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Roth Cornet, Michele Boyd, Spencer Gilbert, and special guest Nolan Gould are your Watchers On The Couch. Join forces with them as they discuss everything that happened on S7 E03 – The Queen’s Justice.

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  1. Especially for an 18 y/o, Nolan Gould did really well. Sure, he did tend to get talked over by the regulars, but that's to be expected, at least to an extent. He held up well, though: he was funny, he knew his stuff and he fit in well.

  2. I'm sure Dany will be quite upset upon learning that she isn't the last Targaryen. BUT…I'm also sure that Jon will allow her to rule the Seven Kingdoms anyway because he does not care for the Iron Throne. He didn't ask to be Lord Commander or King in the North, he's certainly not going to ask for the throne. I'm not saying that's how it's going to happen, just how he'll respond to all this.

  3. Dany can't have kids any more…her worth as a queen is definitely not between her legs. she can't actually further a dynasty or her family name…Circe is getting past it as well so neither side can realistically offer a stable long term future.
    The iron throne and the seven kingdoms are broken and it's not gonna be put back together.
    The night king will probably decimate the land and population…he could even win.
    Like jon said it doesn't matter who sits on the stupid uncomfortable chair, it wont matter who is wearing a crown or what long winded list of titles they have.
    winter is here.

  4. how no one getting the grey scale is in effect easy to cure but doing it is massively dangerous! the only maester who had the balls try suceeded but he died of grayscale!!!! any contact with gray scale transfers it

  5. You have to also remember that Bran was prematurely activated. He was given the 3 eyed Raven's powers in one huge dump due to the wights invading the cave before they were ready for them. The plan was to teach Bran, but unfortunately they had to flee instead. I think there's even dialogue about how he's struggling to process/master his new abilities.

  6. The maid, who knocks on Cersei's door has short hair. Did we see women with short hair in Kings Landing before? Makes me wonder, if all female staff have had to cut their hair short because Cersei's was cut ?

  7. I think that the girl who serves cersei after Jaime and cersei's sex scene might be arya. The way the girl looks over at Jaime is almost the same as the way arya looked at Jaime in the twins before she killed Walter Frey…. I'm okay with being wrong but I think this might be interesting

  8. About Bran's freaky wedding night comment. I actually think he is seeing Sansa in a future wedding where she is actually happy of.
    Also I think bran brought that up because last time Sansa and him were together was when she was first headed to kings landing and she would only talk about her being excited to marry Geoffrey.

  9. You know what I want  for this show and I know it won't happen I want Jorah and Dany to reunite and passionate make love and then have Jorah die in a blaze of mother fucking glory. I want Tryion  to ride a dragon and burn mother fuckers. I want Sam to fight a few White Walkers  and then take a few arrows to the chest and maybe one to the knee. Have I read the books? Not yet but still I have hopes.

  10. I love SJ! But for me, too many distractions: calls, trivia's, "laminated lists", jumps from theme to theme and too many speculations and predictions instead of focusing on THE episode itself. Also, Spencer is my favorite SJ but he's not a host, he is a smart sarcastic sidekick with brilliant comments!

  11. I don't think Bran was talking about Sansa's marriage with Ramsey Bolton. I think Sansa is secretly married to little finger and that's the deal between Sansa and him, Because if we remember, the night after the battle of bastards it was snowing too. Now that John isn't in Winterfell Bailish might try to kill Sansa and that's why the Cat's Paw dagger is in his hands. I think Arya might save her from this.

  12. I found it extremely weird that Cersei seem to know all of Daenerys moves before they happened! First she seem to be pretty confident that Danny won't attack Kings Landing with the dragons which she didn't that she knew the exact plan she made to transfer the Dornish army and finally she knew how, why and when the unsullied will attack Casterly Rock! Now, Cersei is not that smart, that's either a some silly narative field leveling by the showrunners that's pretty much unconsistent with the previous intelligence displayed by the characters or she has a spy in Danny's camp!
    Now who that might be… I wonder!??
    I personally think that Varys is not to be trusted! After all he did adviced the mad king and look how that turn out! He is 10 times more despicable than littlefinger and is the only person that changed his loyalty more times.
    I think that he might be playing on both sides and passing some crucial information to Cersei!
    If you take the length of the wall which is about hundred of leagues (300 miles) than the distance between Kings Landing and Highgarden is about 320 leagues or 760 miles! I agree that for pacing purposes the show don't need to give us that but are we to believe that the entire Lannister/Tarly army crossed that same distance twice as faster than the ships of the unsullied!?? That was the perfect opportunity to attack the Lannister army while they are travelling that distance and to burn their camp them at night while they are asleep!
    And if not that Casterly Rock was the perfect place to set a trap for the Greyjoy Fleet and burn it with the dragons while they are busy burning the ships of the unsullied!
    But I can already see the dragons attacking the Euron the dreaded pirate Roberts of Westeros (who will magically know abou the attack before it happens)
    pulling out that giant crossbow and killing one dragon while continuing to make snarky remarks! it's predictable really!
    Also about the taking of HighGarden!!!
    That place was supposed to be a freaking fortress! Lady Olena wasn't stupid, she knew that the Lannisters would attack her sooner or later so in that the obvious solution was to retreat behind those three concentric rings of crenelated curtain walls and force the Lannisters to a long siege that would have lasted for months! At least they could've provide us with some traitor that opened the city gates!
    But the showrunners convenienty managed to ignore everything and logical explanation for such an easy victory was that… well you know… the roses aren't much of a fighters!
    Well they're not supposed to be… because the sole purpose of a fortified castle is to be a place where a hundred of men can successfully resist against an army of 10.000 for months or years!

  13. I love all these discussions so much))) Guys, there are so many reasons for Bran bringing this memory. These are my speculations: Sansa is pregnant, Bran saw that moment because the wedding was right before the tree(so what Bran sees, like everything, or where the trees are.?..) What if Bran sees future? Maybe there will be new wedding of Sansa. Or maybe, only by bringing this memory, he could make her believe in his capabilities? Or, Bran saw something, he knows something dark, that we don't know clearly about Sansa's true intentions. God, there are so many of them))) Can't wait to see what future episodes have in store for us)


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