Game Of Thrones Season 7 Episode 4 Leak Explained, No Spoilers. HBO Hacked Twice, Season 5 Episode Leak Comparison and Proper Episode 4 video Sunday ►
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  1. It was no hack. Might've been the one who translated the episode for the Indian market. That, or someone in the studio who tried to set him up; no translator ever gets all of the season, you see, so the translator who had this particular episode with the timecodes is automatically a suspect.

  2. One thing is sure, Danerys dragons are all grown up, they're adults now
    I just can't believe it's already mid-season episode, 8 episode is way too short. Worst, there's only one last season after… 🙁 Guess I'll have to buy some books to satisfy my curiosity, I wish they'd make some movie later…

  3. I don't get why people would want to stay away from the leaked episode! One thing is READ about the episode…another is SEEING the same fucking episode sooner…

  4. I ignored the leak. I pay to watch HBO so I don't want the season to be ruined for me. If I love a show I will give them money lol 💰🎥⚔️🛡 GOT totally deserves my money 👏🏼

  5. I don't partake in the leak nonsense and frankly I stay away from channels like that. You're not doing yourself, your fans and the series you love any favors when you do stuff like that.

  6. TV Drogon looks to be even bigger than the screen adaptation of Smaug. The Ep 2 'Inside the episode', informed us he's as big as Balerion on the TV show. And their sculptor said they crated Balerion's skull at 32 L x 20 W x 15 H. That's big enough to eat a horse. Thoughts….

  7. HBO or another cable TV network should in case of so popular series like Game of Thrones do fake episodes where for example Jon Snow dies killed by assasin. It is really easy to do simply mixing real footage with fake scenes made during shooting. I would love to see internet crying because Jon's fake death. 🙂

  8. I saw some parts of it yet I try not to watch it 'til later tonight on replay on HBO after I get home from work despite all my office mates have seen it or currently watching it online. I don't want to kill the magic, I'd love to watch it while sitting in my comfy living room and eating chips with my family whom I could share my excitement. 😉

  9. Awesome video Charlie keep it up. It's a little off the story line but I would love a video on the doom of old Valeria. would like to learn about the doom and if it has anything to do with the knight king and the children otf ¿¿¿

  10. For the people that don't know: the entire script of season 7 leaked almost a year ago. All episodes so far have confirmed the leak. This leak has lots of information that this guy has been incorporating in his "predictions" and "theories". If you don't want to be spoiled but watch this channel, too late!

  11. I knew that Jaime and his men would get caught in the open by the Dothraki. But now the loyalist army must either bend the knee to Danny or die, and Cercie is still surrounded and trapped in Kong's Landing. Now, with a shitload of gold that she and her banker cannot move. A raven to Bravos will bring the Golden Company to Westeros to retrieve the gold and the banker.


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