Lucy, Dave, and Tamoor discuss Daenerys’ tantrums, their love for Dickon Tarly, Jurassic Park, and that amazing battle sequence. Beware spoilers!



  1. I know episode 5 breakdown isn't available yet, but my favorite quote has to be from Sansa Stark "I'm sure cutting off heads is very satisfying" it made me laugh till I fell off my couch. I don't know why though.

  2. Hi Guys,

    I have a concern:
    Everyone is talking about the “dragon binder”. We haven’t seen it or heard of it in the HBO series yet. Some thought that it would be the gift that Euron was getting for Circei, very fortunately it wasn’t.
    The dragons are a great threat for the White walkers and their army, and they have surprised us with their abilities in the past…
    What if they pull out a dragon binder, they are immortal, blowing it would do them no harm. What if they take Danny’s dragons?
    Is it just me, has anyone else considered this possibility?

  3. I don't get sad anymore after GOT episodes are done because now I have Gamespot of thrones back, I love your show guys, it's perfect for digesting episodes, it's like… Desert!

  4. I want to point out: Jon told her not to burn cities and castles, so she took her dragons/army and burned an army, AWAY from civilians. That's how she's being "different" in the way Jon instructed.

  5. Did no one else think that the scene when the scorpion king or whatever his name is got shot from the giant arrow that's ment to be able to pierce dragon bone couldn't even break through human flesh or a shitty little wooden cart with hay in it? that Ballista has ment to have enough power to kill a dragon from a fair distance away but a liitle human can take it to the gut from a foot away and it sticks to him and the rotten wood on a cart with hay?? that shoulda passed through him and the cart and hit a few men after it with the power it's ment to have.

  6. The only thing wrong with this ep is the mount the scorpion was sitting on…… the manuverability of the mount made it so one person could completely move it in any direction very easily with no sign of counterweight or gyro stabilisation…. it doesnt seem likely that with their level of technology they can form a ballista that can be operated Effectively by one person….

    if it were up and down only sure but full 360 with up and down to any angle with 100% perfect control and no straining to rotate it or straining from over rotating it…… not likely

  7. Show me some proof that Rhaegar is Jons pop. Black hair = Baratheon. The entire first season with the Lannister hair color not only proved that none of Roberts kids were his, but it proves that Jon ain't no Targaryen. Not once do we hear anyone say anything about Rhaegar being his dad, all assumption and theory. R+L sounds more like Robert to me. I could be wrong, but from a story telling perspective, why not come full circle with the hair color story line that dominated season 1?

  8. I'm sat in work sipping my morning coffee, day dreaming about episode 5 when I've just had a No Freaking Way moment. Step into my weird head for a minute and IMAGINE this…..say for example Cerci met an unexpected demise (silent unsullied assassin, Drogo got bored or the Mountain finally finished with the shame woman and thought fuck it I fancy a bit of notoriety) – who would then become King/Queen? I automatically thought it would be Jamie, but since he's in the Kingsguard he can't….so would it then go to Tyrion? That would be bitter sweet for Danerys and a typical GOT game changer. What do we think? Or am I chatting turd. Anyways I've got Nescafe's dripping down my monitor onto my keyboard, best dash.

  9. She did listen to Jon he said don't burn castle and cities to the ground, so she burned the army because he also said I never thought dragons would live again no one did, meaning show your dragons

  10. Bran is literally the only person who knows about jons heritage and I doubt he would tell Jon as an alliance between Jon and Dany would probably be the best hope for beating the night king and I doubt he would do anything to jeopardize that. At least that's my opinion, and I guess he probably doesn't care enough to tell Jon

  11. I think alot of people are misunderstanding danny in this episode, peter/kit saying dont use dragons to go across the continent to just roast fools in the capital( or I think they said the red keep) becaue your going to be the same person as the people your fighting against, which she doesn't do and only goes for the measured approach of hindering nikolai / to come back from high garden to even the playing field a little bit considering danny has lost a portion of her troops against cersei.

  12. what do you mean that the "No one" line is about Sansa's line???!
    It's the HUGE fucking line from those she trained with! It's nothing to do with Sansa
    Yeah she fell out with them but she was still trained by the faceless men =/

  13. to keep the Targaryen blood clean incest was a common occurrence among the royalty. With that said, the argument is this mix led to the mad king. Therefore, I wouldn't be shocked at all if Danny and Jon do end up together.

  14. Love your videos! Q&A Did Jon bend the knee in the cave? Or follow Mance's train? Seems that scene was cut out to be revealed later.
    Also, theory: The symbols in the cave relate to the white walkers using the same symbols with body parts, etc. We know the children created the white walkers. Are the white walkers former children with residual memories of these magical symbols? I'm thinking they created the night king after the white walkers to try to stop them.


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