“All my allies are gone.” Game of Thrones airs on HBO on Sundays.



  1. #♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥ #♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥ #♥♥♥♥
    God demonstrated His love to us by sending His Son Jesus Christ, who died and rose from the dead to Give us eternal life.
    He also promised to heal your body.
    (Just ask Him)

  2. Tyrion: "You still have the largest army."

    Dany: "Who won't be able to eat because Cersei has taken all the food from The Reach."

    Within 3 minutes of the battle, Drogon destroys the entire food supply.

    She asked Jon for advice. He offers a wise one of being no different. She still doesn't listen to him.

    SMH. Dumb bitch.

  3. Weren't the dothraki enough to beat the lannister army?, why did she have to go there herself with the dragon? it was kinda stupid, she almost got killed twice. Jaime could have easily throw the spear at her and kill her.

  4. Just when I thought it was just a pretty good GoT episode watching the Stark children reunite, I get blown away. Might be better than Battle of the Bastards. Badass scene after badass scene. Best episode I have even seen on TV. I really thought Jamie and Bronn were going to die. Going to replay it again. I still can't believe what I saw. First time Jamie and Dany were in the same frame and with Drogon. Fuck yeah!

  5. I'm not liking the looks Sansa is giving Arya while she's practicing with brienne. Perhaps it's because she's realising how changed her siblings are. Also Jon Snow looks like he just wants to defeat the White Walkers and go back to being dead. I absolutely hate how mad danerys is becoming. I think she'll end up like her father unless she has Jon by her side to even out the evil in her. Her goal is to kill and burn and take the throne. She's not gonna make a good queen though because she has no idea of how to rule. I hope she loses all her dragons and her army abandons her. Or i hope jorah mormont comes back and advises her before she starts burning people and houses to the ground for not bending the knee.


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