HBO has released the final Game of Thrones Season 7 Promo images before the show starts again. The first episode “Dragonstone” will air this Sunday and these pictures confirm where certain characters will be. Let’s break it down!

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  1. Yeah… people in this world all seem to be able to recognize Valyrian steel when they see it. I mean, maybe those who are completely ignorant about weapons and such wouldn't know the difference, but I'm pretty sure Meera would know. And even if she didn't, Bran sure knows what it looks like. It would be kinda dick-ish of him not to say anything.

  2. I think bloodraven helped and trained bran all because of Jon snow, he didn't show bran the tower of joy scene for nothing he knew he + hodor was going to die in the cave too and that bran would go back and see for himself what happened when ned went into the tower of joy and Jon snows importance , he also knew bran wouldn't be physically able to do any thing in the war to come but Jon would and will, bran is the new 3eyed raven so his job is help Jon snow kill the night King because he can get some info from the weirwood trees + the info Sam learn from the citidal might help too

  3. Great video. But I do have to say I believe there was some subtle foreshadowing to Meera acquiring a weapon like Dark Sister. In he episode where she and Jojen first meet Bran and Asha threatens to stab Jojen with a spear, Jojen calmly says "I'm unarmed" to which Asha replies that was poor planning Jojen tells us "My sister carries the weapon" this tells me that it will not be a stretch for someone like Meera to wild a valerian sword when the time comes. She is a warrior , a fighter. I willing to bet she is holding Dark Sister

  4. 3:47 = Yes, finally we get to see a S#7 image of Ed or should we say Lord Commander Ed seeing as how he is sporting the same LC's robe that Jon gave him after executing Thorne & Olly in S#6 🙂

    We know that The White Walkers & their legions of Wights will more than likely breach The Wall, slaughter many if not all of The Night's Watch than begin crossing into Westeros all in the closing moments of the S#7 Finale but I really hope that Ed will survive the seemingly inevitable massacre at The Wall so he can ride out as fast as humanly possible to Winterfell so he can warn his good friend King Jon Snow that The Night King & his undead forces have finally arrived!!! I would love to see Ed reunite with Jon and fight alongside The White Wolf one more time in S#8's Great War for The Dawn 🙂

  5. You make good videos but once you start saying that you start getting sick of some actors of game of thrones it kinds of makes me doubt your loyalty to the show and originality of your videos… other video makers are always excited.

  6. "The Night's Watch don't have many men left." Hopefully now that he is KitN, Jon will send them plenty more men. He knows how badly they need more men after all and was very fustrated when no lords wanted to send him men when as the Lord Commander he requested them.

    EDIT: Castle Black had over 100 men before the Wildling battle and after Hardhome Jon at one point says something about 40 or 50 odd (I forgot which). But both were Castle Black numbers only not the entire KW. The numbers for the other two active castles are never stated. But since CB is the main one I assume they have less than the 100 or so that CB started with.


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