In Game of Thrones season 7 episode 4 ” The Spoils of War” a BIG easter egg was dropped that everyone missed. This easter egg could change everything for everyone this season. In this video i will give you my game of thrones season 7 analysis , predictions and breakdown of this Major easter egg that
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  1. I think theon is a tragic character for numerous reasons.
    I mean his dad ditched him on another rival family. He was tortured, enslaved, and had his bits cut off.
    It's hard to come back from that.
    I do think he dies soon, but I'd like to think he does die, doing something valiant and brave for the right people, and I think he will do it, knowing full well it means certain death for him , making him, in the end, an unlikely hero

  2. I don't Bran bringing up what Ramsay did to Sansa was an accident. I think the intention is to remind us the viewers about Ramsay and the horrible things he did, while at the same time reopen the hurtful wounds in Sansa. Now, with the hurt that Sansa now feels, she will find out from what ever letters she was reading in the preview  that Littlefinger might have literally been the one who "sold" her to the Boltons. As a result, she will start planning for his execution. In later episodes, the last thing Littlefinger might hear  Sansa say is " When the snows fall and  the white winds blow, the lone wolf (Littlefinger) dies, but the pack (The Starks), survives!"

  3. Her way is proven to work. She should've listened to Tyrion at all in the first place. His slave masters plan didn't work. But all of Dany's plans have worked perfectly. From season 1 up to the Battle for Mareen S6 E9. Why did she trust Tyrion so hard so fast I don't know. Now it's time to unleash the Dragon and save Grey Worm.

  4. Lol at your Theon comments!! I agree – I don't know why he gets so much fan support. I hope he doesn't become the de facto leader of the exiled Greyjoys and that he cops it relatively soon.

  5. Much better video than the last Easter Egg video. I apologize bruh if the comment I left was too harsh. That wasn't my intent. I was so excited to see a channel dedicated to ASOIAF and GOT that was created by another brother, that I want it succeed. My comment were meant as constructive criticism, not hate. This video hits all the nails right on the head. I even subscribed to your channel after watching. Keep up the excellent work bruh. I'll be sure to keep tuning in.

  6. Hey Tony. I was going to wait and ask you this on your episode review video, but I can't wait any longer. So, I was doing some thinking. We've been waiting for show Jaime to catch up with book Jaime. We've been waiting for him to finally break up with Cersei and abandon her. In this episode, he basically double downed on his relationship with Cersei. BUT! The last scene with Olenna Tyrell, I think, changed things for him. When Olenna told him that she was the one who killed Joffrey, you could see the shock and horror on his face. Then he looked like he was putting a bunch of pieces together as he walked away. I think this confession is what will make Jaime break up with Cersei. The reason I think this is because both Cersei and Tywin paid people to lie and to fake testimonies to frame Tyrion for Joffrey's murder. This confession from Olenna will reveal to Jaime just how fucked up Cersei is and Tywin was. Jaime still loves Tyrion, but he was pissed when he killed Tywin. Jaime has been assuming that Tyrion has been guilty of Joffrey's murder this whole time, but couldn't stand to see his little brother be killed. Now that Jaime knows Tyrion was innocent the entire time and that Tywin and Cersei were doing all they could to get Tyrion killed, Jaime will understand why Tyrion killed Tywin. And Jaime will finally see what kind of disease, what kind of monster, Cersei really is. And I think that might be how book Jaime emerges.

  7. "It's the don chea!" Yo Tony I have one more for you. I'd like to think I'm pretty good at reading people's mannerisms and every time I see any of the scenes with Cersei and Tykos (forgive my spelling) from the Iron Bank his facial expressions just seem to be that of disbelief. After she says some words he replies, paraphrasing, "you truly are your fathers daughter." That quote in combination to his facial expression leads me to believe she is her fathers daughter but shes not her father which is a difference. To me it's like his mouth is telling the lie, or whatever Cersei wants to hear, and his face is telling the truth. In the trailer for next week look how his brow is raised while shes talking in that room with the map on the floor. I think he has to listen and give her a chance out of circumstance; he's a lone, she has the mountain, but he'll let her play this game until the string runs out. Thoughts?

  8. That last scene is Arya arriving at Winterfell! And with the little shits of catspaw and Baelish I'm thinking that his may be where he bites the big one (by her hand, of course) and she gets possession of the blade.

  9. The one looking at Winterfell; Arya had a very different color horse when she left Hot-Pie and the inn to travel north. First I figured it can't be but Arya but now I'm not sure at all.

  10. @Teflon Tv
    SPOILERS FOR S7E3!! (foreshadow speculation)

    I noticed something in episode S7E3 that might foreshadow Cersei and Jamies deaths.
    – Right after Cersei poisons the sand snake Euron captured for her, the next scene starts with Jamie drinking wine. At the end of the episode, Jamie poisons Lady Olenna Tyrell with wine. Jamie doesn't even have his Golden arm on him at the start of the scene, and as he is putting it on, Cersei stops him. Wasn't there some foreshadowing in Ed Sheerans song and other things that Jamie would strangle Cersei with his golden hand.
    – After their love scene, as Cersei tells the maid to fetch new bed sheets, the next scene (with Cersei and the Iron Bank guy) starts with two wine glasses. (which are also similar as the ones at the end of the episode, not identical tho)
    – At the end when Jamie and Olenna are talking, Olenna says "She will be the end of you" and Jamie even says "possibly"

    As maggy the frog prophesied Cersei will be killed by her younger brother and everyone seems to be pretty sure its Jamie, WHAT IF at some points Cersei poisons Jamie, but he finds out before he dies and strangles Cersei, and they both die together. Would be pretty sick in my opinion.

    OR Jamie poisons Cersei (And maybe himself) with the same poison that Joffrey was killed, the stranglerer. As Olenna even had that final "F*** you" at the end of the episode when she revealed to Jamie she was the one to poison Joffrey.

  11. If you know anything about westerns that encampment Jamie's army is settled in looks exactly like monument valley. It's the sort of location where the cavalry or settlers would get attacked by native Americans. I get the feeling there is going to be an assault on his army and the gold will/may get stolen. Who's going to do it? Dothraki would fit the bill as they most resemble red indian tribes and are the best horsemen.


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