Game of Thrones Season 7 Teaser Trailer 2017 | Watch the official teaser video & production trailer for “Game of Thrones Season 7”, a HBO series starring Emilia Clarke, Lena Headey & Kit Harington, arriving in summer 2017 !
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Game of Thrones Season 7 Series
US-Release: Summer 2017
Genres: Fantasy, Drama
Cast: Emilia Clarke, Lena Headey & Kit Harington


Game of Thrones Season 7 Official Teaser Trailer © HBO



  1. i ask me alway if they Use Real Furr for the mantels (like the Northmans Nobles wear)…. and how many animals have to die for it….

    and how this work with the community……
    i dont think that the costumes will used again afer the story is ended….
    or are this "old furrs" surly alot "world savers" under the fan community…. and how they feel and think about….. or is it ok, cause its a real entertainin show….. questions over questions

    but since season 1 i always get this in my mind….

  2. Dont know whether to feel pride or sadness seeing Belfast in this. I served my time in the shipyard and spent a few months during my apprenticeship in that very workshop. Great to have such things in our wee country but sad to lose the shipyard in its wake. Ah well. Everything changes I suppose. Looking forward to season 7


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