am happy any way that he will get back in winter fell and as he know all the crime that little finger did he will ask to execute him

  10. +Because Geek Val, you're the best there was, is and will be at predicting GoT… Sorry I stole some of your predictions to make my friends believe that I'm the best at it 😉

  11. Possible crackpot theory: Littlefinger was behind Robert's rebellion and to secretly celebrate this fact he got a bunch of ruby's on the Trident that came off Rhaegar's breastplate and modified it to be part of the dagger's hilt. Arya finds it and gives it to John to thank him for Needle and it would seem poetic that he would carry something that involved his father's final moments as a second weapon.

  12. If dragon glass can cure grey scale, it'll be so ironic since princess Shireen could have been cured by the huge deposits on dragonStone if Stannis only knew of it's healing qualities. Instead he called healers and maesters from all over the world.

  13. It's also worth noting regarding dragon glass that shireen was cured of greyscale. Whilst on dragonstone (I believe) which has the abundance of dragonglass mentioned

    Plot leak spoiler

    And if youve read the plot leaks it's confirmed sam cures jorah with dragonglass.

  14. Really outlandish here, but if that is a ruby, do you think it could be something to do with Melisandre? She's really old and uses ruby's. Perhaps it's somehow responsible for the Doom or the ruby is being used to glamor it for some reason?

  15. GRRM makes a mistake, imo, in putting it back in Littlefinger's possession, never explains how he reacquired it and it's been sitting idle w/ him for 17– no, 20 –years. He hasn't written about it since Clash of Kings, and has been more interested in fried locust recipes and other Ice and Fire appetizers. … In the show the dagger is most likely where we saw it last, in the Tower of the Hand, where Ned last had it in Sn 1 Ep 7. Arya's heading back to KL as far as we know so we'll see if that's where it was hidden.

    Also it's supposed to have a plain dragonbone handle (books) which explains why Joffrey gave it to the catspaw — he chose the least fancy knife from King Robert's weapons cache, not realizing it was Valyrian steel ( or so Tyrion finally deduces anyway). The show's dagger looks cool but it wouldn't necessarily be the one he chose for the hit attempt on Bran. What a mess. smh

  16. Or valyrian steel is an alloy of iron and dragonglass plus some blood magic. Remember how azor ahai/the last hero killed his love to create dawnbringer. What if dawnbringer simply was the first valyrian steel sword simply by creating an alloy that relied on blood magic?

  17. I think I figured out what’s going to happen. SPOILERS if I’m right.

    The book says that they would sometimes use dragonglass to make the hilts and pommels of weapons. The handle of the dagger is dragonglass. Essentially a “shard of dragonglass”… and where has that come into play before? It’s what created the Night King. Plunging a shard of dragonglass into someone’s heart will turn them into a White Walker. Or in Benjen’s case, stop the transformation if it had already begun.

    Arya is going to have this dagger. She’s intent on trying to kill Cersei. What if… through some struggle or if the hilt breaks free from the blade and Arya only has the hilt when faced with Cersei… she ends up stabbing Cersei in the heart with the dragonglass hilt.



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