Game of Thrones Season 7 | Episode 5 Preview


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Also watch:

Game of Thrones Season 7 | Episode 4 Preview

Game of Thrones Season 7 | Leaked Scenes Part 3



  1. It makes perfect sense that Gendry already knows how to work Valyerian steel. Tobho Mott, who apprenticed him knew the technique and spells to forge it. Why wouldn't he teach it to his most skilled apprentice?

  2. If you're going to make a video on Games of Thrones, Have your Facts straight! Randel Tully told Jamie and Bronn that the last of the gold had safely made through the gates of the Red Keep! Your an Idiot, stop making these videos!

  3. I wonder what Ser Davos would do if he came to know that it was Tyrion's Wild Fire strategy that killed his son in the Battle of Blackwater… probably same as what he would do to Melisandre!!


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