Daenerys Targaryen is the Mother of Dragons. She has three Dragons – Drogon, Rhageal and Viserion but she has only ever ridden Drogon.

Will she ever ride Rhageal and Viserion? Have they forgiven her for chaining them inside the pyramid? Will they be used in the war like Drogon and will they ever get their own riders?

In this video I discuss how I feel about the two forgotten dragons and what is next for them.

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  1. It always pissed me of that:
    1. She locked the dragons in the dark, which is assume is the worst thing you could do to a dragon.
    2. She locked them for NO REASON. Drogon ate a girl and somehow the other 2 get punished despite the fact that they never did anything wrong. Daenerys is an idiot, and it's a good thing that…………….SPOILER ALERT HERE!………………………

    ……..she lost Viserion to the Night King. We know for a fact he'll be treated better, at least now he matters to someone.

  2. I'm glad I'm not the only person of this opinion. I think it's a shame the show hasn't done more with viserion and rhaegal. I really hope it's coming in the future. As far as being chained up, I think it would be really nice if they were able to show a conflict between the dragons wanting to be with dany, as she's their mother, and still being angry over being locked away. I think it would add some much needed complexity to the dragons personalities.

  3. @fentony need u to look at something. Someone on here said tht we knew the super duper close up was rhaegal. So I've been analysing.. Look at the close ups of drogons mouth from the last episode and in the second trailer. U will see that he has no teeth in the centre of the bottom row.. Then the super duper close up from the trailer, the dragon has teeth there.. Please look at that and tell me what u think. It might be rhaegal and he might be protecting Jon. Or bonding with him.. Let me know

  4. i think they wrote the show to make them over it. if they were pissed, why wud they care if she left meereen and refuse to eat? as i said, for them to suddenly get back pissed after being over it doesnt make much sense. dont think they have to turn on her to get riders. so oif Jon rides Rhaegal, dont think it wud be a betrayal or out of hate for his mother, he just found a rider…

  5. PS. that scene when they are being locked away in the pyramid is for me the most heart breaking thing ive ever seen and i absolutely cannot rewatch it. they were screeaaming for her. so sad.

    this is why i cant handle it if one of them dies. i just cant. if i see it happening i will close my eyes.

  6. but i am upset tht we dont know what kind of personalities they have tho.. we know drogon is aggressive, stubborn, and overall the "bad child" we know him… but we dont know hoe friendly the other 2 are… i think the only thing we can take from the episodes is that they are obedient. if Dany ever got drogon to go beneath the pyramid i think his persoanlity would make him lash out at her even more than the other two did. the fact tht she even got them in there in the first place, n that they are still following her and not holding a grudge, means that they have a softer personality and are more obedient. but jeez. wud like to see some direct interaction with them. at least once

  7. I really want Rhagal to swoop down in front of Jon to protect him while Dany tries to intimidate him when she's on Drogon. I suspect she's going to try the whole "bend the knee" thing again while on top of Drogon as an intimidation factor, maybe threatening to roast him if he doesn't, and Rhagal will face off against Drogon forcing him to back down cause he's kind of playing injured right now. Jon will reach out and pet Rhagal, then he'll go into the "climb on board and let's go for a ride" stance. Jon will wonder what the dragon is doing, but I don't think Dany will tell him. I don't think she wants anyone else to ride one of her dragons. As far as Viserion, I would love for him to fly up and land next to Tyrion while he's alone and trying to brood on the cliff. He is the one who unchained them and I don't think we've gotten the full payoff of that scene. (Also one of my favorites as well.) Viserion could potentially be friendly towards him and maybe give him the comfort to move forward that he needs right now. Cause I think he's about ready to start drinking himself into that early small coffin again.

  8. Just posted a comment, and forgot the most important thing. I'm a subscriber, and really try to leave a ✓. Your channel is greatly appreciated. Well thought-out and definitely not ranty, or raving, or being a show off. Just a fan, who takes precious time and effort to share your thoughts.

  9. I think it is 'unrealistic', if anything about dragons and GoT is realistic, that the dragons will be tame little pets.Drogon growled at Dany, Drogon burned a child.Why now that they are grown can we expect them to be well-behaved and discerning.I think since the dragon-lore to which you have referred has not been mentioned in the series, it may not hold as true in this version. I wouldhave thought someone would have said something. We need to see more of Viserion and Rhaegal, I agree. They are underutilized in the plot.

  10. Good suggestions Fentony. I am with all of that. It would be great to see a scene of Jon bonding with Rhaegal while Dany and Drogon are at Highgarden. For instance, while Jon is alone outside, Rhaegal follows him and checks him out of curiosity and Jon realizing that he is not a threat and reach out to touch him and is allowed to.

    Perhaps it is possible that a stronger bond be formed between Rhaegal and Jon than the one between the dragon and his own mother, Dany. After all, as you pointed out, they, Rhaegal and Visarion were upset at her for locking them up back at Mereen and later got sad and depressed when they left alone. They are thought to be smarter than humans so it would stand to reason that they would be side-eyeing her since that treatment.

  11. I agree that they would be less detached but they were freed and seem to be okay with her and perhaps they are bonded with 'each other'? How will losing one affect the others? I too would love to see Rhaegal bond start interacting with Jon. The weird thing about the one named after her brother is… I would have never named a dragon after him… don't get why Dany did that? He was such a whiny creep that was very abusive with her. Having that dragon die of the three is less of a sorrow based on the name… though it's still a loss. I am worried that the show creators will not have a dragon bonding with Jon just because of budget which would be very disappointing. The dragons seem very independent. Drogon while bonded with Dany and definitely a protector and supporter of her goals, still feels as independent as her Dothraki Khal husband was. The dragons are growing up and perhaps not immature enough to be vindictive toward their mother.

  12. So everyone knows, based on the episode 5 trailer, that drogon lands in front of jon and that drogon roars. But what if reagal come up behind jon to defend him (Cuz of the season 7 trailer with reagals snout)

  13. I hope Rhageal bonds with Jon at Dragonstone… senses he's in trouble beyond the wall goes to him and then Jon rides him to escape.. much the same thing happened when Dany first rode Drogon…I don't want to see any of the Dragons die. The smaller dragons , we don't see them as much, or sense their personalities, I was hoping they would be part of more Dragonstone scenes. I had also hope Jon would have Ghost with him when he went to dragonstone…the thought of jealous pets was mostly in that !!!! snarls snaps bursts of flame growling and such..laughing !

  14. they're her children it's like if your mom grounds You for awhile you'll be mad atm but not forever especially not years later besides they've done the whole not being able to fully control her dragons already it was an obstacle that she already over came

  15. Thanks….people need to stop with this mad queen shit,,FFS Cercie would've blasted all on the spot, she could have took 3 and caused shiiiit but jon had a word…peace mate 😨


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