Game of Thrones Season 7 episode 2 (Stormborn) just dropped and we give our initial reaction to the episode. We give an in depth review as well as a overall breakdown to the scenes in the show. This episode we see Arya reunite with Nymeria, Sam tries to cure Jorah with Dragonglass, Jon leaves to parlay with Daenerys while Daenerys plans her attack on Westoros.

Let me know what you think in the comments section down below!



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  1. Agree with you 100%. Mylod is the weakest director… that battle scene could've been amazing, and he made it choppy and shaky. Awful. I counted cuts at least every 3 seconds in that entire sequence. The transitions between scenes were lazy and didnt have a nice flow to them, it felt like you were just walking in the middle of a conversation, no continuity whatsoever. It felt like a vlog, even the score was sooo blah this episode. He's honestly such a poor director it's so frustrating… he's directed the worst episodes in the entire series and he's directing the next one!

  2. I agree that the battle at sea scene was a complete mess. It looked liked a giant melee and then Euron emerges as the obvious victor. It's really a shame because it could've been executed much better. The rest of the episode was good and was happy that it moved quite well through the story arc.

  3. Loved this review! So funny and right on! I had to watch the battle scene again to try to see everything, and the Titanic reference…Trev, you crack me up. Bran needs to get his ass to Winterfell, and show Sansa some scenes (and then they get rid of Littlefinger). Need more Nymeria (and Ghost)!

  4. Dudes, you trash two "confusing" action scenes in the episodes he directed. You haven't figured-out by now GoT action scenes are typically more about psychology, themes, mirroring and POV? The director was tasked with delberately emphasizing the confusion that arya and yara were thrown off balance by. and how they were experiencing it themselves' Both arya and yara were ambushed and didn't know where they were being hit from. They were both vulnerable fighters wanting to defend themselves against malevolent and demented evils attacking them from god-knows-where. Evils enjoying themselves freaking-out the prey they were stalking. The.viewers see and feel the confusion, the grip of fear and the powerlessnes of arya and yara. Are you rejecting RRM for flipping expectations, conventions and stereotypes, rather than consistently delivering easy-to-follow action sequences you prefer? Sigh.

  5. I actually liked the sea battle. So dark and confusing; it felt just like you were in it – crazy and horrific. He really focused on the 3 main characters at the end…Theon falling back into Reek, Yara shock and disbelief at Theon's betrayal…at the wonderfully crazy of Euron.

  6. I can see Sansa's point of view.  I'm not a big Sansa fan, but…She is the one who is looking to take care of the North, because Jon IS only looking at the BIGGEST picture.  Unfortunately, no one but Jon has seen the walkers.  Sansa just doesn't have the finesse…doesn't seem to know how to do the Parenting thing…united front and question behind the scenes…Jon is REALLY good at the bull in a china shop thing

  7. When the episode ended I was like,, "shit!! Dorne is out of the game for a long time"!
    Hopefully their blades soked in the same asshai-poisen as Bronn nearly died from. Then we wouldnt have to worry about Euron too long,, yet i think that would bee too easy.

    Sansa seems more and more like Cersei, sadly!

  8. "Why would Jon get mad at Littlefinger?" lol! Ignoring all previous fuckery involving Sansa, how about "hey bro, I wanna bang your sister almost as much as I wanted to bang your step mom woo woo! Oh, hey Ned's crypt. You're welcome btw, now kiss my ring, bitch!"

  9. stop hating on sansa. Jon was wrong for not talking to her about any of this, the north is just as much jons as it is sansas and she should have a say in what is going on. sansa stark is the true born daughter of ned and Caitlyn stark and she deserves to rule the north. as her father would have wanted

  10. Another thing that I noticed was the look on Sansa's face when Jon turned over the North to her. I hope that she had her pooping pants on, because she looked like she needed them at the moment.


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