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Game of Thrones, Jon Snow, Jaime Lannister, Brienne of Tarth, Sansa Stark, Arya Stark, Bran Stark, Little Finger, The Hound, The Mountain, Daenerys Targaryen, Cersei Lannister, Season 7 Finale!!!

Hey guys,

Alright, so here is my review and breakdown for episode 7, hope you all enjoy it.

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The Music Credits in this video go to:

The Temperature of the Air on the Bow of the Kaleetan by Chris Zabriskie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (

George Street Shuffle by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (


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This video contains information on:
Game of Thrones Season 7
Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 5
Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 6
Game of Thrones 7×05
Game of Thrones 7×06
Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 7
Game of Thrones Season 8



  1. Hey Everyone,

    Let me know what you thought of the finale, what was your favorite moment there, what did you hate about it if anything? Let me thing as well what you think of Danny possibly getting pregnant, do you think it will happen and would you think the cycle would repeat with Jon, Danny and their kid? Make sure you don't drop any leaked script spoilers.

    And until I see you next time, have a good one!!!

  2. Nicely done. My fave moment was the trial and execution of LF and then the sisters' talk on the battlements. It wasn't as flashy as the Dragon Pit, but it was SOOO satisfying. And it proved Arya had been ACTING bizarely and aggressively on purpose to help trap Littlefinger. My second fave was the NK on Ice-Viserion opening up the Wall for the Dead to march thru. Chills!

  3. I`m sorry i just want to get it out of my system: The sex scene seemed
    very poor to me.
    Not because of its length but because it had no escallating to it. To be
    clear: I` watched and rewatched all the scenes between those 2 from
    Ep.3 to Ep.6 and they were all fantastic adding very delicate subtlety
    in them. Each time they were building to something greater to something
    deeper with looks, face expressions, touching. Kit and Emillia were both
    playing incredible, suberb, you name it.I loved them and was very happy
    for them. Episode 6 left us with the highest emotions between those
    Now enter Ep.7: Everyone is dissapointed in Jon (even Danny) cause…Jon
    is honorable? honest? truthful? In all other episodes he demonstrated
    these qualities to her (and these are few of the reasons why she fell in
    love with him) and now suddenly she dissaproves? Tyrion I get it lying
    is easy for him but Danny too? Man i would have hated Jon if he didnt
    proclaim what he told Danny while staring in her eyes last time. What
    was said in secret now spoken to the world. There is nothing to hold
    back there.
    Next scene ends with the foreshadowing: "Now we re fucked". Something i
    would have told my drinking buddy picking a fight or the soldier next me
    waiting the attack of the enemy. But to a woman im in love with and a
    royalty nonetheless? Tacky anyone??
    Last but not least the sex scene: I wanted some dialogue before leading
    to a passionate kiss or even a kiss by itself. When you hook up with the
    person you love and care so deeply as they did what do you do after all
    the tension all that passion all that respect for each other?? Dont you
    kiss like theres no tomorrow? The rest is fairly obvious after that.
    Instead Jon knocks the door like he is making a booty call or smthg,
    Danny lets him in, they re doing it ok. Its the writers fault in my
    opinion-Kit and Emillia were and still are great but could have done it a
    little better i think this time. Few days ago i read a comment about
    they holding hands was the greatest sex scene ever- it was so good! Now
    the sex scene is less than that.

  4. After all the whinging about the last episode not one review I've watched noticed the fact that during Johns' seminar on how to kill the wights he mentions nothing about valerian steel, I know there isn't much left in the world, but it's still valuable information, and it seems like no one noticed. Don't get me wrong I liked ep6 and ep7, just can't believe everyone glossed over this after all the microscopic tearing apart and hate from ep6.

  5. Those "season 8 plot leaks"are fake-just fan fiction and an attempt for clickbait based on what will probably or maybe could happen. I hate plot leaks because i stupidly watched the video that told the entire plot for season 7 before season 7 started and so when everything started to come true, watching the show became predictable and it took away the shock and awe which is why i believe some people weren't as impressed this season because they already knew what was going to happen. I still and will always LOVE this show no matter what but IF there are any actual plot leaks, i WILL NOT watch them. They ruin everything. But, overall, this season was heartbreaking and made me very anxious for season 8 and i really hope that we won't have to wait until 2019….i will be even more sad.
    R.I.P TO……
    Thoros of Myr
    Petyr "Littlefinger" Baelish (even though he had it coming since season1)

  6. WHAT A TERRIBLE season !! AND the Hound could have ended the War and the House Lannister right there and then !! Should be easy for Preston Jacobs and everyone else to tear this wasted episode and season a new one !!

  7. I am wondering if we may not have witnessed Dany's betrayal by Tyrion ? What did he say to convince Cercei to change her mind ? When Jon enters Dany's cabin, I don't know if he is jealous of that romance or worried by its consequences.

  8. I really liked that Sansa used info about LF at the right time. I totally forgot that LF killed Lysa right in front of Sansa and that Sansa knew about Lysa and LF plot to kill Jon Arryn and blame it on the Lannisters.

    The LOOK on little fingers face when Sansa directed her attention his way was priceless. How many times have we see Baelish off to the side looking like his shit dont stink? I actually felt sorry for him when he started begging!

    But for real even without info from Bran might have been enough to get him killed in Winterfell. If Sansa told Royce..I think that is his name what really happened to Lysa..I think he would have listened for sure.

  9. @What the Geek

    Where do you think Jaime is even going? He said he was going to take the army north as he promised but I dont see Cersai letting that happen. So we see him solo dolo. Winterfell maybe? But then he has to deal with the new deadly 3 of Bran, Arya and sansa. Im sure Bran knows Jamie pushed him out the window.

  10. The expression on Tyrion's face when Jon went into Daenerys' room seemed to me more of concern than sadness/anger for witnessing a potential love interest in the arms of another. I immediately thought that Cersei told him she would go back to the Dragonpit and lie to their faces (just like he said he would've liked Jon to have done). It would put him in an interesting position and it would be consistent with his "bad decisions" throughout the season. But the fact that it happens amidst Jon and Daenerys first romantic encounter could be sending out another message indeed. This could've been a first hint at Tyrion's love for her as you suggested – and it could push him into an interesting spot. Although I have to say that adding a new thread at this point in time, given how many hours are left, is more worrisome than exciting. Whatever it ends up being, it will certainly be paid off.

  11. i dont even get what happened with Sansa and Arya. Did Arya know what was going on when she got called into the room? was she just lying and trying to trick Sansa for no reason in all their conversations recently? When did Bran tell Sansa about LF and did he tell Arya too? It seemed like it was just his stupid game about assuming the worst in everyone that made sansa realize that he was pitting her against her sister, did they team up and ttell each other everyhing for the first time right before the meeting or before arya kept threatening sansa?

  12. Two questions for GoT fans and the book readers.
    1) explain to me why everyone knows about the children of the forest and everyone knows about the undead/white walkers but that absolutely no one knows about the three eyed raven? Even the people who don't believe in the army of the dead have heard of them. Sam is the most read person on the show (rivaling Tyrion in that aspect) and he flat out has never even heard the three eyed raven. Bran keeps proclaiming to people he's the three eyed raven and no one knows what it means and what powers he supposedly has.

    2) What reason did LF have for trying to kill Bran? And why set himself up for the source of an obvious lie? I get that he wanted the Starks and Lannisters go after each other, but that would have only played out if Tyrion wasn't around to refute the charges, if Catelyn wasn't around to let people know that LF was the source of that intel, and if Robert wasn't king and on friendly terms with Ned. The only reason it worked was because Robert got killed while hunting, and because the Freys turned on the Starks. He could not have predicted those events occurring so the set up was ill conceived and improperly planned.


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