Game of Thrones season 7 episode 6 trailer breakdown. It looks like Jon Snow and crew will be fighting the Night King Norrh of the Wall in GoT s7 e6.
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Game of Thrones season 7 episode 6 is the penultimate episode which means we expect it to be the most exciting of s7. In the official teaser trailer from HBO we see that Jon Snow, Tormund, Jorah Mormont, Gendry, Beric Dondarion, Thoros of Myr, and the Hound have gone north of the wall where they are met by a horde of wights. It looks like there may be a handful of wildings or other soldiers along with them.
In the trailer for Game of Thrones s7x06 we also see a short look at Dragonstone. We see Queen Daenerys in the map room with her hand Tyrion Lannister. We can’t tell what they are thinking about but it looks like Daenerys is faced with a tough decision.
We also get a look at Winterfell in the new teaser trailer for episode 6. It appears that Littlefinger is still playing his game of thrones, and that he may be pitting sisters Arya and Sansa Stark against each other. The trailer doesn’t give us much to go off but we do hear Arya’s voice say, “You’re scared aren’t you? What are you scared of?”
The other voiceover we hear in the GoT s7 e6 trailer is Beric’s saying, “Death is the enemy. The first enemy and the last. The enemy always wins, and we still have to fight him.” This is an ominous and prophetic description of the what Jon Snow and the others may be up against when battling the Night King, the White Walkers, and the horde of wights north of the wall in episode 6 of Game of Thrones season 7.
What do you think will happen in the next Game of Thornes episode? What did you think of the s7x06 teaser trailer? Who, if anyone are you worried will die when they go north of the wall to fight the Night King and the white walkers?
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  1. We already know thoros and possibly beric are nit going to make it back. And also i dont think that just because ghendry made a comeback that, that'd makes him invincible…

  2. I think Thoros will die and Beric will burn him so he doesn't become a dead walker. I also think Beric will survive and go with the group to King's Landing and either Gregor kills him ( again) , or hopefully 3rd x's the charm and he kills zombie Gregor with the sword of light. Another possibility is that Gregor kills Beric but then Sandor kills Gregor with Beric's flaming sword. That would be poetic justice 🙂

  3. Is no one going to mention how those guys running in the frame behind Jon Snow are hauling ass???!! Its no wonder everyone is sure jon is going to be left behind, hes too short to keep up lol

  4. That's the Hound with Gendry's hammer. I've been pausing that in the trailer since I first saw it. If its not, its same shape/design but i find that production wise unlikely. But what really sells, that he isn't just bringing a hammer instead of a sword, is that he has a sword in other shots. Specifically when you see the group circling up in defensive posture, he's holding a sword. At some point he ends up with that hammer. Maybe Gendry bites it.. maybe he is KoL'd from Beric. Maybe he is just injured and the hound grabs it for an upgrade to defend with. But he uses both that hammer and a sword in different shots… we don't really see any other hammers, and I doubt D&D would add in another. Production wise it muddies things up, makes it hard to tell who is who when the fight gets going. Each character has an easily defining feature in the fight… Hammer, flame sword, burnt face/long hair down, Red hair, grey/short hair, top knot, dark hair (its long too, but pulled back so it is short and can be easily confused with Gendry).

  5. You say you can't tell who's going to die in the battle up north?  It's Baric Dondarrion, of course.  The still pic of him bravely wielding his flaming sword should be labeled "He's a goner."

  6. Quit saying "anyway(s)" It is driving me crazy. That is NOT a word. It is something a California educated, highschool freshman would say with his pants hanging down and his hat on sideways while he is trying to score some ecstasy. It makes all the other things that would usually be taken seriously moot because you don't have sophisticated, proper English skills. I mean to say that it really irritates me to listen to folks that can't take their native language seriously. Really, if you choose to communicate as your primary occupation, shouldn't you do it well and with proper education? If you don't bother to learn proper English, then why should I bother to listen to you? I have unsubscribed as a result.

  7. Everyone else has grown in to their character. John has become a leader, Arya has become a skilled assassin, Bran has become the three eyed crow. If Sansa who admittedly has grown some, is not up for littlefinger's manipulations after having been more or less schooled in them by himself, then she is now no longer vital to the plot. She has to be the one who figures it out, not Arya.

  8. Notice when Jon is retreating at a dead run, there are clearly 2 sword hilts visible. The one on his back is Longclaw. The one on his left hip appears to be Beric Dondarian's sword — Dawn perhaps? Guessing that Beric goes down in the initial encounter after demonstrating how deadly Dawn was to the whites, otherwise Jon wouldn't risk retrieving it as they were being overwhelmed.

  9. Pete, got a theory about Cersei's death. What if the Valonquar is her unborn baby. If it's a boy it will be a little brother and we know that baby won't live. But what if she dies in child birth while holding the dead baby on her chest and the baby's hands fall onto her throat…ok, the last part is a stretch…Jamie will probably just strangle her after she does something that kills their baby or he finds out she lied about being pregnant to keep him close…what do you think?


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