We breakdown the preview of Game of Thrones Season 7 episode 4 “The Spoils of War” and share our theories of what is to come. There is no released title for this episode at this time. The episode will air Sunday August 6th at 9pm on HBO.
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  1. I think that Littlefinger is gonna try and kill Arya or Bran because they know too much about what he has been up to. This is why Arya will have a reason to kill him and Sansa will have to understand. I also think that Theon's storyark might lead to him saving his sister and dying in the process (ultimately redeeming himself). I think Sandrine is right and it is too soon for Jon to ride the dragon (possibly will happen in last couple of episodes) but we might get some hints that it will happen in the future (fingers crossed).

  2. I think we will ONE DAY get someone else riding dragons, not next episode tho.  and she is right, it would make no sense for Dany to trust Jon enough to let him ride a dragon right now.  I could see her trusting Tyrion to ride a dragon, but I don't even think that will happen in episode 4.   I think they will use the dothraki and 1 dragon to steal the gold and food supplies from the Lannisters and Jamie will barely escape with his life. The tide has to turn this next episode, Cersei has gotten lucky WAY TOO MUCH already. Also, I don't know why everyone keeps thinking Dany needs Jons help to win the war. Jon is incapable of helping her in any way in her war in the South, he is too preoccupied with the northern threat and actually needs HER help with that.  When I saw that picture of him in the cave with Dany I thought maybe they may have found something while mining the dragonglass, other than dragonglass… any guesses?   I also think Bran tells Arya something that makes her want to kill Littlefinger because he is not on her list right now.  There are many things Bran could tell her that would make her add him to her kill list.

  3. Okay, theory time about Littlefinger & the Catpaw dagger…
    Bran has, in a very creepy fucked up way, shown Sansa he can see things he should not have been around to know. That being the 3-eyed Raven means visions of the past & present. He could reveal to Sansa that Littlefinger is the one who helped betray Ned & helped cause his death. Or he could reveal that littlefinger knew what he was doing by giving Sansa to the Boltons for marriage. The grand plan he had, using Sansa as a pawn. We see a clip where Sansa is sitting in front of documents, very upset or put off by something. Maybe she found a letter from the maester of Littlefinger writing the Boltons or something.
    Either way she reads something, Bran can confirm it or elaborate on it. Littlefinger could not have predicted Bran being a green-seer…
    Arya is home. She is a take-no-shit kind of gal. She is not going to be happy with Littlefinger or fall for his schemes. She is an assassin.
    Sansa confronts Littlefinger or questions him, it somehow involves the dagger. Maybe he is pulling it on her, or displaying it as he talks to her…
    Arya takes it and kills him with it! The end for Littlefinger. Now the pack is united and strong, while the lone wolf (littlefinger) is dead…
    But Sansa is thinking politically. She's not considering the fact that Robin is her cousin, or has a crush on her and would do anything for her anyway… She is afraid Robin will take back his army, if Littlefinger is dead.
    So Arya will do the one thing she knows how to do best, her skill… she takes on the face of Littlefinger to help Sansa politically. Because think about it – Bran's role or skill is to see things and worg.
    Sansa is now skilled to think politically. This is what they were polished up for in the seasons past…
    What has Arya been polished up for or taught??? How to kill and how to be "No One"!!! And how would that be used to help the family??? By pretending she is LittleFinger! Thus she gets the Catspaw Dagger!
    Now it may not all play out that way. I could have some things wrong. But I think she gets the dagger and uses her ability to put on faces by becoming Littlefinger to help Sansa out.

  4. Of course its Dany riding that dragon, it wouldn't make sense for anyone else to ride a dragon before her, especially since its Balerion who she has the strongest bond with. I'm sure other people will ride the other two dragons eventually, but I doubt it will even happen this season.

  5. That's Littlefinger's hand holding that dagger. It was him that told Cate and Ned it belonged to Tyrion, which I'm pretty sure was a lie, and which lead to Cate arresting Tyrion and started the war between the Starks and Lannisters. Littlefinger later held that knife to Ned's threat when he betrayed him, so I predict Arya will kill him and take the knife for herself.

  6. "A man now has to wait 7 days to see episode 4"…Aaaargh! g sad! I also think Jon will ride a dragon at some point but only when bran reveals to both Jon & dany that they are kin! or maybe as the battle rages & one of the dragons gets speared, the other, not danys mount lands next to Jon & nuzzles him like a dog giving Jon the courage to mount it! I also think when the dragons did a flyby over Jon they sensed he was targeryan & said hello the dragon way! I could well be wrong! lol

  7. The last episode definitely brought up the need for more dragon riders with dany wanting to attack and everyone else advising against it. It does seem like a quick development if someone else rides in the next ep. But hey we only have a few more episodes left for the entire show. So shit needs to happen faster

  8. Well Americ, maybe Jon wanted to change his fashion style and adopt a new haircut, but otherwise it seems obvious that Dany is on that dragon. However, that doesn't mean that will not come for Jon, he will ride one too

  9. Prediction: Bran sees something in a vision that makes Little Finger worry Bran will tell something to Sanza that he doesn't want her to know. The last place we saw the Catspaw dagger was in Kings Landing on Eddard Starks' desk when he was talking to Little Finger – I think LF took the dagger and has had it all this time. Aria will return to Winterfell and end up killing LF before he can kill Bran – and that's how she gets catspaw.

  10. Maybe Littlefinger brings a knife to Bran since he is a male STARK. Then Arya comes in to meet him then she beats up Littlefinger. When Sansa is sitting on the chair she could be making the decision of what happens to Littlefinger as she was put as Regent of Winterfell.

  11. I think.. Littlefinger is plotting to kill Bran. Since he is a new threat of the winterfell take over, i mean Bran can see the past he could be the one who told Sansa who betrayed their dad. Arya better come in time to rescue!

    Yes i think it is def Dany on the dragon.. it is a foreshadowing of her talk to Olenna "Be a dragon.." i think at that one on one conversation, Olenna and Dany had prepared for plan B in case the lannister came to Highgarden, therefore the dotrakhi were able to ambush the Lans on their way back.


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