Check out my Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 6 Preview Breakdown and Predictions.

I will be posting my Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 6 Breakdown video tomorrow.

Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 6 Breakdown

Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 6 Explained

Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 6 Predictions.



  1. If people are going to complain about spoilers in the comments then you are dumb sorry but its true, either watch the leaked video nothing is wrong quality wise really just watch it a day or two before the actually release thats what i did but you can't expect people not to mention ANYTHING in the comments so you really spoiled the thing yourself by coming here should of came here after you watched it

  2. Littlefinger is trying to turn Arya against Sansa with that letter. Then when Arya threatens Sansa, Littlefinger will have all the cause he needs to banish her/execute her. What he's probably not banking on is a Sansa and Arya team up AGAINST Littlefinger. I expect that this little plot thread will end with Littlefinger being played by the two Stark girls and ultimately dying

  3. The same ones LF was talking to in the courtyard were the same two that stood up saying they should have picked Sansa in the great hall! The one from the Eerie and Lord Karstark? I still think Sansa and Arya are playing LF and he's going down!!!!

  4. Littlefinger wants to play the sisters against each other. He knows if they find solace in each other, Littlefinger will be far down the ladder of influence. If they end up hating each other, he can be a shoulder to cry on for Sansa, and ultimitely he will get what he wants – Sansa.

  5. I think that Jon, Tormund, Gendry, Hound, and Jorah make it out alive, and I see everyone else dying as they are expendable and their storyline is already over and outstayed their welcome in the first place

  6. i know u like ideas about white walkers, bran and the 3 eyed raven. i just watched hold the door again and i realised that bran had been warged into hodor for quite a while and willis (young hodor) was fine. it wasnt untill the 3 eyed raven died that willis was able to see bran. im not sure y but i believe that that is important

  7. Just a note… at 4:48 when they are all in a circle…. why does it look like 12 people and not 7? Even in the clips just prior to that I can't see anything that would reason for why it looks like more people in the circle.

  8. The letter Baelish is supposed to make Sansa look very untrustworthy when its presented to the lords and houses of the North, because the letter incriminates Sansa's loyalty to the North . The men and women in Winterfell will feel betrayed and they may ask for a better lord, perhaps another Stark or Baelish to lead them?

  9. Nex I know you've seen Episode 6 by now. we need some reactions bro. I'm not gonna be icy towards people who haven't seen it and spoil anything, but the dragons were up to some shit in that episode. what are your thoughts?

  10. So the episode struggled because it failed to explain things that definitely needed explaining. I feel a few extra lines of dialogue in key scenes would have made it passable in making some sort of sense, otherwise it doesn't. The first would be adding the line to Jon "How did you find me?" PERSON "Bran sent me" The second would be further dialogue making it clear the NK knew they were coming and it was a trap to get THE THING there. Both are possible within the narrative and established lore, but neither were added and therefore most of the episode make frak all sense.

  11. all In ep6 john stark takes a group of people beyond the wall they get ambushed and have to run and then blah blah Danny comes on the dragons to save them but one gets hit by a spear by the knight king and presumably dead but at the end you see the dead turning it into a ice dragon


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