Watch a clip of the Army of the Dead in “The Dragon and the Wolf.”

Game of Thrones airs on HBO on Sundays at 9.



  1. I think it would have been scarier if the Zombies and White Walkers all ran at great speed through the breached wall, the only thing blocking their path is now removed, so why continue walking? Your prey right is now there before you, run in and take it.

  2. Is it just me, or does it look as though Vyseris is pained by being forced to use fire magic by the Night King's control?
    Normally, a dragon in GOT has his eyes open and looks angry when breathing fire, having both the direction of a Targaryan and the intent to kill.
    However, when Wight Vyseris is burning down The Wall with his icy-fire magic, his eyes are closed and his head is tilted away slightly, like a stubborn toddler being offered food they do not like.
    Being a magical creature, with a magical connection to Denarys, might Vyseris, even in undeath; understand that what he is doing poses both a threat to his mother, and is a contradiction to his nature as a creature incarnated entirely of fire magic and blood?

  3. Everybody that has died off through the entire series they are all lucky they do not have to part of This war and who knows maybe the Nightking Might bring some of a back from the dead .


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