Game of Thrones Season 7 – Did Bran Stark Cause…? Theory

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** Potential Spoilers**

Game of Thrones / A Song of Ice and Fire Theory about Bran Stark and the possibility that he affected the Tourney of Harrenhall to ensure Jon Snow was born, and perhaps causing Roberts rebellion and is responsible for the return of Dragons.
What do you think? Discuss!

Art Creds:
The Knight of the Laughing Tree by Octavia Moon
Rhaegar Lyanna Kiss by Mathai

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  1. I think Elia was well aware of Lyanna. Oberyn and Elaria's open relationship and bisexuality could be setting up the surprise that Elia made that crown. The Dragon needs three heads. A stark would unite the kingdoms, plus he was in love. Dorne has no qualms with Polyamourus love and bisexuality.

  2. What if the Knight King and white walkers are on the verge of destroying all of the armies and people of Westeros when Bran realizes that he did something in the past that set all of this in motion? And what if Bran decides to go back in the past and prevent this from occurring, but it means he must sacrifice himself?

  3. I agree with almost everything. First: I think, they won't show us Rhaegar crowning Lyanna with the winter roses. We already heard that story, it would be too expensive to build the whole jousting field, while the scene won't move the story further. Anyway: Rhaegar layed the crown of winter roses in Lyanna's lap = The King of Winter will be born from your lap. I think, the crown of winter roses was more likely addressed their future son, the king, and not so much for Lyanna. If this is true, it means, that in that moment, at the end of the tourney Rhaegar and Lyanna already knew, that Winter is coming and the PWP will be born from their union. I want to see the scene, when they got know that, probably the first conversation between Lyanna, Rhaegar, and yes: Bran.
    So: Howland Reed, squires, Lyanna Stark, the Knight of the Laughing tree disappears, the Mad king sending Rhaegar to find "him". Where could Rhaegar search for a knight, who chose the Old gods as "his" sigil in Harrenhall next to the God's eye? Yepp: on the Isle of Faces. And then they meet there, Rhaegar maybe questions her, threatens her to arrest with the charge of treason for his father's command, Lyanna explains Howland Reed and the squires, and the trees are watching, and Bran interferes.
    We know, that Rhagar knew about the coming Long night, was obsessed with the prophecy of the PWP, believed, that he is that prince, later that his son Aegon is that prince. But, well, Rhaegar – tells Bran – you have missed one big point in your theory: the Ice magic part, the Stark bloodline is as necessary as the fire part, the Targaryen blood. – WTF, the Starks have magical blood either? – What do you think, Prince Rhaegar? I was born as Brandon Stark, the nephew of aunt Lyanna. Would I have been able to become the Old gods if the Starks would not have magical blood either? Our ancestors were Kings of Winter for 8000 years before you came to Westeros, do you think, it is a simple coincidence? Because it is NOT. That prophecy what you are seeking, came from us, the 3ERs in the first place. I am the 3ER right now, during the Long Night. And I need my cousin, the King of Winter to be born from your union to stop the Nightking and the army of the dead consuming us all.
    Lyanna, the she-wolf, the Stark-girl, heard the quote thousand times: "Winter is coming", well, auntie (yes, I am your nephew from the future), it is true: the White Walkers will come back 20 years later, we need a hero to stop the army of the dead killing everyone in Westeros. A warrior from the union of both magical bloodlines. Yepp: it means you and Prince Rhaegar.
    Yes, aunt Lyanna, I know, you are betrothed to Robert Baratheon. (I told Rickard Stark to engage you with him and Brandon with Catelyn Tully), this betrothal will have it's role either, but won't end in marriage. And yes, Prince Rhaegar, I know, you have a wife and two children in KL, but sorry: they won't save the world. They have less magical power in their veins as in yours (Elia does not have magical blood), they won't play a big role in the Great War for the Dawn. If the warrior from your union won't be born (no matter, what the price is for his birth), then 20 years later Westeros and the world will be defenseless against the Nightking and the army of the dead, and everybody will be wiped out. So please: sit down, have a chit-chat, get know each other, because the future King of Winter will be born from your union. Bye, I have to go. Well, I'll come back for your wedding. He needs to be legitimate. Well, maybe it won't matter in the end anyway, but I would like it for my cousin as a gift. So, Prince Rhaegar: make sure, that he will be your legitimate heir. He has to unite all of the Seven Kingdoms after long years of war and rule in the end.

  4. Hi Chris. i believe the only reason they would show the tournament is to show they loved each other. And that rayguird didnt kid nap her. But that they ran off together and had a Secret WEDDING..

  5. Maybe… but for most viewers, not everybody remembers who Lyanna and Rhaegar was, and Jon's parentage mystery needed to be resolved- and just by learning it, Bran has a role here even if he doesn't change the events in the past…. Maybe the point was for Bran to understand that Rhaegar and Lyanna truly loved, and that Jon is a product of two houses, Stark and Targaryan, and the solution to the White Walkers and the upcoming winter is for (supposed rival) houses to unite… You can already see the roots of cooperation with Jaime and Brienn, Dany and Tyrion, Theon and Yara, and who knows what's next. It's becoming more and more clear to me that all the history which seemed not related to the present (in the first book which is by now the only one I've finished) is of far greater importance, now that Bran sees and begins to learn controlling the past. I'm very intrigued to see if The Mad King's "Burn Them All" craziness is also a product of Bran or the previous Three-Eyed Raven.

  6. I think we need to see it because it may be that it's A+L=J instead of R+L=J. I know HBO confirmed it, but I still have a underlying feeling that we have a surprise in store for US here. I don't know why else we haven't "heard" her say it yet. I have no doubt that Rhaegar and Lyana were in love. I just think Aery's might have done something horrible to her to spite Rhaegar. Maybe he "kidnapped" her to try to protect her and baby Jon.

  7. I think you're giving too much credit to the show writers.  I hate to say it, but I think they will show Harrenhal just for the sake of showing it, I don't think they need another reveal, just that the audience expects it and it'll make money.  That seems to be the theme.

  8. People in internet keep overestimating the atention to detail from the producers. Since George Martin is gone and focused in writting the books, we have seen a lot of mistakes. Don't expect anything cool, like a good twist with Bran.

    "The show is long and full of errors"

  9. Showing the Tourney could reveal a stronger link between Jon and the Prince that was Promised/Azor Ahai prophecies. We know Rhaegar was obsessed with fathering said "Prince". Its likely something happened at the Tourney which signaled to him that Lyanna was the final piece to the puzzle. Crowning her the Queen of Love and Beauty put in motion events which fulfilled almost all the requirements, albeit with unforeseen consequences.

    The show may frame it as Bran ensuring Jon's birth or whatever, but I think its really a vehicle to finally and firmly establish that its possible for Dany and/or Jon to be the person described in the prophecies. Up to this point in the show Jon being PtwP/Azor Ahai is only hinted at.

  10. This was very interesting! I do think the show has to give us the flashbacks. They have invested too much in Bran's storyline and the Harenhal story must be told. I think its a possibility we will see more time loop events, but I think Bran learned his lesson and i'm not sure I agree he will actually affect it that much. I agree with you, I think a few twists, but not overdone. He might make a new mistake though….?

    I do think Season 7 has to give us Rhaegar and more info about Jon's father's side. And I really like your theory about there being something more than just Lyanna and Rhaegars love in these flashbacks. I would like to know more about your theories on this??

    I really want to hear more about the crypts. I feel very strongly there is some way Bran will lead Jon down, or maybe Jon might start having dreams. I think D&D has set that up, don't you? How will Jon explore the crypts in the show?

  11. This actually would be something that could be awesome because Bran could find out what Rhaegar was originally planning to do. He had been planning on changing things after the Ruby Ford but didn't get to. That would be interesting as well as shedding light on Lyanna and Rhaegar's story.

    I can believe the show doing it also for ratings because lots of fans are addicted to the whole tragic love story angle. Bran could see the wedding perhaps cause I'm almost positive Rhaegar married Lyanna. His wife couldn't give him more children after all without potentially dying if I remember right and like you said, he needed a third for that three headed dragon.

  12. I'm afraid that last bit doesn't make any sense as Bran doesn't know Jon is important in the war for the dawn…he hasn't seen any of the battles or gone back in time to any of the crucial moments that we as the audience have seen.

  13. Chris,
    What do you about Dany getting to Westeros just to encounter Baylon Greyjoy where he Blow's that horn taking over control of 2 of Danys Dragon's that then go on a rampage burning down King's landing until Drogo kills Baylon which would be the reason why we saw Dany walking through the throne room when it was looking all destroyed and feeling responsible the loss of life in King's landing leaves Tyerion in charge and rides Drogon to help help Jon fight the white walkers in the North??? …whew!!

    P.S you scared me at the end there..I thought you'd been replaced with a clone and was malfunctioning or something when you started speaking gibberish😐😕😟

  14. Do you think that when blood Raven was a crow and the lord commander of the nights watch that craster might be his bastard son with his wildling mother who was chased off by the nights watch by blood Ravens command? And did the children of the forest have blood Raven do this from dreams and wispers of a previous three eyed Raven so craster could sacrifice his sons to the others?

  15. I think they're gonna show the tourney as part of How Bran Shows Jon who he really is in the great scheme of things. I doubt anyone would believe someone saying "Yo, I can time travel, We don't have the same dad." Bran is going to have to bring Jon back to show him things.

    Just throwing this out there though, what if Jon is the knight of the laughing tree? tun dun dun. But I agree I hope there's not a lot of time traveling here, a bit too Sci fi for me.

  16. The tourney at Harenhal could also introduce more information on Howland Reed. To this point in both the books and the show, a fair amount of time has been spent on the Reeds, which really has not been paid off. They haven't done all that much to critically affect the story. But they seem important. Perhaps, establishing Howland Reed at the person who can verify Jon's parentage, as well as developing Rhaegar's character is enough to justify filming the tourney. I kinda doubt they'll do another time loop thing as it's sort of gimmicky.


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