“I offer you a choice.”

Get an inside look at Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 5.

Game of Thrones airs on HBO on Sundays at 9.



  1. "The one who figures it out is Tyrion?" If Tyrion advised Daenerys to hit Cersei with everything she had the moment they arrived in Westeros, they wouldn't have had to convince Cersei of of anything because she would be dead and Daenerys would now be Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. Thanks to Tyrion's sage advice, Daenerys lost two important allies, the Night King is now riding one of her dragons, the Wall has been breached, the Army of the Dead are marching on Winterfell and Cersei betrayed them anyway even after being shown a wight which Jon Snow and his men nearly got killed capturing. Way to go Tyrion! đź‘Ť

  2. Littlefinger was never going to win this, he revealed his hand to much while trying to manipulate Sansa and the penny was always going to drop when she confided her fears about Arya in Littlefinger.

  3. omg…how could they mention Gendry, and NOT mention FREAKING ARYA!!! Who he spent freaking months with traveling, who saved his life TWICE, at least… He was close to 'other characters'… wtf doods?!

  4. You have to admit that Littlefinger is really really really reaaaaaaally lucky to have this so much perfect timing. Unless Arya is always following him and not doing anything else, like being with her family. And Jaime is incredibly lucky to not have drawn, I guess it's that easy to not sink with a armor of at least 20 kg. And to walk with it all the way to King's Landing … He's really strong and fast and sneaky and finds confortable anything. Wow … I miss the time when GoT followed the books …

  5. I kind of shuddered at Jon Snow's parting words to Daenerys. That's what the Sword of the Morning said, before the legendary sword engagement at the Tower of Joy. Same thing Mance said before he was killed by Jon Snow, with an arrow to the heart, as an act of mercy when Stannis tried to burn him at the stake.

    Anyway, I hope those words aren't a foreshadowing of Jon Snow's 2nd death.

  6. If Danearys should just storm kings landing the redkeep, burn Cersei & soldiers, then turn her attention to the North of wall dracarys the friggin white Walker and army of dead, bring peace and then she can ask others to Ben d knee. But noooooooo, she's strecthing herself and her army too thin, parlay with backincorner Cersei & end up losing even though she started strongly. God damn you D&D.

  7. I seem to remember in the very first scene of Game of Thrones where three men of the Nights Watch are heading beyond the wall, after coming across a white walker for the first time it lets one of them live we have the intro and then it cuts to him at Winterfell walking on foot, now that's teleportation if you ask me

  8. I also think it would be a good move to have Samwell meet Hot Pie and send him to cook at the Citadel. Those Maesters would be so happier after eating those pies, they would do whatever he suggested. We couldn't save Hodor; let's try and save Hot Pie.

  9. So, Daenerys, Jon, Missandei, Davos and Bronn and Jamie take refuge in the Inn at the Crossroads. They are all injured and discussing the battle with the dead and were their allegiance lies. Hot Pie serves them food and goes on a 2 min explanation about the use of butter in pie's. They stare at him in disbelief, listen to the whole thing and burst out laughing like they have never done before: I mean Daenerys is on the floor holding her stomach, Missandei is howling, Jon is almost choking, Bronn falls of the chair, you get the picture. Think we can convince the producers to do it?

  10. Noticed how Jorah Mormont's new armor looks like a flayed torso (how he got rid of Greyscale), and his sleeves have fur trimmings (as in Mormont of Bear island) ? That is clever costume design.

    Everyone in winterfell finds out of Jon true family from Sam and Brann . Arya kills LF .Danny get fucked with Jon . Joras dies . The night Kind is coming over the wall up in Viceries the ice dragon . Cersei miscarriages. Jamie goes with Jon and Danny to fight the WW.

  12. Stupid things about that episode

    1. Jaimie Lannister's escape.
    2. The whole plot to capture a zombie.
    3. The whole idea of bringing a zombie to Cersei
    4. Davos did not mind meeting Tyrion who killed his kids
    5. The rushing, the passage of time.

  13. Don't get me wrong, I'm looking forward to the Seven 'Knights' team-up next episode, but the steps the writers took to get to that plot development were…dumb as all hell. At least make it Daenery's, not Cersei, that Jon has to convince of the White walker's existence because Tyrion of all people should know that attempting to 'negotiate' with his sister is doomed to failure.


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