Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 6 Review and Breakdown – “Beyond the Wall”

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  1. Jon is a green seeer. Why would he call her Dany?? He saw her brother and her child in Viserion!! This world is a mirror. Brienne and Jamie, a mirror similar to Dany and Jon!! Just a couple of thoughts

  2. If the Night King knew they would bring a dragon North and is so good at greenseeing/scheming, I cannot help but wonder if he turns out to be 'R'ollor.. and sends visions to people in order to get them to do his bidding. Sounds like a typical warped religion.

  3. I got spoiled too and even knew the name of the dragon who was going down and everything. It still broke my heart seeing it on the screen though. Seriously, spoilers suck though, it's really not welcome. I could be reading some comment and then BAM! too late.

  4. Omg!!! Thank you for saying that!!! (About putting spoilers in the title) dear god that was awful! I've read all the books I'm a diehard fan of the show and I was so mad when I saw that, since I avoid all spoilers. It ruined it!!! 😭😭😭

  5. Arya was playing the game of faces. Sansa didn't by the obvious lie that Arya wanted to find out how life would be as a lady, like she basically said seconds before "threatening"to kill Sansa. Arya turning the dagger towards her and handing it to Sansa was Arya realising that Sansa was not the enemy. At least, that's how I see that scene. Let me know what you think of it

  6. I think we get Cleganebowl and the Valonqor. Brans first visions we seen a dragons shadow over Kingslanding and its probably coming next episode. since it was in his vision it may be important. Cersei being killed or pregnant could make Euron attack KL also. I think we get more main character deaths in this final then any other episode even more then last seasons final.

  7. Dragon glass works on wights only in the show. Remember, in the books after Sam killed one of the others, (when he and Gilly were trying to get to the wall) a wight attacked them. Sam stabbed the wight, but nothing happened to it. Eventually the crows or a crow said "fire." Don't remember who killed it, maybe Cold Hands, but that's how it died…again.

    And thank you for saying there's a difference between and an ice dragon and a wight dragon!

    Keep up the good work!

  8. I might have figured out why the Night King aimed for Viserion instead of Drogon. Drogon was on land and wouldn't have sunk into the lake if killed by the NK. And Drogon was frequently producing fire, so might have just burned up if killed. That's no use to the NK. Viserion was in position so that, with a good hit, he'd sink into the lake and the fire be put out, thus preserving his body to make him into a wight or WW. This also explains why the battle had to occur on a lake.

  9. Danny need to chose successor quicky urgently, bcoz i think she is going to die in next season, with no official incharge of her army and dragons. (Robert have not chosen his successor up until his last time, and that resulted into war of 5 kings)
    and i think arya will either die or runaway from winterfell, bcoz Sansa is going to attack her.

  10. I dont feel like the death of Viserion is a spoiler.. i dont read spoilers or watch any video or comment before i think about it, write it down… and sometimes not even then… i feel it was obvious due to the parallel between the direwolves and the Starks and therefore the Targaryens and dragons… and Viserion is like the crazy brother, he is yellow… he died after beig poured gold over him… drogon, drogo… shoulder… he doesnt die because drogo didnt die… i feel… what if they have some eggs at Dragon Stone? thought of this when i saw the size of the dragons in S7… anyways… there are things that dont require spoilers… the script itself tells the story… sorry for any typos…

  11. I wish you took your time a bit more in the videos, as you sound like you're rushing to get the info out and I had to pause a few times to look at stuff. Kudos to you for not liking the leaks either. I was mad that I heard one of them would die too before the ep aired and I tried to stay away from leaks but still wanted to watch GOT youtuber content, so had to be very cautious in which videos I clicked on.

  12. So, how does the western bridge not negate the purpose of the wall having magic in it? They could simply take that path as well, or? But yes, now when he's got nukes he'll probably be able to melt the wall.

  13. I don't like that the wights died when the white walker died it doesn't sit right with hardhome, if in the show it had been recently turned wights I wouldn't have a problem with it but they seemed older than that, so when Jon killed the white walker at hardhome I'd expect some of the, to drop but they didn't, plus they seemed to be able to hold off a lot of them like a really lot, I mean there was 6 including the nights watch guy who died, Jon,jorah, tormand, the hound, and berric, yeah they were getting Over run but they still took a lot out, if every man could take out 20 wights then it's not as big a threat. I loved the episode tho it was one of the better once this season, it's just worrying how easily they took so many out

  14. NO. SANSA CANT BE QUEEN. SHE IS ABSOLUTELY OBNOXIOUS. Even the little clip you showed that she clda pushed joffrey- the hound saw what she was thinkin and stopped her. of course she could survive at court- its what she's been trained for and dreamt of. fancy dresses and featherbeds, maids to bathe her, fancy meals, and all she had to do was repeat all day every day that her family were traitors and she was loyal to her beloved jofgrey. I KNOW she had to do that to survive, and Arya never could have stood to do it, but dont knock Arya- Sansa couldnt have survived a day of what Arya went thru. she probly wlda had a breakdown when yoten cut off her hair- DEFINITELY pretending to be a boy, sleeping outside, getting captured, almost killed, tortured. NEVER. She wldve told some1 who she was "a knight" no doubt, hoping to be treated as a highborn captive-right back to Cersei and comfort. yes, joffrey tormented her but NOTHING like what the waif did to Arya. the most terrible, unforgiveable thing that happened to Sansa was without a doubt Ramsay. but for some reason she keeps running off to the guy that sold her to that psycho like hes her BFF and confidante. I wouldve had him killed. Arya wlda done it herself. Arya knows sansa was made to write the letter- thats not her point. 1st, like she said, she doesnt think sansa shlda done it- she wlda rather died, not really fair, many in sansas place wldve done it- altho there are plenty who would die to stand up for what they believe (mance, ned-b4 varys told him to think of sansa- stannis wlda, brienne probly…) but ok, sansa was a child. but aryas main point is how freaked sansa is about the note- desperate enough to break into aryas stuff, and she IS scared and panicky- cos she doesnt want anyone to hear about it. because Arya called it last week- she wants the support of northern lords, if jon doesnt come back she needs them- arya said sansa didnt want to think it, but she couldnt stop. and sansa didnt deny it. this note – and more importantly, Sansa's reaction- is just more proof to arya that she has to watch sansa. I'm glad Sansa's grown from the stupid, weak victim she always was, but did she have to straight to raging bitch. How she treats brienne is disgusting. Brienne is 1 person who truly wants to help them, no hidden agendas, no motives of her own, and Sansa treats her like shit. Forgot about the cold woods and the candle and Bolton's men that Brienne slaughtered 4 you already, did you? you stuck up little bitch. omg, and dont get me started on book Sansa- geez. she is freaking unbearable- her chapters are painful to read. dad's dead, arya's (presumed) dead, robb & catelyn, dead, bran & rickon (far as she knows) dead. just watched joffrey die, tyrion (who always treated her kindly) is wrongly accused, going to die. her poor 'florian', dead. thanks LF. has to run from KL as a wanted murderer- with littlefinger, who, btw, is the ACTUAL murderer- AND WHAT IS THIS STUCK-UP BITCH WORRIED ABOUT? THAT SHE HAS TO PRETEND TO BE A BASTARD! OH, THE HORROR! SHE IS SO STUPID AND VAIN AND SNOBBY. JUST THE WORST. PLZ KILL HER OFF. (MARTIN might, show wont cos shes so pretty.) sorry for rant, i just cant take all this sudden sansa support when shes such a bitch, and slamming Arya when shes trying to watch jons back. but bran has to see it going down. if it gets serious Bran will say something.

  15. dany wont care about jon being resurrected- she had absolutely no problem using blood magic to keep Drogo alive- it was a scam, Drogo was just a shell of a man- but if Drogo had come out of it in the same state as Jon, she wlda been happy as hell. she didnt care how he lived, what magic, as long as he lived. and i dont believe any of the Lord of Light stuff. It is blood magic and shadowbinding- lots of people in the show confuse religions with what is really just basically magic.


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