Episode 5 Recap, Review, and Breakdown – please let me know what I missed or got wrong. Gonna get some zzz’s. Talk to ya in the morn!! =)

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  1. Great video as always . Glad to see how well your channel is doing .
    its nice to see channels grow that deserve it "still not a fan of the back grown music 🙂 " but I'm looking forward to more of your videos

  2. Do you think the reason the white walkers haven't gotten to the wall yet because the night King knew that Danny would come with her dragons and so he's been just waiting for that to happen for years. And now that he has the dragon he'll make it to the wall. Cause gendry made it to the wall in less than day. So idk whatcha think?

  3. What if the Valonqar of the prophecy is not either Tyrion or Jamie? What if the Valonqar is aqtually the baby Cersei is pregnant with, the Little brother/sister if her three children, and Cersei dies of childbirth?

  4. @bridge4 How is it that Sansa's letter ended up at Winterfell, when Robb was clearly in the Riverlands and Maester Luwin was still at Winterfell and men of Winterfell didn't make it back there.

  5. It is a quick death to burn them tho
    Dragon fire is not like actual fire
    Its described as being able to turn a person to ashes in SECONDS
    Thats a faster death than a clean beheading where the person can stay conscious for around 15 seconds

  6. So this episode got me to thinking again. What are your thoughts on Gendry potentially being the black haired baby Cersei supposedly lost? Or do you think Jon will legitimize him into a Baratheon, and have him marry Arya to unite the houses?

  7. Dany is boring – I hate her character. She's a one trick poney
    – someone killed your husband? solution: fire
    – someone stole your baby dragons? solution: fire
    – wanna buy some unsullied but you dont have money? solution: fire
    – son of harpy attack you? solution: fire
    – forced to be in some kahlesee's place? solution: fire
    – losing the war? solution: fire
    I hate her character.
    Now… Cersei… I love her! She's a total badass, she's inteligent, she's all "i care for nothing except jaime (and children, when she still had them)" – she's an awesome character. And cersei+jaime = best couple of the show! i always keel forgetting that they are siblings because they are just THAT hot!

  8. Still not jumping on the "Jon is a Targaryen train" …..his encounter with Drogon proves nothing, other than the fact that Drogon recognizes Jon as a good man, similarly to when Tyrion petted the dragons when they were chained up in Mereen……As I predicted, Gendry came back into the game to get started on forging the dragon glass weapons; however, in addition to forging the weapons, I believe he will also forge a strong bond with his half-brother Jon. Both men are sons of Robert Baratheon. Their mannerisms when meeting up last night, in my opinion, were very telling. Why does this theory make more sense? We must go back to the first season when Ned Stark was researching the royal bloodlines. Most prominently noted, the Baratheon bloodline is made up of men with dark hair and dark eyes.. The theory that Lyanna was actually in love with the mad king, married him willingly, and bore his child out of love, just doesn't jive for me. The revelation of the mad king's annulment to his first wife and therefore, his legitimate marriage to Lyanna was very good tease for this theory, but I'm not convinced. Lyanna and Ned were very close and I do not believe she would not confide such a thing to her brother. Further, why her concern when the baby was born? Why the whispers to her brother in the tower which seemingly indicated she was fearful for the baby's life? Why ask him to protect the child if the child was the mad king's legitimate heir? In addition, Jon and Dany are exchanging "passing glances" of interest, and it doesn't make sense to have your Hero and Heroine fall in love, being brother and sister…..this was good writing when it came to Jamie and Cersei because they are the "bad guys" but I am not sure fans of the show would be as accepting of their "good guys" doing the incest thang *laughs…food for thought! 😉

  9. ANOTHER GREAT VIDEO !! 🙂 Definitely think cersi will lose the baby , since the prediction said she will only have 3 kids. She obviously gained control over Jaime again with it, Im hoping she loses that control as well.

    I totally know what u mean about seeing the dragon differently in the scene with jon, I felt the same way, but I think that was intended. It was a beautiful scene.

    Did u notice the comment by the arch measters at the end before Sam walked out, about the prediction of the drowned god defeating aegon ? Do you think it Could It be A Foreshadow Of euron And dany?

    I loved the scene between jon and gendry, reminded me of ned and Robert when they met and joked with each other on the 1st episode, calling each other fat 😀 and I agree, gendry is also becoming a favorite for me as well!

    I definitely think aryia will see through little fingers plot very soon, and the dagger will come into play, at least I hope so anyway! Maybe that was what bran intended by giving it to her:)

  10. 8:25 I think this is what the message said :

    "Robb, I write to you with a heavy heart. Our good king Robert is dead, killed from wounds he took in a boar hunt. Father has been charged with treason. He conspired with Robert’s brothers against my beloved Joffrey and tried to steal his throne. The Lannisters are treating me very well and provide me with every comfort. I beg you: come to King’s Landing, swear fealty to King Joffrey and prevent any strife between the great houses of Lannister and Stark.” — Sansa"

    So it's pretty clear to me what the purpose is : to have Arya confront Sansa, possibly in an effort to deligitimize her position as Lady of Winterfell, while John is away.

  11. The squabbling and bickering of the Northern Lords about Jon's absence is just like the open quarrels that most dysfunctional families get into sometimes. And make no mistake these Northerners are a family not just allies. They are descendants of the First Men and they share the same Faith (the worship of the Old Gods). So they may bicker amongst themselves but they are truly united against a common Enemy or something they perceive to do anyone of them harm. They just need some one whose faith in Jon is unshakable and with the strength of mind to be the voice of reason (Sansa) and tone down dissension. And Jon would not have been offended if he was there for there was no disrespect (and there is a healthy transparency in his rule) plus they have all been there before with the same arguments. These guys just like to Fart (Pass Wind) and maybe they have castle fever cooped up as it were. As for Littlefinger, the Wolf Pack survivors now have the upper hand and they're playing him. The Mockingbird will meet his timely end at the hands of the children who lost their parents and their innocence (through trials and suffering) because of his "chaos is like a ladder" philosophy.

  12. I can only think of one reason Rheagar would have anulled his marriage, but it seems like fan service. If Elia had been unfaithful and he knew that the kids where not his, he might have done it and keept it secret because his dad would have probably burned Elia and her children if he had known the truth. They might not have been his but he wouldn't want to see children he had loved as his own burnt alive. Also, people are asking if this delegitamised Elias children and yes it did. An annulment means the marriage was not legal so all children it produced are bastards, this caused problems with succession to the English throne after Henry VIII because 2 of his marriages where annulled and one was of dubious legality because most people didn't accept the first annulment.

  13. I told you so Rickon(Dickon) will end in fire:)PS. Actually i like Tom Hopper i remember him from Merlin as Percival so it good that he played some honorable char that have some spine but don't know the person that play the Randall but God dammit the look of fear and pride he give Dickon was amazing.

  14. The only options Dany had is take them as PoWs and use her own resources (running out and she burnt the rest lol) to keep them alive, let them go and return to the enemy army or remove them altogether.

    Unless other commanders here have any other alternative options?

    Also, why does everyone assume Sam should have connected the dots? So Rhaegar's marriage got annuled. So? He wasn't at the Tower of Joy. The entire WORLD (save for two people) knows Jon is Ned's bastard. What dots is he supposed to connect it to then? More to the point, he's there to get knowledge on how to defeat the walkers not find out who gets to sit on most uncomfortable La-z-boy in the land.

    The hype may have gotten to most viewers to even realize that.

  15. Its amazing how you got 3 full grown dragons that can fly anyone QUICKLY to the tallest of mountains, bring some important people along like cersei or jaime or qyburn with a GREENSEER to lead them along with Jon…and yet there they go sitting around their asses waiting for a desperate mission to fall through; just so that they can show that whitewalkers exist and postpone the war that cersei is already willing to do. very fuckin smart.

  16. I don't understand what's going on in Winterfell. Why hasn't Sansa introduced Arya and Bran to the people and to the Lords at a meeting? They're Starks they should be seated at her side like she was for Jon. And is anyone going to tell Arya what happened to Rickon? If she immediay went to her fathers crypt wouldn't she want to see ber baby brother's as well? In season 6 Sansa gave the master bedroom to Jon, I don't believe she would move into it jut because Jon is absent. I have a hard time believing that the stark sisters would still be fighting after everything they've been through and that they wouldn't talk about what's happened to them. Arya seeing littlefinger beside Sansa should've urged her to tell Sansa about how he conspired wit Tywin. I get why Bran is acting strange since he's not very good at not being a tree but I expected more of the human Starks.

  17. Were we supposed to believe that Jaime & Bronn swam across the river? Armor & all? D&D… smh

    If Randyll really loved his son and saw that his son was gonna do whatever HE did then he would've said
    "I change my mind.. I'll bend the knee.." He allowed his son to be burned alive? & for who.. Cersai? I know it was Danys doing (& it didn't surprise me) but Randyll could've prevented it.. he could have saved his son

    L♥ve & Appreciate 👏 all your hard work-

    Always a pleasure Kev Thanx ♥

  18. hey bridge4, i tough the episode was pretty good but I can't stop wondering how much time have passed in this one episode.

    Tyrion and The Dothraki got from the battle to Dragonstone, then Tyrion meet Jaime in the Red Keep, got Gendry from Flea Bottom took him back to Dragonstone. Last but suddenly no least, Jon and Gendry goes to Eastwatch and beyond the wall.

    How long would would such a trip take in the books and even in the show, remember how long it took for The Hound and Arya to get from Harrenhal to The Twins and The Eyrie? Even if Daenerys somehow still have ships to mobilize her army, then what about Bronn and Jaime? They probably had to make the whole journey to the Red Keep on foot.

  19. Now that I think about it once everyone finds out about jons true heritage what will dany think because that means Jon is the true targaryen heir not her I find it hard to think she will outright support him or kill him but I also am unsure if Jon would even want to be anything more than king in the north eh hopefully he will die next episode beyond the wall and avoid all these headaches

  20. The execution by fire was brutal. It also made the remaining soldiers kneel.The narrative lens GoT has, the one that focuses almost entirely on Lord's and Lady's with very few none last named characters, tends to be ignored up until the point that someone does something overtly bad. A war shown on screen. But every other implied battle and even some shown battles are just as evil (If you are going down this line of thought) as Dany's. I mean look at what Jon lead people into, a slaughter spurred by the rash decision to try saving his brother. The King in the North may have fought through it but at the end of the day, peasants and farmer boys ordered by their Lord's died en mass because of his decision and Jon is still alive. Feudalism is a much less noticeable evil than Slavery. In all honesty, if GoT decides to bring up this point I doubt Dany will be the one to do it, she's always wanted to be The Queen. Jon might be a better candidate for a hierarchical revision given his experiences with the Freefolk. And a massive blank slating like the Long Night would be a good setting for it to emerge out of.

    But yeah, my long winded bs speculation aside. Dany isn't gonna go Mad Queen nor is she particularly evil compared to the other players. Ruthless? Maybe. Evil from the peasants and soldier's perspective? Absolutely. But not burning Cersei and the Red Keep immediately shows at least some promise over a lot of the other candidates.

    Also, I don't really think either Jon or Dany are "different" like people try to argue. Dany is terrible for not terrible reasons but that doesn't excuse her terribleness. She is more of the same. Jon is kind and merciful and as a result is likely be uprooted or killed because of it. Ned Stark can tell you that is more of the same (If he still had a head).

  21. Just came across a nice theory. What if the white walker they bring back as proof is actually a (dead) white walker Ser Jorah or one of the other companions as a white, would be heartbreaking… One question about this whole mission though, how can they actually bring a white walker beyond the wall? Are there no magic spells at work supposed to prevent that from happening?
    Something else about the mission, at first I thought it would be a real blood bath and no one except for Jon would survive the ambush (in the books all the 12 companions die except for Jon if I am not mistaking), but I don't think this is the case anymore because why would they bring back Gendry for instance to have him killed the very next episode, right?

    Also, how do you think Cercei having a baby would affect the valonqar prohecy? No way she will actually have the baby since she's only meant to have 3 children.. Do you think there's this possibility of Cercei making it all up?

  22. I think the most important part of the story is the revelation of Rhaegar's annulment.

    To me…the song is love…Fire is Rhaegar, and Ice is Lyana. Giving that the union is legitimate…to me Rhaegar must of knew of the importance of thier union. That the product of thier union was the fulfillment of the prophecy that is Jon. To me Rhaegar believed it was worth the lives of his other kids, former wife…but spared John and his mother. To me…I think that they will show that it was more than a kidnapping or love…that they were aware of the prophecy

  23. It was confirmed Jon Snow is dead, heart not beating, no blood in his veins. Is he going to get caught on the wrong side of the wall, like Benjin Stark? The dead can not pass as Benjin said to Bran Stark.

  24. Would've been better if Jaimie drowned , i mean , im on the lannister side of this war , i mean i never liked them , but Dany is just getting kind of full of herself in the last seasons. But thats just my opinion. I mean if Jaimie died that would be refreshing and shocking. Imagine Cersei's face when she gets the news , imagine her reaction , i bet a majority of viewers would've enjoyed that alternate timeline of events.

  25. Hi Kev, would you indulge me with a couple things I wondered if you would consider exploring since you're more investigative in your commentaries?
    One is the off-hand comments of the magic-hating maesters who showed their absurdity by speaking of the theory that the dragon queen would like to distract the armies to the north and swoop in to take the land. How can you continue to deny what was warned and confirmed by Sam, an eyewitness to Bran and what he's seen, when you must now contend to the existence of magical creatures in your own homeland?
    Second, speaking of magical creatures, would you consider that Drogon was curious of Jon not so much for the fact that he's related to Dany but more so to the possibility that he was resurrected by fire? Jon makes an interesting comment to the men before they leave Eastwatch that they were "breathing," yet, Jon and Beric may not have beating hearts because of their being resurrected by fire.
    I know this sounds bizarre, but I wanted to pose that to you and your loyal producers for comment. Thanks!


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