Game Of Thrones Season 7 Episode 1 Valyrian Sword Theory. Bran Stark, Meera and The Bloodraven’s Targaryen Blade Dark Sister and Book History Explained ►
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  1. The GOT show-runners are far from subtle, and if that sword was supposed to be Dark Sister I'm sure they would have had her kill a white walker with it during the escape or had the 3-Eyed Raven provide some background on it.

  2. Now that jorah has grey scale could he be the perfect candidate to enter valyria to retrieve 'lost steel' either swords armour etc?

    Oh and more theories about the Prince that is promised

  3. As someone who has yet to read the books, thank you for doing the show AND book comparisons and breakdowns. Unlike some of the other channels, all your theories actually make sense and follows along with the episodes. Even if they don't come true, at least there is some logic to the theories. Unless Benjen is going to keep popping up out of the blue, until Bran is somewhere protected by magic that his arm mark doesn't make obsolete, he will need the protection of a person with Valyrian steel. He's at risk otherwise and it would mean that Meera's brother sacrificed his life for no reason and Benjen was semi-saved for no reason. I have to go back to doublecheck but I'm pretty sure that Meera was able to kill a wight with the sword whereas the children weren't able to kill any with their spears. I remember wondering at the time why that would be, NOW it makes sense.


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