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Just sharing my ideas one of my favorite book series, A Song of Ice and Fire by George RR Martin. This video may contain spoilers for those of you who are not up to date with the series. That goes for the HBO show and the books.

I’m just speculating and guessing on some ideas that I have on how future events will transpire in the series. Keep in mind however, I know nothing.

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  1. Since Game of Thrones doesn't have to make sense anymore I can't wait till the next episode when Arya flies away on her unicorn to go stop Voldemort and his orcs from eating all the ice cream from the Ice Cream Ocean…. cuz you know… dragons.

  2. If you tie in all your comments it gets even more pathetic. Giant chains out of nowhere. It much have taken them 1/2 hour to an hour to bring the dragon up, Jon Snow was under the water for all that time or they would have left, so Jon can hold his breath for an hour and also can swim with about 50 lbs. of clothing on., it's hilarious.

  3. Hey Quin, people give you so much bullshit to the point that I can tell how truly upset you get, and there have really been times when I know you've wanted to give up. Just, please don't. As a passionate reader of all of GRRM's work, I have almost always been on your level with your criticisms, and yes, this episode is the worst one I can recall. I feel like I can speak for a lot of your subscribers when I say that you're truly one of the most passionate and compelling YouTube producers out there, and everyone who gives you shit should never get in the way of what you do best, which is what you present right here on IOIAF. Show your face more often! And your pipes as well 🙂 all the best.

  4. Regarding the Arya/Sansa plot… I agree, it blows. But I think I came up with a reasonable plot twist: maybe Arya is implying that she wants Sansa to be more like her. Maybe she wants Sansa to kill Littlefinger as a proof of her true colors. At least, that's what I thought when she twisted the dagger around and gave it to Sansa. I know, it's still stupid, but it's less worse.

  5. Thaknk you for sharing your insight Ideasofice&fire
    I want to ask you, cause nobody seams to mention it, how do you truly wanted this season to be played out, as a alternative mention? You could do a video about it "your take on the story" as a helping-hand 😛 to the writers. Could be intersting…for you and us viewers.

    As you said in the video, If they cared a bit more the story would a lot better, I have read only the first book of the series but I can understand the mess this series has been devolved into…

    For me the John fighting instead of going to the dragon was the most ***moment.

    I cant called my self a fully fleched writer yet, but this scene could be done so much better by only changed small things that combine together mess the whole story

    ex. removing all the drawing Jon scene. Make a scene with Bran mind-battling with the Night's King maybe to help the group of men till Daynerys comes. If Dragons are some kind of magic they could also play with the idea Drogon been worried about John since he is a Targerreen and been all upset about it to Daynerys and wanted to leave instead of waiting till the raven arrived.

    Maybe finding Cold hands in the process of capturing a walker, I dont know though if he can go beyond the wall as he mention it in the scene with Bran.

    And of course changing Arya behavior to a more human. Bitter maybe for the relationship between Sansa and her in the past but more logical. Willing more to understand than trying to be all physco about it. Angry at first for possibility of betrayal but showing compassion after, a perfect moment for the two sisters to share their stories and bond.

    I dont undestand Tyrion he becomes slowly from a "i drink and say things" to a nany of Dany. He should find his old self been worried ofcourse but more logical and stratigical.

    Still there are so much more that could been done….

  6. Re: Jon not dying- it's possible that the cold slowed down his brain function, which meant he was only kinda dead. ( like how he got out of the water I don't know) but there's a saying amongst medical professionals, " You're not dead til you're warm and dead) Once you warm up a patient who has hypothermia they can have seemingly little to no brain damage.

  7. Thank you for being honest about this episode. I can't buy how most youtubers are calling this episode great. Of course they have all rights to have their own opinion but it feels odd, that the majority of videos i watched about this episode praise it like a masterpiece of art.

    What bothers me the most about GoT this season, is that the pacing of every event feels rushed and unprepared. The storyline they were writing could work out, if they just took their time to give the viewer a sense of time progression and showing how they thought, all of those unbelievable events make sense. Even Arya's new-found madness could be shown at a much slower change over time and maybe make it more believable.

  8. So this bear…was it aimlessly walking around a la The Walking Dead? If so, someone needs to tell the Night King cause I'm sure he wouldn't want his expensive undead bears roaming the countryside instead of helping murder crows.

  9. ok, i just went & watched the episode. What a whiner. The only really dumb thing was that J Snow didn't become hypothermic and drown within seconds. I'm willing for the sake of the Suspensions of Disbelief to believe a raven got to dragonstone within 24 hours. Which is about the time that they were on the lake waiting. This episode was way better than this review makes out. J Snow should be dead. Again. But screw it he's the main character now.

  10. My main complaint was the chains. Where did they come from? And Uncle Benjin dying. You're so right. He didn't have to die. He could have joined Jon on his horse and rode away with him. Absolutely could have. But I will never hate an episode. I didn't think it was crap. They're just trying to edit it all in.

  11. @ideasOfIceAndFire
    The episode description mentioned something like a very ancient power is awakened far beyond the wall, what are your thoughts on the idea that the NK just awakened or gave embodiment to an ancient god like the Great Other? if so this could be the beginning of the long night, also I'd be pretty disappointed if this is true, because it would have likely taken some sort of massive blood magic ritual, rather than just a touch. Also agree that the plot is in a downward spiral, since GRRM quit giving Dumb & Dumber breadcrumbs to follow, they have completely lost the main points of the endgame of the story, imo.

  12. I always watch late bc I try not to get spoilers but I always love hearing your opinions. Thank you for continuing to be critical and honest. This episode was garbage.

    At this point I feel like GRRM gave to writers a fake ending and they feel so special and insightful when he's really just trolling them.

  13. My favorite line was from Benjen. "There's no time!!"

    Bitch, Dothraki can march back to Dragonstone faster than a dragon can fly there. Gendry can run out of view of a fucking mountain in an hour or so, and a raven can fly 600 mph– don't tell me about time.

  14. I never read any of the books. This is my first time posting. I got hook up with game of thrones through watching the series. I got more interested when I found out they were books. I started watching some of your stuff just to get a feel for the books because that is alot of time to invest. Let me say the reason I got hook on the program because it was different it made you think and you could relate it to the current politics today. I am a fan that is more forgiving until this episode. WTF happen??? I felt like I was watching some fan fict series that moved more towards Buffy the vampire slayer where real world facts don't matter. Now don't get me wrong I Love Buffy. But that show presented itself as a fun adventurous sometime issue related series. But the episode I watch didn't feel like game of thrones. Thats my opinion anyway. By the way I know it is a fanasty, however it presented itself more as a drama with historical medevil influence as well as other cultures. I serously doubt a raven sent from East Watch will arrive in dragonstone before everyone die of the elements or from the dead. Terrible…. thats the end of my rant.

  15. Well if like 10 humans can kill like 100 wights. Then an army should be fine. Very dumb and rushed. I might say the dumbest episode I ever saw. They couldve done it soo much better, thats the thing that makes me sick.

  16. Jesus fucking Christ it's entertainment, not a recounting of historical events. As far as entertainment goes, it's better than anything out there. You're fine to like or dislike whatever you want, but you're just pacing between the same 3 criticisms for the sake of criticism without offering anything of substance. I'd rather rewatch the episode than waste an hour on your whining. Could have been a 5 minute video.


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