Get an inside look at Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 3 Game of Thrones airs on HBO on Sundays at 9.



  1. It would've made so much more sense for Danaerys to have taken the Eyrie instead of Casterly Rock, which is on the western coast of Westeros and of no strategic value at this early stage of Danaerys' conquest. Robin Arryn has this obsession with flying after watching his mother send so many people to their deaths through the Moon Door, so having him bend the knee on condition that Danaerys take him for a ride on Drogon would've been perfect (especially after Littlefinger is executed and control of Vale forces technically returns to Robin). Also, this would've perfectly paralleled a moment in Aegon's conquest when one of his sisters flew up to the Eyrie just her and her dragon, landed on one of the balconies, at which point the Lord of Vale pledged allegiance to House Targaryen.

    Casterly Rock just made no sense at all. Even if the seige had been 100% successful and Dany hadn't lost a huge portion of her navy, Casterly Rock still would've served zero purpose. Nothing to gain. Taking the Eyrie would've meant she'd have one of the most well known houses and their vast army sworn to her command.

    I mean, come on, D&D. There are just so many things in this season that made no sense in the greater context of the story and lore.

  2. I think Cersei is there because the people of King's Landing do not know how to deal with a ruler who's not mad. They would not know what to do; their jobs and lifestyle is derivative of the ruling class behavior thus far, whomever that may be at the moment. They are used to mad and thrived on it. They have the Queen they chose; could have really killed her many times before. Same reason they welcomed Euron like that; crazy know crazy.

  3. "They are the wealthiest house, but fighting isn’t really their forte. I mean, they’re just not known for being the most fearsome warriors. So, to have a long, extended battle there… It didn't make a lot of sense."

    R E A L L Y ?

    I'm so angry! Fighting isn’t Tyrell men’s forte? Really? And it’s because they’re “golden roses”? What kind of toxic masculinity bullshit is that? There is absolutely no way that Highgarden would have been taken so easily. At least the taking of Casterly Rock was the result of an elaborate plan, but the taking of Highgarden was like “sorry guys we’re a bunch of sissies who can’t fight because our sigil is a golden rose” Ugh.

    Fighting was their forte. Under their banner they had Redwynes(Olenna is a goddamn Redwyne) with the largest standing fleet of the realm and the might of Arbor and they had Hightowers(Mace's wife and the mother of Loras and Margaery is a Hightower) who are alone as wealthy as Lannisters, have their own fleet and can field 9000 battle ready soldiers. Those two houses alone should add enough to the main Tyrell army to have more than war exhausted Westerlanders, Crownlanders and Stormlanders combined. And that's if we take Tarlys and some of the lesser Tyrell bannermen as traitors. And those 2 houses wouldn't betray Tyrells.

  4. The Tyrell forces are known as some of the best warriors in the seven kingdoms! Who won the Battle of Balckwater Bay? Who raised an army of 100000 men? Who has House Tarly as one of their vassals? Do Dan and Dave even read the F-ing books. This is so unbelievable poor narrative and writing, you sh-t on your own history, lore, material and characters. It's so sad to see a show go from something incredible (Seasons 1-4) to something pedestrian (Seasons 5-7)

  5. And who are you, the old rose said,
    to turn my garden dull?
    You drowned its screams with fire green
    For this I'll have your skull

    The Dragon crossed the Narrow Sea
    Her horsemen brought a flood
    And when we claim her iron chair
    My thorns shall spill your blood

    And so she spoke, and so she spoke,
    Highgarden's Queen of Thorns
    But now her fields are ash and dust
    And roses bloom no more

    Yes, now her fields are ash and dust
    And roses bloom no more

    Source: Reddit, u/orlanswl


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