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  1. Fuckin love the music they use while the Dothraki are charging…. After I saw it I though how sweet it would have been if that music was playing as the Undead army marches to the wall (even more nerdy as all of Castle Black or East Watch chants the oath)

  2. GOT seems to be unfair here.. why didn't jammie was killed or caught.. ? he was facing whole army with dragon and still managed to swim across the river/lake without anyone noticing… howz this even possible…

  3. Dothraki are slavers and rapists, for now they serve Dany, the dothraki have more essosian blood on their hands than the Lannister soldiers do from the wars. You'd be better off losing to the Lannister army than the dothraki.

  4. I like their reaction when they see how many dothraki are. I like their reaction even more after Jaime says it's possible to handle IT and they see the dragon.


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