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  1. Here's my Game of Thrones Finale Deleted Scene video. They've revealed some big plot points that were cut out, so let me know what you think of the stuff they left out. My next Game Of Thrones video will be Aegon Targaryen, but new Nightwing Titans Breakdown coming later tonight 🙂

  2. The Winterfell storyline in episodes 5, 6, and 7 was rubbish. It made everybody much worse and more stupid than they actually are. Most of all, it is completely inconsistent with Arya's storyline in the past seasons. The argument between the sisters literally sounded like one of those that you find in the fandom (on Sansa's side, obviously, since the wroters have apparently decided to dimish Arya and Bran to mere supporting characters in their sister's storyline, who now can do no wrong). And when finally you think that maybe at least the faces scene was constructed with Arya actually playing the game of faces and lying (which I want to believe was the case). It really bothered me how they completely erased Arya's abilities. She trained with the best assassins in the world, and bested two of them (the waif last season but also Jaqen himself waaay back in season 2)!!! Everything is wrong, she knows very well what it means to live and try to stay safe surrounded by enemies, and I feel like her hardships have been diminished a lot in favour of Sansa's arc. Very unfair, since Arya is one of "the big 5". I hope she'll have a strong endgame next season. And wtf I was so angry when I read the interview with Isaac, it just shows how badly the storyline has been handled. So, the oh-so-smart-and-compassionate-Sansa was really about to kill her own sister, while everybody, including herself, knew that Arya would never kill her?! Speechless. Epic scenes with Arya up until episode 4, then disaster.

  3. When Arya says "All i need is your face to become Lady of Winterfell" to Sansa (or some like that) and then she didn't kill her, after Sansa got Arya does not want that. She remembers past. Arya never wanted that. Thats enough for LF stuff i guess.

  4. 🇲🇦🇲🇦🇲🇦🇲🇦🇲🇦🇲🇦🇲🇦🇲🇦🇲🇦🇲🇦🇲🇦🇲🇦🇲🇦🇲🇦🇲🇦🇲🇦🇲🇦🇲🇦🇲🇦🇲🇦🇲🇦🇲🇦🇲🇦🇲🇦

  5. I think D&D are spoiling Bran's character by intentionally making him act like Dr Manhatten. What a pair of hacky goofball fucks! Bran can also do other things than just be Sansa and Sam's human internet machine. He ruled Winterfell once and could have done so again but for D&D's cowardly pandering to the SJW crowd by leaving Sansa in charge. Bran is more than just the fucking Stark Oracle. These clowns do not respect his character at all. And they diminish his role in order to prop up the characters they want to invest more screentime with, prompting hundreds of dickheads who say "eugh, Bran is boring" and all that shit! He's one of the intended protagonists in the series, but they've got time for cock jokes and love scenes with Missandei and her eunuch boyfriend?! Sickening!

  6. They should have left it in. I don't give two fucks if it would have "ruined the suspense" as it was a tired bait-and-switch moment to make it look like the Stark siblings had played Littlefinger. Except it was really Bran who exposed him, while Sansa and Arya acted like they were the ones who outsmarted him. The whole plot was dumb.

  7. I'm wondering. Once Jon Snow discovers who he is will he ask Ben where is Rygar Burried? Because If I remember from the books they never found his body. So could Ned have gone back and taken his body to Winterfell and Burried him next to Lillian? I remember in season 1 when Barrathean asked why did he Burried her there he had a auqward look like he did when he asked about Jon's Mother.

  8. The exciting part is what will be the reaction of the northerners when they found out that the king in the north is a Targaryen. Remember the north remembers. The Mad King "Aerys II Targaryen" John's grandfather burned Rickard Stark that caused the death of Brandon Stark who strangled himself trying to save his father.

  9. They should have had a very short snippet…. Sansa saying to Bran "I need your help" with him looking up at her. Then cut to where she orders the guards to fetch Arya. That wouldn't give away anything.

    Also, I thought Little Finger lost the dagger to King Robert. So it wasn't his, he had nothing to do with the attack on Bran. But Cersei, Jamie or even Joffery would have been able to pass it the assassin.

  10. i don't know if anyone has ask you to make a varys and melisandre video. as you know at the end of episode 2 or 3, when Varys tells Melisandre if she's coming back, and she tells him that she has to die in a forgine land just like him? whats that all about any way? if you know it would be cool if you make a video please!!

  11. I know its not as important and a little off-topic, but you should do a video about dragons, about the detail of being able to became male or female as they need, and the REALLY GREAT design, because i as a dinousaur/dragons lover im really pleased with. The movement of the neck spikes with the roars, to decide that they spit fire in a more "anatomic" way with some igniting it with some kind of flamable fluid they spit from som glands of theyr cheeks… etc etc. They are AWESOME.

    BTW, ty for your videos and keep the good work up! they really help to remember details from the book and stuff! gracias from spain!

  12. Because Bran was present with Sansa and Arya when they confronted Littlefinger and he spoke up quoting things that he had seen from Littlefinger's past during that confrontation, I think it is sort of understood that Sansa, Arya and Bran had a conversation about it (without needing to actually see it). If Bran wasn't present on that scene, then I could understand people being annoyed. But personally, I'm glad they did not show the conversation. It made that scene more surprising for me.

  13. My take on the arya vs sansa has always been that arya was pushing sansa harder than she had to so she didn't try for more power than she already had. Or that arya could see littlefinger manipulations happening and that by unsettling the comfortable position sansa had found herself, that she would question things like littlefingers loyalty. Littlefinger then give sansa the last piece she needed to figure things out for herself. She test littlefingers theory against arya and find it doesn't fit, then take the next step and test that same theory against the actions of the person who suggested it. Getting confirmation from bran than become the next logical step. And so I feel like the arya/sansa conflict was more sibling antagonism than anything sinister(if did feel weird watching it) and littlefinger in turn gave sansa just enough rope to hang him with. Great show keep it up!

  14. 1:49 this is why i have grave concerns about season… I would like to know the rational behind cutting out the scene where Sansa goes to Bran…. by doing that that whole scene was awkward and left me with a frown


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