In this video I will be breaking down the Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 5 Preview titled Eastwatch! This Video will contain mild spoilers and predictions for Game of Thrones Season 7 episode 5 Eastwatch! Gendry’s Return!

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Stark Week-
Targaryen Week –
Why the White Walkers Returned –
1st Trailer Breakdown –
2nd Trailer Breakdown –

Music: Artist: Ross Bugden

Sources Used! ASOIAF Novels, HBO Series Game of Thrones, A **Knight of the Seven Kingdoms and A World of Ice and Fire.
**A Song of Ice and Fire
**Game of Thrones Season 6
**A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms
**A World of Ice and Fire

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  1. Lol i knew Gendry would return in this ep, soon as Mellisanra left i was like "While everyone else has forgot about Gendry, i think he'll come to Dragonstone in the next ep", am i good or what? lol, i always watched out for signs when he would come back because they put him in the show for a reason because he has a big part to play, i'm not sure what yet but he is an heir to Kings Landing, even if Robert Baratheon took Kings Landing with the help of Ned since The Mad King went crazy and nobody wanted to claim the The Iron Throne, he has a claim to it, but i dunno if he's really interested, he might just be a member of The Knights Watch, although it won't be same now and the definition of what it's for would change once The White Walkers are dead, probs just as a look out for Westeros, but i think Gendry would like that job, he already wants to make a difference, unless Danerys takes a fancy to him after she finds out Jon is her nephew.

  2. she gets dislike for her ghetto level of reaching also wildlings are different from dothraki most of the seven hate wildlings they have never seen horse masters you speak on a level as if you wrote it never assume

  3. Dumb thought for you to consider but Arya asked Sansa when they first met if Arya should call Sansa Lady Stark and Sansa says yes but as we all know Lady was Sansa's direwolf killed back in season one. As most of this story is history repeating itself and Lyanna was supposedly raped, impregnated and died. so far Sansa is only one for three.could it be two for three as Ramsay did consummate the marriage repeatedly as Bran reminded us. As John is not a Stark and Bran renounces his title, next in line and sitting there with an evil Little Finger handing out Ruby hilted dragon bone daggers with Valyrian steel blades, begging the questions, who has dragon bones and rubies in this story. and why would they provide such a weapon to Baelish? The only other Valyrian Dagger of note belonged to the Boltons and they used it to flay the skin off their prisoners. This dagger seems destined to kill either a Lannister of a Stark as it was first used to attack Bran, then Ned, and it framed Tyrian. I am not suggesting that Petyr would use the blade on Sansa but Cersei is another story, Bran assumed Arya was going to kill Cersei any how, why not hand her the dagger? The prophecy said the Valongar which she believes means little brother. It need not mean brother at all but sister.The beautiful one who upset Cersei's reign looks to have been Sansa whose interest in Joffrey made Sansa a threat to be Queen and replace Cersei. As is Sansa married Tyrian making her the Lady of Casterly Rock as Jamie is not allowed to own property being a king's guard. and unless I missed it both of Cersei's sons are dead so heirship would skip Cersei, Lady Baratheon and pass on to Sansa, only the Baratheon thing would be in contest as none of Cersei's children belonged to Robert. At any rate assume it is Sansa's little sister that chokes the life out of Cersei, not a man. Petyr in his twisted mind would be in the position to blame the murder on Bran via Arya and Make Sansa Lady of the North and dethrone Jon of Sansa agrees. This of course all assumes Arya kills Cersei before she kills Little Finger who said to always fear the hidden dagger like the one Arya now has. It would be so much simpler if the show went in straight lines.

  4. I think that look that Sansa had after seeing Arya fight was not disappointment or fear… I think it was sansa realizing just how serious her sister was about killing people on her list. Think about it for a moment:
    First time she hears Arya mention the list, she laughs! "Like yeah, okay, sure sis!" with no seriousness.
    Second time this list is mentioned with Bran. She takes it more seriously, like "Oh shit it's a real list! Is my sister crazy?!"
    Then she sees Arya's skills in fighting. She was thinking, "My sister isn't crazy. She could literally kill people!" – That look!
    Now why would Sansa have an issue with this or fear of it? We know that Sansa now thinks politically, AND she finds pleasure in hurting her enemies. (That smile she had when Ramsey is eaten by his dogs, after all he did to her, for example! Or how she said she wished she had been the one to kill Joffrey)
    She is now surrounded by a brother who can worg & green see (which has its advantages) and a sister who is skilled in fighting & being an assassin. With her political brain, and Jon's leadership of the North – they are a strong wolf pack at this point!

  5. Personally, I hate Cersei, and I don't really care about Dany, but I also don't see Jon sitting on the Iron Throne. I see him in the North where he belongs. So Dany is the only one I see on the throne who is partially worthy. However everyone saying she is acting like Aegon from the war, I disagree. I would say that fight is just a warning shot, making sure Cersei know's who is in charge. I mean, she could still take her dragons and take the throne easily, but she doesn't. She's good, but harsh when needed.

    Wars can't be won without crossing bounds.

  6. 5:02 That's almost certainly Rhaegal "smiling" there. The front teeth are distinctively different from Drogon's, and it wouldn't make sense for Viserion to befriend Jon.

    6:15 Gray, I challenge you to come up with a single plausible way that Jaime and Bronn could just conveniently drift to safety when they: 1) are at the bottom of some lake, not the Blackwater Rush; 2) are drowning in full combat gear; 3) were being watched by Dany and Tyrion as they splashed into the water right in front of her; and 4) are surrounded by probably 100,000 or more patrolling Dothraki. I also challenge you to keep a straight face while doing so!

  7. Love the channel. Love the Vids. Love your voice. But can you stop calling us sweet summer children?! It's best not to blanketly label your viewers, especially referring to us as children. The children of the forest are also some of the lamest characters on game of thrones. Thanks for listening. No disrespect, just wanted to give you feedback.

  8. I think Gendry is there to forge weapons made of dragon glass…  I believe Tywin said there were only 2 armorers left that knew how to forge Valyrian steel, one of them was the guy Gendry worked for back in Kings Landing…. (I may be mixing book and show, but I don't think so).  And yes your voice/style is sexy as hell.  DO YOU!!!

  9. Wouldn't Dany have tp fly over King's landing to get to the Reach? Not to mention the Dothraki, how did they get around King's landing? Wouldn't they have came across the gold shipment traveling south?

  10. Gendry is a Blacksmith, and a good one at that. He made his own Bull's Head helm and most certainly is capable of making his own war hammer. It would be madness to risk his life by illicitly entering the Red Keep and stealing the property of the late king Robert when he has the materials and ability to make his own.
    And I think it unwise to blithely assume that Varys' telling Tyrion he must make "her" understand is referring to Dany. The GoT previews have always made use of editing so the audio heard over a scene is often taken from an entirely different scene. I suspect that they are in fact talking about Cersei, and how to convince her that they cannot afford to fight among themselves with such a an existential threat from the North.

  11. Also…. ummm….. more characters need to die. Going in it was a given the Sand Snakes where going to be casualties and Olena Tyrel wasn't a POV character. A POV character hasn't died. I want blood. GRRM has turned me into a monster.

    The blood debt must be payed its been 4 episodes and a major war is on.

    I'm thinking perhaps, episode 7 or 8 will show several characters die. Maybe more than 5 all dying in the fight against the wights and the walkers. So far we've had a character seem like the star of the series get executed like holy fuck. We've seen beloved characters betrayed horribly. All kinds of death. But we haven't seen like 5 main POV characters go down in one episode.

    Little Finger
    Grey Worm
    Braun (although I think he just recently became a POV character on the show)
    Vary's (Idk if he can be considered a POV character. It would make sense that he isn't since he the "spider" and his POV should be something unknown or shrouded. To see from his point of view would weaken the characters effect in theory)

    With the exception of 3 or 4 of the listed characters most of them have a righteous nature or they have a decent moral compass. Cersei, Little Finger, Braun, Vary's all have a lesser moral compass or they're nature leans more towards dark. Cersei and Little FInger are the least moral and completely self serving. Braun has righteousness in him and Vary's could be evill as hell with a talking pee pee for all we know. I bet only One out of these 4 survive the Game.

    There are 4 starks left. Atleast one more will die but would that be bittersweet enough? If not, then atleast 2 will die and one perhaps disappears into the north forever. Sansa and Bran Don't fight so its more likely Arya will die. Bran isn't really Bran anymore so he'll die. Sansa wont be the only survivor and she might also die. Arya wont be the only surviving start either. Bran or Jon will be the Lone Stark Survivor if 3 starks die.

    I think Arya will be overconfident and get killed.

    Cersei will die

    Jamie will die

    Theon will die by Euron's hand.

    Yara will die.

    Danaerys will die and so will all her dragons.

    Little Finger will die. (He's misread the Stark kids)

    Brienne will die

    Millisandra will die

    Gendry will die

    Gilly will die

    Sansa will die AFTER Arya.

    Tyrion Has fifty fifty chance but I think he will die

    Jon has fifty fifty chance but I think he will Live

    Bran will disappear forever somewhere in the north beyond the wall

    Grey Worm will live

    Varys will live

    Braun will live but he'll be a poor old sellsword

    Podrick will live

    Jorah will live
    Sam will live

    Sandor will Clegane will be the only one to survive the fight with the wights and walkers besides Jon. Sandor "the Hound" will Live.


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