Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 4 review today! Breakdown of The Spoils of War, HBO in 2017! Dragon vs Bronn battle! Arya! Jaime!

Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 4 review today! Beyond The Trailer host Grace Randolph gives her review with spoilers to Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 4 aka The Spoils of War on HBO in 2017! Get a breakdown of Episode 4! Jon Snow flirts with Daenerys! Arya vs Brienne! Bronn vs Dragon in battle! Is Jaime Lannister dead? Share your own review aka reaction to the full episode of Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 4 The Spoils of War and be sure to make Beyond The Trailer your first stop for movie and entertainment news here on YouTube today!

Interact with host & creator Grace Randolph!



  1. I don't like when people say that criticism-"It played out like fanfiction" mainly in television shows. There's more than one writer on most tv shows, you can say that about any show. It's just not that concrete criticism in my opinion

  2. I loved it when Missandei spoke to Jon and Davos for like 10 minutes about what Dany did to her and the other slaves and how strong she is and Davos said to Jon "mind if I switch sides?". It was genuinely funny (Jon obviously didn't laugh, because he knows nothing).

  3. It was Tyrion and Bronn that met when he demanded trial by combat in the eerie 😛 for trying to use the cats paw to kill Brann?
    or however you say it =)

  4. There's a reason they revealed that Jamie has got Joffrey's sword in the last episode. They are planting the Valyrian steel in the hands of the final protagonists. Jamie will be there in the final battle as will Arya. That knife of hers might be meant for littlefinger but they need them to fight the white walkers.

  5. People who say they are bronn fans and are now up in arms against him for shooting drogon weren't really bronn fans to begin with imo. To do it any other way would be a disservice to his character. It's GOT, what did you think was gonna happen? You should all be happy drogon and dany are even alive. like the late Ramsay Bolton said, if you think this story has a happy ending, you haven't been paying attention.

  6. When I started watching GøT, I hated Jamie the most of the characters, but through the these 7 seasons his character has evolved and he is one of my faves. So yeah this episode i was 100% behind Bronn and Jamie

  7. 4:50 Wireless communication..hahaha, that was my thought also in that moment, you guys need some Harris Tactical Radios!..PS- where the frak was the Lannister Cavalry in this battle? (or their Scouts prior to the Dothraki charge)

  8. Loved this episode!! My favorite part though was definitely Arya and Briannes battle practice. It had me riveted! How far Arya has come, her and Brianne's connection, the choreography, everything! And when Dany and Drogon swooped into the battle, when she uttered "Dracarys" and that wall of flame came down I shivered. Loved the review Grace, your reviews always make me think and I look forward to them! Can't wait for the next one.

  9. Loved this episode!! My favorite part though was definitely Arya and Briannes battle practice. It had me riveted! How far Arya has come, her and Brianne's connection, the choreography, everything! And when Dany and Drogon swooped into the battle, when she uttered "Dracarys" and that wall of flame came down I shivered. Loved the review Grace, your reviews always make me think and I look forward to them! Can't wait for the next one.

  10. If Jamie is captured alive, he is the one who killed daenerys father. So I don't think that would go well for him not to mention it may cause more of a rift between daenerys and tyrion if daenerys wants to kill Jamie and tyrion tries to save him maybe even letting him go.

  11. Well the Dathraki are just about the most terrible army one could get. They don't use bows and arrows, and they don't use armor, or lances, to save their lifes. Their luck the Lannisters for whatever ridiculous reason had no lances either. Even though they knew what their most likely opponent would look like. For heavens sake they must have had some lances when they sacked Highgarden! But nevermind, because the Dathraki are useless too! Seriously, they are supposed to be this pseudo mongolian/hun force, but they don't do any of the clever things those did.

    And then well, the wounded dragon is an issue for Daenerys, even if it's only the nimbus of invincibility that is shattered. Now entire Westeros knows:" Dragons do bleed too." I was left with the impression that this was a shock to Daenerys. So far she could assume that her dragons are an unsurmountable obstacle and an undefeatable weapon, but when was she ever in danger of getting hurt when one of her dragons was with her? Never, until a one handed guy, who can't hold a sword properly, charged her while she was tending to her wounded companion. Things are not going as Daenerys expected and it's going to get much worse.


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