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Here's my Game Of Thrones Episode 4 video. Now safe to talk about! Let me know what your favorite part was and leave all your bonus video requests in the comments. Posting my Episode 5 Trailer video next monday morning. Rick and Morty after that 🙂
Looking back, you are pretty spot on with your subtle predictions!
Only just catching up now but I gotta come back for the video
I didn't overly enjoy this episode or this season in fact. I think it got hyped purely because of the dragon.
What irks me the most is the cosy club of characters what I mean by this is at the end when jamie runs towards kaleesi and gets saved at the last second. Yh cus that would have happened to anyone else. The fact the lanisters got destroyed yet bronn comes out untouched. It's lost its hardcore anyone can die in any moment thrill and is now just like a superhero movie where you just sit back knowing the main character will be fine and it really ruins some of its original and core thrills
I love the musical theme they play when Drogon breathes fire. Absolutely brilliant
They don't call them screamers for no reason.
Is it too difficult to unedrstand that Arya's speed and agility makes a huge difference? Speed is key to win a sword fight, no matter the size of your opponent.
I believe the meeting between Aarya, Bran and Sansa went on longer than we think or the show suggests. My point is, they are playing Baelish for a fool. Stringing him along, letting him reveal his hand further to Sansa before sending him to the seven 😀
If you have 3 God damn dragons and a front of crazy warriors leading a charge you don't fly in behind them, you fly in from the angled rear of your enemy and blast the line of them from left to right and right to left. Have the 3rd dragon blast the supplies. Nobody should have died from your side and your dragon shouldn't have been shot. That should have been an easy annihilation of that battalion. Fucking women in battle fuck it up every time.
The children of the forest were probably just on dragonstone for the obsidian that they needed to fight the white walkers
Maybe they should all forgive one another
What if Cersei gives birth to a dwarf, kills it, and Jamie kills her? Do you think she'd kill her own baby if it was a dwarf?
JACK J WATCH it over again. Drogon initially broke part of the line because Dany focused on burning up their food and supplies first.
Charlie, long time fan, first time question, do you think when Sansa says in the original promo, "the lone wolf dies, but the pack survives", the lone wolf could be Arya not Littlefinger? Given the way this season has gone? Would love for the show runners to be that bold and kill her off.
The thing about Theon & Jon.
Rickon & Bran had escaped with others from Winterfell when Theon captured it.
Jon saw Rickon being killed infront of him in the Battle of the Bastards + Salsa must have told him how she escaped from Winterfell with Theon & that Theon didn't kill the brothers.
By all accounts, he knows Theon isn't directly responsible for anything happening to Bran, in case Bran was dead.
Jon is pissed & rightfully so, because of Theon's betrayal and the murder of Maester Luwin as well as Ser Roderick. And the eventual loss of Winterfell to the frigging Boltons.
U forgot to put so the most #thuglife quote jon snow ever said. "With respect your grace, I dont need your permission. I AM A KING!" Wink wink. Jon is legitimate heir to the throne. Also. "I wish you well in the wars to come" the words spoken to Ned on the day jon was born.
Anyone else a bit annoyed when that Dothraki said "your people can't fight." To Tyrion. Like I'm sure your people wouldn't fight that great either if they were outnumbered by a bunch of mounted warriors and a huge fire breathing dragon.
too dismissive of arya chanes against brienne, you talk with such certainty like your opinion is fact, have some humility u arsehole
Drogon was being a bit of a pussy IMO, I think Dani is spoling her dragons a bit much. That spear in his shoulder would be equivalent to someone stabbing you with a toothpick. No reason to scream and fall 200 feet.
I swear I heard the white walkers were coming in season 1…why did it take so damn long?