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  1. I don't understand the Jaime/Brienne shipping thing. Do you hate Brienne? She is a very good person. Jaime is a very bad person. IRL, bad people have some good qualities and some good moments, but they're still toxic garbage. Nonetheless, there is always someone around them justifying and making excuses like Jaime did about Cersei when he was talking to Olenna. Jaime fans do the same thing.

  2. I found it very odd that Jorah Mormont having had a massive case of grayscale, after having it removed has very little scarring. I would have expected massive cuts, and the such. It's as if something simply got stuck to his skin and expanded.

  3. Sorry to say this but i Think GRRM quote about Jon being a wight brought back to life by fire instead of ice kind confirms your theory about Davos bringing Jon back to life is wrong. Unfortunately your theory about the power of belief to.

  4. Do you think jorah will have a big part to play in defeating Euron?
    He was one of the main guys at Pyke during the Greyjoy Rebellion and did well enough to be knighted
    Could he be the Greyjoy killer needed to beat Euron?

  5. I still think Cersei will die sitting on the Iron Throne fulfilling Davros' prediction of a skeleton on the Iron Throne. I think she is last survivor when the army of Dead has invaded King's Landing and she ignites the wildfire taking them all out.

  6. My favorite parts had to be when Tyrion mitigated for Jon and Dany, both scenes. "I wouldn't do that….to you". "you didn't even know it was there". But "you look much better bruding than I do" was probably my favorite lol…
    On another note, did anyone else think it was stupid of Varys and Mel to stand atop the mountain looking like dragon food? They eat people. Even her followers, like that kid in Mereen. And they're not familiar enough. Varys' head looks like a little egg. Reptiles love eggs!

  7. I am pretty sure that is not the same poison because that poison starts taking effect shortly after it enters the body and recall qyburn saying that the poison make take a long time kill her and would decay her body as it were

  8. Like her or not, Olenna Tyrell went out like a boss dropping the "I killed Joffrey" line like a mic. And I think her death will motivate Dany to "be the dragon," like Olenna told her to, and Dracarys the hell out of everything. Also, I don't think Sam's "punishment" of copying all the scrolls and books is a full on punishment, but they're the texts from the restricted section he originally wanted. I loved Davos' intro as well! It made me chuckle. Jon Snow is not all high fluting like Dany is with her bazillion titles – "This is Jon Snow, he's the King in the North (and your secret nephew)" enough said. Dany thinks she should be queen because of her last name versus Jon who was chosen king by the entire North and the Vale, not to mention the free folk even though they don't have a king but Tormond is their leader and one of his besties so pretty much them too. When Dany asked Medandi for advice a couple seasons ago, she told her that she's watched her ignore her advisors because only she saw the right way. So girlfriend needs to tell Tyrion and Varys that she tried it their way and it didn't work, quite spectacularly, grab her Dothraki (cause you know they're just itching to start killing people) and fly off with the dragons. And the fleet being burned at the Rock and the Unsullied (with Grey Worm the not so unsullied anymore) being trapped there may not be as bad as we think. I think the tide for Dany will turn in the next episode, with Jamie & Co. being trapped between the Unsullied on one side and the Dothraki and a couple of dragons on the other. Seriously, Dany needs to be her and I think the dragon is about to get woke. I did like the one on one scene between Dany and Jon, when he said he didn't like what he was good at I think he meant fighting and killing people. I hope that she drops the whole "bend the knee" nonsense and possibly seeks him out for council. And I think that could be a real possibility once Jorah returns to her, because of his connection and gratitude towards Sam. And upon learning that it was Jon's BFF who cured his greyscale, maybe Jorah returning to his Kahlessi cured as she commanded will finally pull him out of the dog house, and he'll be able to convince her to actually listen to him. He's a northerner just like Jon is so I don't think it's going to take too much to convince him about the army of the dead, and maybe finding out Jon was his dad's steward and saved him from a wight could come back to help the northern cause. I'm so over Cersci and all the King's Landing nonsense, if I was Dany I'd jump on Drogon and fly over in the middle of the night and just Dracarys the Red Keep in the middle of the night with Cersci inside. Problem solved. Now let's focus on the real enemy.

  9. #1 I do not believe it is coincidence that the Dragon flew over the heads of Tyrion, and Snow, just as he mention's he is not a Stark.

    #7 I loved the Lady of Thornes she did what she had to do to keep her family safe, she admitted this herself, but she also admitted she could never do what Cersei did. that was like a whole other level of evil, in her eyes. she will be missed. yes she got a bit too bitter in the end, having your whole family killed off one by one, can do that though.

    #10, I do not think that gold will make it to the bank anytime soon, probably intercepted by Team Dany, I believe this is necessary, to slow things down with the Lanisters progressing on the war front, we all know the focus will be on the north with the walkers. So something needs to put Cersei on pause for a while. not having any money will do that.

    Wanted to mention something about Bran, yes he came off as un-emotional. but we must understand he is like a time traveler, he knows that what he says, in the past or present can change events in the future, its not only important what he says, but what he does not say, and when he says it. he probably already knows how each person will die, in a way, he has seen their whole lives, albeit in fragments, he has become detached with the present, because it is no more important than the past or future, it is just one "frame".

    So whatever Bran says, and when he says it, will be well timed, to satisfy a certain outcome in the future.

  10. Interesting that you mention Cersei hiring Daario…there's unfinished business and oh man I don't want to see him team up with Cersei cause he got left behind. Which brings me to the fact that Dany NEEDS Jorah. She wanted him by her side, as he always has been, even when she put him through the wringer. If there was ever a time she needed him, this is that time. Personal bodyguard, military mind, warrior, confidant, true love…all to replace the people Dany's gonna lose. I'll include Missandei in that. TeamSapphireLionCubs!!! 🐹🐹

  11. One thing that I keep thinking about is why isn't Euron poisoned after being cut with dornish daggers.. Also, I think Bronn will save the last daughter as she saved him from his death in the past

  12. i was really hoping for more focus on the battle aspect of the episode… slightly disappointed they just narrated the battle and showed a few of the events that happened, but at least they didn't off-screen it (aka commit total heresy) so there's that.

    i hope this kind of "battle" doesn't become a trend… i want battle of the bastards-styles of battles… whole episodes dedicated to them is the only way to do it, now that we only have like 1 and a half season left to go on.


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