Game of Thrones season 7 episode 4 trailer breakdown. Frame by frame look and the ep 4 teaser explained.
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Game of Thrones season 7 episode 4 teaser trailer explained. A breakown of the trailer for the new episode of Game of Thrones with a frame by frame analysis. We see that Daenerys Targaryen’s position has changed, that the Iron Bank of Bravos wants their due, and that Queen Cersei believes she will be able to pay them off.
In Game of Thrones season 7 the stories are much more closely tied together since all of the main characters have come together.
We see Theon Greyjoy arrive at the beaches of Dragonstone, Jon snow mining dragonglass, and Littlefinger holding the catspaw dagger. What Littlefinger is doing with the Catspaw blade is unclear, but we get a great shot of Arya Stark arriving at Winterfell so we know that with her and Bran there his position is not good either.
The title of Game of Thrones Season 7 episode 4 is “The Spoils of War.”
What do you think will happen in Game of Thrones season 7 episode 4? What do you think the s7 e4 teaser trailer hints at? And, how do you see this seventh season of GoT playing out?
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  1. Is Sansa reading the old messages Littlefinger sent? Luwin supposedly saved them all. Is the catspaw blade showing up direct foreshadowing that Littlefinger will try to use it to kill Bran again? Didn't work the first time, and I wouldn't expect his luck to me better.

  2. I bet little finger tries to or does kill bran. He would do this because he cant keep secrets from bran (Bran can see everything). This would also make the plot more interesting bc john still wouldn't know who his parents are.

  3. I just have a feeling someone is betraying Dany! I find it hard to believe Euron would find her Armada sailing to Dorn in the dead of night without prior knowledge. Also the attack on Casterly Rock. OK, Jaime may have outsmarted Tyrion on that call but again, how is Euron right there to sink the remainder of the Armada and force the the Unsullied to traverse on land back to KL? The likely traitor is Varys. Dany's promise to burn him alive foreshadows his betrayal. It looks like the next battle will be with the Lannister army vs Dany and the Dothraki army on the road back to KL with the Tyrell gold.

  4. I've work on jobs that my relief or next shift person was late, but Brandon's ass is a thousand years late for fucking work! When he finally shows up the old man is like "damn Brandon, I'm in here, watching cavemen screw and draw shitty pictures on the wall, none of them spoke English, so they were not good company at all! Then, you fucking stroll in, a thousand years late, you don't bring pizza, kool-aide or at the very least, a weed wacker to cut some of this shit off me!

    And, on top of it, you show up with those "Tales From The Crypt White Walkers" chasing your ass, you run right pass by me, say hi, and go out the other end of the cave and leave my ass to be murdered by that blue eyed popsicle The Lord of Night! Thanks, Brandon, you were a real pleasure!

  5. Brandon Stark, or, the actor that plays him looks as if he is soooooooooo fucking tired of his role on the show being acted out in that sled from The Island of Misfit Toys! He's Herbie The Dentist! Lol. Think about it, all of the other characters get to walk, be in different rooms, locations, etc….And his only locale is to lay in that fucking sled, sitting on his own farts for 6 seasons!

  6. Littlefinger clearly should perceive Bran as a threat to himself even if he knows nothing about the three eyed raven. Bran's a male Stark, so he complicates LF's plan, which has always been to marry Sansa and get to control the North. As long as Bran wasn't around he knew that all he had to do wa to get rid of Jon and he could always count on the possibility of maneuvering Sansa while undermining Jon based on his weak claim to the North, being only a bastard (plus his lack of political ability). But now Sansa has no claim. His plan becomes really complicated, because it should include killing Bran.

    And by the way it's even a bigger loss for him as it undermines his confidence. Right before the arrival of Bran he was talking about how one should always play every war everywhere in his mind, so that he's never caught off guard and surprised by anything. But Bran comes and he never could have foreseen that. He's been one if not the best at playing the game this far. But right now it's no longer time for the game, as Jon said that's for children. The things that are happening are beyond men's imagination and Littlefinger's game is not enough to save him anymore. In a sense I think that scene is kind of foreshadowing his forthcoming demise.

  7. Little finger is going cut Sansa's throat and she dies. 3 days later, Beric and the brotherhood without banners will arrive at winterfell and he will give up his life to bring Sansa back to life as Lady Stoneheart.

  8. Another reason why littlefinger might assassinate Bran is that he sees him as a threat since he's the known heir to the North. (Even though he doesn't want to be) 🤔

  9. There is no WAY that Cersei will still be alive by the end of season 7! The gold will be recovered by dothraki forces. Without that gold, the Iron Bank will bankrupt Kings Landing and/or back dany.

    Just for the sake of only having a total of 13 episodes until series finale Cersei's story arc will be over by the end of season 7. The prophecy of her being queen for a short time before being usurped by a younger queen will be fulfilled. She thought it was Margery hence all the bullshit she stirred up with the high sparrow but it will be dany.


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