Winter is here! Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 6 Beyond The Wall has aired so it is time to break it down and review it! There will be MAJOR spoilers for this episode so be warned.

In this breakdonwn I recap the episode and give my thoughts.

What happened in this episode? Did anyone die? Did any major characters meet for the first time? And what shocks does GoT have in store for us. Let’s find out!

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  1. Let me know all your thoughts on the episode in the comments!

    The next episode trailer is out so that is my next video. I should have the video done and uploaded in about 13 hours.

    Thanks for watching!

  2. Jon and Dani are going to have some dragon babies soon! 😍 I hope she had twins so she will be the "mother of three." There is no way that Jon would want his child to be a bastard so that means wedding bells! 💍❄️🔥
    Not to mention that once Dani has a baby that it will complete the MMD prophecy. 😍 I am really hoping to see the return of Rhaego!! If I am right about him not being dead I would love to see him come riding in on his very own dragon! Just when the war is all but lost… one last hope for mankind… Rhaego!! The stallion that mounts the world! All men will find one last will to rally behind him and defeat the Night King! Well, at least a girl can hope…

  3. I loved this episode. I didn't mind the speedy travel times too much. I guess I kinda felt that Daenerys needed to hurry up and get to the North, so I just put it down to magic and that's fine with me. Thanks for the video. 🙂

  4. For me, the epic moments made up for the pacing, and I can make up excuses/reasons for why certain events aren't as absurd as people think. However, I think you're totally right about the episode needing to be split up. Maybe the budget is why they cut the episode down from 10 to 7 episodes, but this season could have easily been 8 or 9 episodes if this one was just split in 2 or 3 parts. Like you said, oh well – I still think it's top 10-15, but definitely not the top 5.

    I think every episode besides this one has been fine. The pacing has been a little fast, but not glaringly problematic in my opinion, until this episode.

  5. Any episode focused on the undead is bound to suck. The interesting parts of this show have always been the interactions between the various factions of living, thinking, people trying to claim the iron throne. Mindless undead are boring as hell.

  6. I completely agree-this was too fast. Totally rushed through the Jon Snow and White Walkers expedition. I really hope that Sansa and Arya are "putting on a show" for us the viewers and Littlefinger and behind the scenes they are plotting against him! Fingers crossed on that theory.

  7. lol ure really pushing this Dany and Rhaegal conflict i see. .. i dont like it. plus i think Rhaegal will accept Jon as his rider even without being pissed at his mother. at least i hope . i dont want her to "lose" another child

  8. Doesn't make sense because moments ago when Beric said he (NK) turned them all they were talking about how that one WW turned those in the scouting party. So now the NK which they have no idea turned all the wights don't you remember what you said seconds ago?

  9. I think what Benjen said to Jon, ''there is not enough time" summaries the episode. The show down between ice and fire, dragons vs. white walkers is something that the series has been building up towards and here, when it is finally happening, it wasn't as climatic as it should have been. I think the whole concept of this ''amazing seven group'' going north of the wall with the king in the north risking his life to convince cersei is very weak. I don't think this is in GRRM Winds of Winter but in the show mainly as a plot device to bring characters together, which is why it didn't feel climatic and epic.

  10. It was too fast…super-sonic dragons ! The pacing did not flow, the scenes were epic, editing sucked on putting these huge moments together.. there was no flow in the story. It was almost like each separate scene was an awkward burst..followed by the sound of crickets…

  11. The back and forth between Sansa and Arya water down this episode. They could have taken this out and the writers could have given more details to the suicide squad beyond the wall. Perhaps also a little more dialogue between Jon and his uncle.

  12. Is it just me or was this episode a major disappointment. I expected something great, smart and well Game of Thrones. This felt like bad fan fiction. It was way too rushed with no regard for travel time. The Dany Jon love storyline is honestly one of the major things I am growing to hate about this season. I love the show. I really do. It is the best television show I have ever seen. But this season is subpar at best.

  13. I felt this was the worst writing of the series and the 'big moments' did NOT make up for it for me.
    In this episode the only thing I liked was that Tormund snorted when Jon told him he hadn't been in the south etc. and when the Hound talked to Gendry about not 'winging'.

    Ravens are now instagrams?? wights can't swim etc… but some how they get enormous chains to pull a dragon out of a lake???

    So many things could have been done better if the writing was getter.. like they maybe could have at least had wight GIANTS pulling the dragon out of the lake… so many ways they could have used the already established story line to make the story more believable without even changing their outcomes… It was like the writers just quit giving a damn…

  14. I dont think the white walker are legendary swordsmen it's just that when we have a battle with them they are surprising their ennemies like jon in hardhome or the weapons are breaking

  15. It is a bit weird and creepy that Arya just casually carries dead faces in her handbag. I wish they had kept it all a secret as to how they get the faces because carrying faces in a bag just makes no sense. How are these faces not decomposing? Can NK gain control of these dead faces?

  16. I don't understand why so many are hating on the Arya and Sansa scene's, as to me, it was obvious they were playing along with Littlefinger's game. If he's not dead by next episode, he will be soon.

  17. You are so right:the pace was ridiculous. Even if the ravens were telegraphs, how did Gendry make it back and Dany get there so fast?
    Jon bent the knee; now what?
    Jorah got Jon thinking about his future and his children.I think Dany not being able to have children is going to work against them, (please!). It still looks like he is going to keep his glands in check.There is more at stake than his getting is jollies with Daenerys.
    Jon Snow has more honor in his toenails than either of his parents had in their whole bodies.
    Why didn't Arya just tell Sansa how she got the note that Sansa wrote to Robb? It would have put Little Finger in his place. That is the problem with most shows/movies, often something unsaid could make all the difference and GoT was smarter than that, UNTIL NOW.
    I am so sorry that they showed us Jon leaving the North on the horse.It would have had more impact if it hadn't been so obvious that it had to be Benjen who saved him. It would have been better to see a few dead giants pull the dragon out of the water.I rather saw that coming.
    I am glad more survived that I feared.
    Now we need to find out WHY the Night's King turned on the Children of the Forest and what connection he has to House Stark.
    Beric Dondarrion is my new G0T crush.


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