We breakdown the preview of Game of Thrones Season 7 episode 5 and share our theories & predictions of what is to come. There is no released title for this episode at this time. The episode will air Sunday August 13th at 9pm on HBO.

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  1. My theory.

    Danny comes back as Jon is about to leave to go North with the dragon glass, she feels all high and mighty thinking she doesn't need him as an ally and kinda acts like a mad queen for a little bit. She demands he bends his knee or drogon will torch him. He still refuses and says he's not her enemy, she commands drogon and he doesn't listen. This shocks Danny to her core kinda waking her up and making her realize maybe she went too far. Jon leaves, while Jon is gone she realizes he must be targarian somehow.

  2. I second the misaligned goals between Dani and Jon. He wants to save everyone from the army of the dead and she wants to rule the iron throne. I do think that cave scene was important in showing how inflexible they are. So Jon will go north and Dany will stay at dragonstone. But I do think she will eventually help him out more, and continue to allow him to mine the dragon glass. She needs him as an ally, and he needs her.

  3. It would make no sense for Dany to threaten Job with Drogon, they just started to show trust and emotional connection last episode.  I think she's more just gonna be like yo if you want my dragons bend the knee brah, and hes gonna say no, then leave for eastwatch and shes gonna save his ass at the end of the season when she changes her mind about helping him

  4. Dany is doing what Aegon the Conqueror did. Also GoT trailers are very deceptive. I have a feeling Varys and Tyrion are discussing Cersei. Or perhaps discussing a way to let Dany free Jaime? If he is captured he wont be a prisoner for long. I can see Dany letting him go to tell Cersei what happened, they don't stand a chance. To convince Cersei to surrender, which of course she wont do.

  5. She gave them more than they gave her family, when they took KL and slaughtered rhegar's wife and children and had dany n her brother on the run. An ultimatum was not given to them!!!!!

  6. If Jon bows to her then he forfeits the chance to be King of the iron throne. Rightfully he would be the heir to the throne.

    Even though Dany has a good heart, she may stand down from accepting the throne when she is able to finally take it (maybe a foreshadowing vision of truth she saw at the castle of the undead). Here's why: 2 or 3 things may have to happen within the next 2 episodes. 1. when Tyrion was being told that he needs to speak to Dany about her behavior, because maybe she is starting to act power hungry and a little mad, I believe she may just try to burn Jon with her dragon and Drogon may refuse, or does, and Jon won't burn. The reason why I say he may not burn is because of the song Rhaegar used to sing about his child being the reborn promised king. Jon died and was reborn through magic(red dragon to be more precise), so therefore he may not burn from dragon's fire, just like Dany. Which also, once proven of his real father, Dany may offer him Rhaegon to ride to the north to help with the white walkers.

    2. The reason I think Dany may decide to rule next to Jon as his council instead of as queen, is because she will feel like he is the rightful heir and that she has a fear of turning  into her father, going mad. The Targaryens inbred themselves. Dany is a direct result of that, so was her father, so was Joffrey. Jon has Targaryen blood, but his is mixed with Stark blood as well. In my opinion, he may be the safer choice….Unless they get together, which would blow that theory out the water. I really hope they don't though. I think the show has proven that incested blood mixing can lead to crazy. I've always wondered about the Lannister father. They all have bright blonde hair and light eyes except for Tyrion.

    3. Jon stopped Lord Davos from telling of his actual death and resurrection to everyone. If Drogon tries to burn Jon and can't, and the brotherhood meet up with allies of Dany and Jon, the priest may be able to see it all over Jon that he was reborn again since he's done  it so many times. He may verbally call it out when he sees it. That may lead to Dany or anyone who was ever told of Rhaegar's songs of the promised reborn king to put 2+2 together.

    Of course, I'm just taking a natural guess here, but the previews seem to lend themselves to the possibilities. What do you guys think?

  7. Rhaegar could never have held Dany. Dany's mother was evacuated to Dragonstone when King's landing was put under siege. Dany was born on Dragonstone, and I believe it may have even happened after Rhaegar was already dead.

  8. In every war in history that was the the option given to any defeated enemy. Her demand of fealty is to be expected, Dany views herself as the rightful monarch anyone contradicting this is a threat to her well-being. Jon Snow is bae.


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