It’s only 5 days away, but here is my breakdown of the Game of Thrones Episode 2 Preview. What surprises will S07E02 “Stormborn” bring? Nymeria, Littlefinger getting a choke down, a blow to Daenerys’ odds.

HBO preview of Season 7 Episode 2 Stormborn at:

Also, check out Carmine RedTeamReview’s preview analysis:

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▬▬▬▬ Information ▬▬▬▬

Game of Thrones is an American fantasy drama television series created for HBO by David Benioff and D. B. Weiss. Based on the fantasy novel series, A Song of Ice and Fire by George R.R. Martin. A Game of Thrones is one of the most successful television series to ever made and continues to captivate audiences all over the world. The series is set on the fictional continents of Westeros and Essos, and interweaves several plot lines with a large ensemble cast. The first narrative arc follows a civil war among several noble houses for the Iron Throne of the Seven Kingdoms; the second covers the attempts to reclaim the throne by the exiled last scion of the realm’s deposed ruling dynasty; the third chronicles the rising threat of the impending winter and the legendary creatures and fierce peoples of the North. Game of Thrones Episode Review. Game of Thrones Season 7. Dance of The Dragons. Stannis Baratheon and Melisandre, Shireen, Lady Stoneheart, Sansa Stark and Daenerys Targaryen, Jon Snow, Olly, Samwell, For The Watch, stream, HBO. reaction. episode 2 preview game of thrones episode 2 preview game of thrones episode 2 preview game of thrones episode 2 preview game of thrones official explained



  1. Dear Pres, I just saw ep.2 before watching you. Good predictions. I predict that the Long Night will come, one way or another, and at series end we will discover that the Others caused the last Ice Age of Earth 10,000 years ago; Westeros is Europe from prehistorical times . . .n.

  2. Question for Preston: Doesn't greyscale numb the skin of the effected? When Tyrion is pulled into the water by a stone man in the book they prick his skin to see if he has any sensation – if he can't feel anything then it's an early sign of him getting the disease. Shouldn't that mean that if you have greyscale your skin is like concrete and you shouldnt feel pain when it is peeled off?

  3. REALLY surprised Preston didn't lay into the Messandei/Grey Worm romance more (Normally get a Aarrghh!! for those scenes),…nice bodies (HBO fan fare, I get it),…but "Hello" there is only 12 episodes left,…think they can use their time more wisely.

  4. Just finished watching E2. I thought it was pretty good, all things considered.

    How did Euron know of this secret transport, and how did he find the right ship on the open ocean? There were other problems (is "blew up" a concept in the Middle ages?), but I think this episode pointed us in some right directions.

    Nymeria abandoning Arya was a cool scene. Looking forward to Preston's review, as always!

  5. wait a minute….. with all of that targaryen incest, it would not surprise me if Danerys and Jon got married as part of an alliance pact but Bran was only able to tell them about the Jon's parentage after either the marriage ceremony or its consummation. either way it seems like something thats possible considering all the already existing parallels.

  6. Jon Snows father is Ser Arthur Dayne, that's what Lyanna whispered. Protect the Kings Guard who broke his vow. Ned took Jon and Howland Reed took his twin sister, Meera and Arthur Danes sword, Dawn. Howland Reed will bring Jon the sword at some point.

  7. I loled hard at the Royce/Vale thing, even LF by extension. These guys litterally saved their asses and all they get are brooding stares by the northeners. Why? Because they're secondary characters…

  8. Jon is not going to Dragonstone so he can get Dragonglass. He is going there so that he can miss meeting Bran once again, and so that D&D can show of their shiny teleportation magic.

  9. I'm hella exited for The moment tyrion and jon have a scene together again. They seemed to be kind of bonding and in the books he repeatedly thinks about Jon and the wall, I believe he thought about Jon when considering taking the black during his trial and when he's shipped across the narrow sea.

  10. If Euron destroys Dany's fleet, and all of Dany's troops are trapped on an island which has no resources… Won't all of Danearys's troops die?
    Dothraki horses need a great deal of grain to survive, and Dragonstone has little to none. Once the horses go, then the people start starving. All the while Euron's fleet blockades Dragonstone, and allows the Lannister coalition to focus on the Reach & Dorne.

  11. When Bran witnesses Ned & Lyanna & their conversation about Jon in her bed of blood was it completely clear to Bran that Rhaegar was the father of the new born baby? If so, what part of that scene made that clear?

  12. How is it possible no Starks, or anybody of importance, know about Little Fingers knife to Ned throat? The Throne room was packed when that happened, Sansa was married to Tyrion, had Shay buzzing all over the place, had relationships with people at court. Aria did a walk and talk with the Hound all over the kingdom, the subject never came up? The Hound and the Merry Men have surely heard of the Role, Little Finger played in the Battle of the Bastards, the Hound didn't mention Littlefingers treachery then? Beric Dondarrion, hasn't run into any old pals from court who knew the story by now? The guy runs into everybody in his travels. It just does not make sense that something like, Little Fingers public treachery isn't being performed in stage productions about Neds beheading, let alone known by anybody.

  13. Dan Weiss to David Benioff:  "Hey Davey I just had an ultra cool bad ass idea man"

    David to Dan: "Oh yah, what's that buddy ol pal?"

    Dan: "Well what if the Night King was actually…Rhaegar Targaryen?" 

    David: "OOOhhh no way that's totally cool! gotta put that in the script."

    George Martin: "Hell No" Over my dead body."

    David: Hey Danny are you thinkin what I'm thinkin?

    David: You mean Red Wedding George Martin?….

    Both:Let's Do it!

  14. lol love how your at the end like are behind the scenes schemers even relevant anymore in the shows universe for anyone who dosen't read the books that's pretty much everything their about – oh how far we have fallen XD

  15. It makes no sense how the Sand snakes and Ellaria could take Dorne, after slaughtering Oberyns family to avenge(?) Oberyn naturally the other houses in Dorne would rise up all wanting the paramouncy. House Yronwood would be the likely successor to the Martells. Really bad writing

  16. The Tomb scene is a Mirror of the Ned +LF scene in season 1…LF will try kill off Jon just like he did Ned. As you say he has ceased to be very relevant so they will make him sand in the good guy machine.


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