Winter is here! Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 2 Stormborn is in the books so it is time to review it! There will be spoilers for this episode so be warned.
In this breakdonwn I recap the episode and give my thoughts.
What happened in this episode? Did anyone die? Did any major characters meet for the first time? And what shocks does GoT have in store for us. Let’s find out!
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I loved the Greyworm and Missandei scene, they are my two favorite characters. Finally glad to see them get more scene time because they are two amazing actors. Since one of them is dying this season, that just gives me another reason to not want to watch the show. But the rest of the episode was decent.
did they recast tyene sand? it did not look like the same girl. oh well rip all of them. Thanks Euron.
Do you think Bronn will possibly save Tyene Sand to return the favor of the antidote?
Poor Jon, all the crap has fallen on his head, I am thinking of the scene where he is in his room, alone, going over, no worrying over the map.. Not even Ghost there for company. He knows they are screwed if the Whites get over the Wall, cool how the shot shows the burned down candle, a book of some kind, and messages around the map he is pouring over.. All alone and no one to help him.. Then besieged by his Banner men in the Great Hall over his decision to go and meet Dany for the sake of the North.. They made him king, he didn't ask for it, he didn't want it, he will do his best to protect them.. Loved the look on Sansa's face when he told her he was putting her in charge while he was gone, she is going to have to take responsibility now, not just whine about no one listening to her when she has no suggestions worth listening to… Well honey the ball is in your court now..
Little Finger isn't going to piss up his back and call it rain, how it was he who brought Ned's bones back and how everyone has under estimated Jon….. Last straw though, he loves Sansa, yeah, selling her off to the biggest sadist in the North as a token of his love… I am glad that Jon and Sansa had that little conversation about him in Winds of Winter, Jon should have killed him not just warned him.. But then again, the Knights of the Veil may not have taken kindly to that, so Jon didn't totally lose it..
Tyrion has a lot of respect for Jon and isn't about to tell him that Dany wants him to bend a knee… Jon respects Tyrion as well, he is mistaken to think that Sansa knows Tyrion better than he does.. Yes, she knows that Tyrion was kind and patient with her, but she also was totally repulsed by him the whole time, I doubt she really values him for the man he is.
Dany seems to be turning into Cersie part 2, I see both Tyrion and Varyes turning against her eventually in favor of Jon..
The sea battle seemed too easy, as if there had to have been a spy in Dany's camp because Euron seemingly was waiting in ambush…. I doubt it was simply a good guess. So who is the turn coat here? Reek maybe?
LF is so out of character. Like what did he expect Jon to do? Why did he tell him all these things? It's like he wants to get himself killed. Or rather, the writers want to get him killed, so they make him do absolutely pointless and dumb stuff. I'm so angry at the show right now.
Why is LF still in Winterfell? LF is certain that there are White Walkers, Wights, and the Night King is real. So he is in the path of them. So why is he still there since they first to be conquered. Does he secretly want to be a Wight?
Theon made the choice to live. It was more than Reek returning. He looked at his odds and KNEW he couldn't win. Running from something that WILL kill you no matter what you do isn't cowardice. Leaving someone who you love in that situation isn't easy. It's far scarier than death itself. He knows there will be consequences, and he did it anyway. I think it was both cowardly and brave.
Too bad that Arya finally goes home to Winterfell and Jon won't be there! Sad…
Did Jon make a mistake like Ned by making his intentions known and to the same man that caused Ned to be beheaded.
My favorite part was Arya at the Inn of the Crossing. She was just like the Hound eating his chickens! "Got any ale?"
He better get the raven back because 'old' Jorah is getting cured. Wooohooo.
Did they say in the episode the Dothraki would be taking C. Rock? Seemed rushed to me, all of a sudden attacking K. Landing that fast. So far this season has really been hurt by pacing issues.
Let me paint a picture …Theon goes for Euron, who is a better & more experienced killer. Euron kills Yara when Theon is within reach and then kills Theon. Boom Euron has no more kin threatening his reign and all the Ironborns will follow him. Now let's see what did happen. Theon ran. Now Euron has to keep Yara alive as bait to get Theon. Theon gets to regroup and find a different way. He cannot take Euron, one on one (how'd that work out for Yara, a more skilled fighter than Theon), so Theon either needs some element or surprise, a better plan, and / or a powerful ally. Never let a stronger fighter bait one. Many a brave person has lost a battle. Better to know when to run, appear a coward and have a chance at victory. I think that after meeting with Nymeria that Arya realizes that Winterfell holds little promise as long as Cersei is on the throne. She has skills which do her brother little if she returns to Winterfell, but if she takes care of Cersei then the North will be better off. I think that she will be there for Cleganebowl, and with the face of a valynquar wrapping her hands around Cersei. Melisandre said that she would close various eyes including green. Possibly the blue eyes is Arya killing the Night King as well ๐ป๐ฅ๐ก๐ฒ๐บ
Edd brings Bran and Meera back to Winterfell next episode, and I'm hoping we get a glimpse of Gendry in King's Landing next week too.
I agree with you on so much.
I was really upset over the Daenerys/Varys interaction. How is she going to listen to him if she becomes mad like her father? I am losing affection for Dany. And I truly fear that she will take Olenna's advice to heart too hard and goes against any temperance advised by Varys and Tyrion. Dany is going to be trouble.
I am also worried about Sansa holding the North. As much as she has stood form to Little Finger, he is counting on this very situation for himself and it is not going to go well there, either. Sansa will not be strong.You could see her fear. I wish Jon had had a heart-to-heart with her about Baelish.
I loved seeing HotPie and the pie reference was fun! I was a bit disappointed in the interaction with Nymeria.I hope she shows up again, but I also have doubts that she will.
I am not torn up about the Sand Snakes; they were annoying.
Randyll Tarly is a horrible man for what he did and was willing to do to his son, Sam, but I saw honor in the man. I understand the regard that he has held among the nobles.
I believe that the theory that Sam has written The Song of Ice and Fore has been cemented by Maester Marwyn telling him that when he goes to write his own history to make it accurate but to have style. Or was that too obvious, do you think? Maybe it isn't as widely held a belief among the millions of fans who do not delve into analyzing the way we do? What do you think, Fentony?
Loved Jon Snow handling lil Finger can't wait till he gets his!!
i didnt like that little finger and varys get jetpacks to go around westros in but cant get 1 to arya so she can see jon before he leaves thats bullshit
Theon's actions weren't cowardice dying in front of his sister wouldn't have helped anyone live to fight another day maybe with better odds
I knew Reek was back when poor Theon saw all the mutilation that was happening around him on the ship. He was swinging his sword and fighting fairly well just before Euron called him to save his sister, but his captivity and torture by Ramsey hit him hard again and he froze. He just couldnt think of going thru that ordeal again as a captive. I can only assume the divine story for Theon is for him to kill Euron, as revenge for Yara( I think she will be killed and Theon will have to face that he abandoned her and Theon will come back) one can hope…
Leave all your thoughts on the episode here! I have just seen on twitter that a Ghost/Jon Snow scene was filmed but it was cut. I guess that means there is no more chances for a Jon Snow and Ghost scene this season. It really suck that Ghost always gets left out ๐
Next episode preview will be broken down tomorrow and then I will be doing predictions and theory videos. Any request that you have please leave them here.
Thanks for watching and I'll see you in the comments!
Gray worm scene was a bit much and unnecessary in my opinion
The show sucks so far this season
First โ๐ผโ๐ผโ๐ผโ๐ผ