HBO has given us a new trailer for season 7 Episode 5 “Eastwatch”. This trailer is full of spoilers and includes important information about Jon Snow, Bran Stark, Cersei Lannister, The Night King and Daenerys Targaryen!

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  1. I have the internet now an on August 27 it will be on Google Play List Movies an TV , Its bout $ 2.99 an episode or $ 19.99 so if it's that we'll probably pay an watch , Untill it comes out on DVD for season 7 then I'll buy it as I have the box set of seasons 1 – 6 , So I will get season 7 on DVD when it is released thank you so much for your videos an your reply 🐲🐲🐲🐺🐺

  2. Every time bend the knee dialog comes on, it brings to mind how Lady Ollena & the High Spaarrow spared. Olenna: You should bow before high borns, Sparrow be like "I've got bad back ache, can't" Then sparrow tells olenna you should kneel before house of god, Lady Olenna goes, I've got knee joint problem" that banter was priceless and still goes to show how 2 characters can be head strong without being physically brutal…Lady Olenna just burns with words, no fire 🔥 necessary.

  3. But Bronn did bring Drogon down, he isn't trained in the weapon, still he brought him down.. If there had been more than one weapon, Drogon would have been toast. They are big slow moving targets, they are vulnerable… Dany could have been toast if Jamie has a bow and arrow with him or had the presence of mind to use one… No armor, she was a clear target… So Dany is in danger of becoming over confident, it will lead to her downfall and that of her children..

    Dany still doesn't get it about the real danger, all she cares about is her own agenda… Then she doesn't have a clue about winter either, if she had she wouldn't have destroyed all the food… Her armies and their horses have to eat as well, scorched earth isn't going to endear her to the starving population… Of course Cersie taking it all wouldn't have endeared her either… Face it neither woman is about uniting they are only about ruling..

  4. Will the Withe Walkers help Cercei ? It is because of some magic that The Mountain is alive and moreover now The Hound is beginning to have a connection with the Lord of the Light. The two bothers being influenced by Ice and Fire !

  5. yeah make her listen.. if she doesnt listen to you…let her burn everyone on kingslanding then make her queen..stab her in the back and open the gates for jon then surrender to him

  6. >join me or you farmers, blacksmitshs, and other hard working poor people who were forcefuly enlisted to army gonna burn alive
    >dany supporters thinks its ok and cool
    YAS SLAY QUEEEEEEEEEEN. i bet you like usa nuking japan too, i mean when u have nukes why not using it right XDD

  7. I imagine Brann warging into the very raven with message to John Snow and flying directly to his shoulder and Jon sees white warging eyes of the raven fading into normal ones.

  8. 2 things:

    I am very much looking forward to Jon learning about both Bran & Arya. The plot leak stated that Sansa sends a raven to Jon on DragonStone to inform him that not only are their younger siblings still alive but they're also both home. Jon is going to be so overwhelmed with the great news & no doubt this will further motivate him to complete his mission so he can return to Winterfell & complete The Stark Reunion 🙂

    Will Gendry finally show up in Ep#5? Will Jorah return? With his Greyscale finally cured thanks to Sam, nothing can stop Jorah from returning to Danearys' side & I assume that he's already heard about her being on DragonStone so non-surprisingly he should show up there before Jon & Davos leave for Eastwatch but where exactly does Gendry fit into all this??? What would motivate him to return to the place where he was set to sacrificed by Melisandre??? We know that Jon needs a talented blacksmith to turn his mountain of Dragonglass into top quality White Walker-killing weapons & Gendry is most definitely the right man for the job but Jon doesn't know that Gendry exists. We are 4 episodes into S#7 & still no Gendry, not even a single mention. How will he end up arriving back on DragonStone in time to join Jon's very own Suicide Squad???

  9. If dany was smarter she would have flown in with drogon before they could set up there shit and burn them then after a couple rounds fly away and let the dothraki go to town she would have lost less dothraki


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