Game of Thrones season 7 episode 3 official teaser trailer breakdown. Frame by frame look at the new GoT s7 e3 trailer.
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Game of Thrones season 7 episode 3 trailer breakdown is here. We look at the new trailer in its entirety then break it down frame by frame. We see some exciting stuff including Jon Snow arriving to meet Daenerys Targaryen at Dragonstone.
We also see Euron and his gift arrive at King’s Landing in this GoT s7 e3 teaser. We know Euron will present his gift to Queen Cersei Lannister, but we don’t know what will happen next. Season 7 is moving fast so we expect that a lot will happen in episode 3 that isn’t included in this trailer. We mostly focus on the characters Jon Snow, Daenerys Targaryen, Tyrion Lannister, Cersei Lannister, and Euron.
The final big thing we see in the Game of Thrones third episode trailer is Greyworm and Daenerys’ unsullied attacking the Lannister forces at Casterly Rock. It’s now been confirmed that this is their plan, and they will arrive in s7 episode 3.
What are you most excited about in the season 3 trailer? What do you think will happen when Jon Snow meets Daenerys? What about when Euron presents his gift to Cersei?
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  1. Talking about Euron's "gift" , it's pretty certain that Ellaria and the surviving Snake are doomed once Cersei gets her hands on them,but what do you think will happen to Yara ? Will she be tortured and /or raped and left to die ,or will she somehow escape or be rescued?

  2. Jon is a natural leader. He understands noblesse oblige. Tyrion had to smack a little sense into him but Jon caught on. He taught his fellows at the wall how to fight because he knew how and they did not. He stood up for Sam. Jon looked past a thousand years of prejudice against the wildlings and saw them as his countrymen.There are no slaves in Westeros. Daenerys should have stayed in Essos.

  3. sure hope its better then the last episode. maybe this time the dragons might cancel there vacation and actually come to the rescue. After all they failed to fly a few hundred yards and protect the dragon queens FLEET! OH! i forgot its a ghost fleet that attacked them. no one can see them until they've rammed a ship. Gosh! if they only would have had lookouts posted in a time of war.

  4. Just get Arya to pose as Robin and retake control of the Vale troops from Littlefinger…and re link up with Edmure Tully who would now be Lord of the Riverrun… all under the one joint families banner.

  5. Jon will first meets his
    Aunt Daenerys Targaryen on
    S7 E3 and Dany will meet
    Her Nephew Jon,
    however they both don't know
    they are blood related.

    Rhaegar is Jon biological Son,
    Rhaegar is Daenerys older
    Big Brother.

    Hope we get see 3 Dragon meets Jon to especially Rhaegal who was name partly after Jon biological Father Prince Rhaegar Targaryen.

  6. Mileasandre is going to be a big key. Reaading up on sites, she is from a spooky city, in the far East, and North of her city is where dragons are rumoured to come from. As a red witch, she has the flame.

  7. I believe that, in the shot of a group walking down the zigzag wall from Dragonstone, they're heading for the mountain of dragon-glass. They're seemingly NOT heading to the beach.

    First and foremost, the slanty rock formation is like the one Dany passes on the beach before they reach the gates in E1. There's not really anything like it under Dragonstone castle, is there?

    The wall they're on mimics the zigzag wall connecting Dragonstone castle to the dragon-glass mountain in the illustration in Sam's book.

    What do you think?

  8. Lol Danny, you can sit in as many thrones as you wish, look as badass as you want, none of that is gonna make you become a Queen or worthy of being one. You haven't proved anything important yet. Jon has fought against the White Walkers..with his own sword..back off lol

  9. I think Sansa is seeing Bran and or Arya for the first time… But yeah, Little Finger was whispering in her ear.. I don't know Jon is in awe so much as unsure of himself, this is his first foray into diplomacy and a lot rides on it… I don't see him bending a knee though… Yeah, to intimidate him, I can see her introducing Jon to her dragons, it's always worked on everyone else she has met and it is going to backfire… Season is almost half over and they are still setting up, I think everyone is going to be disappointed at the end of season seven, another year or longer before eight..

  10. I am calling it now. This season will be trash. 2nd episode which was terrible story wise but had an amazing fighting scene. But hell, whoever watches GOT not because of the lore/story will enjoy this. I can't imagine that in the few episodes left they will pick it up. It will just be fighting from here on out I imagine. And than some dumb solution like:" Oh, Sam found a script which gives us the solution that every mayster forgot about". Nice one GOT, thats how they get beat? After all the winter is coming hype this shit? Some glass that is suddenly under dragonstone? Just dumb if you ask me. And totally boring.

  11. I haven't listened to your reviews in a while but, you have improved a thousand fold! Your reviews and thoughts were alway good and spot on, the delivery was not great however (and no I don't speak publicly, too scared!). I really have enjoyed your last 5 or six videos! Keep it up!


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