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Game of Thrones, Jon Snow, Daenerys Targaryen, Cersei Lannister, White Walkers, Jaime Lannister, Azor Ahai, Jorah Mormont, The Hound, Sansa Stark, Aria Stark, Bran Stark, Lyanna Stark, Season 7, Episode 6.

Hey guys,

So this is a theory I found within an article and followed all the way to Reddit, spiced it up a bit with my own view on things.

Like it or not, it is just a theory and could make sense. And in my opinion it would make for a perfect flow of events going forward and one hell of an ending, like it was Easter Egged with the very first episode of the show to ever air.

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The Music Credits in this video go to:

Shattered Sky by Shattered Helium

George Street Shuffle by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (


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This video contains information on:
Game of Thrones Season 7
Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 5
Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 6
Game of Thrones 7×05
Game of Thrones 7×06
Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 7



  1. The only part of this that would be cool if it came true was the Night King knowing that Dani+Dragons were coming to rescue John's Suicide Squad. It would explain why he waited patiently with them, why he and his mate had perfect timing when killing the dragon and why dragging him out of the lake seemed preplanned. The NKs confidence is that of someone who knows exactly how things are going to go, as if he's lived them before (the bit with the other white walker handing him the spear was like watching two gamer buddies redoing a level they're really good at)

  2. I think this whole Bran is the Night's King thing is bullshit. Mainly because of ONE. LINE. FROM. BEFORE.


    The Night's King seems to walk around a LOT. And a LOT of the things Brynden Rivvers (spelling? I know it's not straightforward spelling which is why I'm asking) said have already become true and so far the thing about Bran not walking in the real world, but jumping/flying about in the dream world/past time world, coming true.

    Meh. I don't know. Just seems kind of obvious.

  3. Nah. Its brendan stark. It cant be bran.. Not because bran might sound a shorter version for brendan. He cant be. Just kill off bran. Such a stupid character. This isnt got anymore. Kill thsi fucking stupid characters.

  4. I can't be the only one that has noticed the facial changes they have done to the Night King from previous seasons. The Night King we see now looks nothing like the Night King we saw at Hardhome and at the alter with the one of Crasters offerings (Cheekbone, nose) for example. I think as Bran (and his actor) have aged in the show they've made what they thought were subtle changes to the Night Kings face to more align with Bran (aging through puberty). They look very much alike and have the same walk. There's definite smoke with this theory.

  5. The seven rows symbol on the Night's King Eye may mean also the 7 Gods, I mean, They've got them on sight:

    The Father – Jon Snow (Stark)
    The Warrior – Jaime Lannister
    The Blacksmith – Gendry Baratheon
    The Mother – Daenerys Targaryan
    The Maiden – Sansa? D:
    The Old – SIr Davos o Tyrion?
    The Unknown – Arya Stark.

    Just saying.

  6. The dragon most have 3 heads, and one of the heads is from the Nights King, come on this producers are stupid fuckers, come on, they couldnt shock us with good guys dying, they had to start killing Dragons?? come on…

  7. The writing has gone to utter shit this season. Its just horrendous, I feel like Im watching a fan fiction of game of thrones. So much fan service, plot armour, cheesy dialogue, forced tension, characters can teleport now. Its juuust horrendous.

  8. My theory about the end of GoT:
    The Night King wins the war and White Walkers kill every living person in Westeros..

    -Bran travels trough time reaching Brandon the Builder and telling him to build the Wall.
    -Bran travels trough time telling Mad King Aerys to "Burn them all" (referring to the White Walkers) in case things go bad..
    -Bran travels trough past back into the time where the White Walkers get created to try and stop it all and gets stuck-traumatized (drowned) due to the magic used by the Children of the Forest into the host's body (the future Night King) and can't make it back to his future self.

    Outcome: Bran becomes the Night King.
    Plus the fact that the Night Kings abilities are, in sorts of.. nothing more than a type of Warging, obviously exponentialized by the Children of the Forest's magic/curse, and also maybe distorted by him, giving him the ability to raise their dead fellow ones (which were outnumbered back then) to fight in the war against Men.

    Makes sense to me and I also believe this theory.

    Thumbs up.

  9. i think the night king wanted a dragon. not that he couldn't kill Daenerys or drogon or John snow but simply because I believe he knows something that everyone else doesn't. the fact he's much older than all of them and might have knowledge about dragons being a white. or simply knowing he has a better tactical advantage with a dragon to his army. imo

  10. Little Finger is no one. I think he can change faces and at the end of this episode, he was pretending to be Arya. Sansa got a letter earlier to go to see Cersei. He knew she wouldn't go and that she would send Brienne, who is supposed to protect the Stark sisters. They even made it a point to show that scene with Sansa and Little Finger. He's trying to divide Arya and Sansa. The first time Arya and Sansa spoke this episode, Arya showed emotion. She showed uncertainty when speaking about their father. The final time they speak, Arya spoke much differently. She spoke calm and with no emotion. She also flipped that blade and handed it to Sansa like someone who has handled that blade for years. Little Finger owned that blade for years. Arya just got to Winterfell and we've never seen her handle a blade like that. Just Needle and a bow.

  11. The fact Bran got a burn when we got touched by the NK during his vision is very meaningful IMO. Very typical of the whole "time travel" lore – "you can't touch yourself because paradox bla bla bla"…

  12. Bran saw future of exploding kings landing and dragon flying over kings landing… and that was so obvious trap by Night's King that just wanted to get dragon which he needs to destroy the wall..

  13. what makes me think he's the night king is the way the three eyed raven knocked him out of visions by touching him, and when the night king touched him it had the same effect, and the fact that interacting with anyone else in visions seems to have a negative effect on their minds (if you believe the Bran is R'hllor theory ie. is the voice in the flames, made Aerys go mad etc.) if they are all the same person, coming into contact with your own consciousness in these visions could have the effect of nocking one another out of this state of mind depending on who was the stronger warggreenseer at the time. Also the faceless men pray to the many faced god, if Bran is all three of these people (for want of a better way of putting it) that would fit one god wearing many faces over time. Also bonus the whole "valar morgulis, valar doheiris, all men must die, all men must serve", in that order sounds very white walkery to me lol


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