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  1. I cried like a bitch at the R+L=J reveal…so many years waiting for that mythical moment. As weirdly ok with incest as I am, though, do you think the news will be welcome or disgusting to our new It couple?

  2. the bit that confused me is when cersei said she was backed by the iron bank and she was getting the golden company from them.

    however I thought she was in arrears with payments to the iron bank and it was only when she said that she would sack the Tyrrell's gold that the iron bank agreed to back her.

    however, I thought that the lannister army had been traveling with the Tyrrell's gold when it was attacked by daenarys, her dragon and the dothraki.

    so cersei can't have paid off her debt to the iron bank with the Tyrrell's gold, so why is the iron bank still backing her?

  3. I dont like how convenient the wall break is.
    So are you telling me that Tyrion's stupid idea not only costed os a Dragon and a Thoros, it also gave the Army of the Dead the convenient way to get south? Would the Zombies even got south if they didnt had a dragon? It just feels like half of the season was a convenient plot device to bring the dead south.

  4. I just wanted to make another comment on a very minor thing. A lot of sites have said that Cersei didn't drink the wine Tyrion poured and THAT showed she was pregnant. Come on that is a modern thing and besides this is FANTASY! Not drinking or smoking when pregnant is a very modern thing. Hell my mother was pregnant with me in 1950 and she was sucking down Martini's and smoking L & M's. I don't think she drank it because Tyrion poured it. Period! It just shows how our modern thinking can affect anything we watch…even fantasy.

  5. I wonder if White Viserion will struggle to fly next season, he's already deteriorating. At least Rhaegal will continue to grow and beat the shit outta him. I hope there will be an airborne battle between them x(

  6. am I only one to ask what has happened to the 2 Sand women are they now considered to be dead Cercei poisoned the daughter so she couldn't survive but what of her mother wonder if the writers will let us know their fate in Series 8 I know the mother was evil but why should the daughter suffer and incur Cercei"s revenge seems so cruel or am I too soft any comments please.?

  7. Why arnt the men of the nights watch (Castle black) at East Watch by the Sea if they knew that the night king was headed there? It makes the Wall kinda redundant if they were able to penetrate a small fraction of it. -__-

  8. Aegon of Houses Targaryen and Stark, Twelth of His Name, King of the Andals and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, Protector of the Realm, King in the North, Avenger of the Red Wedding, Lord of the First Men and the Free Folk, 998th Lord Commander of the Night's Watch, Defender of the Wall and Sworn Brother Guarding the Realms of Men, Slayer of White Walkers and the Army of the Dead, the White Wolf, the Resurrected. The rightful heir to the Iron Throne, The sword in the darkness, the lightbringer, Azor Ahai, the Prince that was promised. All hail, King Aegon VI.

  9. Ok idk if any of you noticed, when the dead were marching pass the wall, they made the shape if a Dire Wolf from a birds eye view. Look closely again once the dead start moving. Idk if this means anything, but maybe something "Dire" is being hinted there. Its not in this video, but watch the scene fully, you'll see…

  10. The Hound: <kicks box over>
    Cercei: "Holy [expletive (beginning with 'F' and also rhyming with 'luck') deleted]! Snarks, Grumpkins, and everything my wet nurse told me about are real!

  11. How do you KNOW that Young Griff is a "fake Aegon"? Reading book 5 I´d give him full credit he´s the real one (having Jon Connington support him). In my opinion they just give this Storyline to Jon, because they left him out – but idk, would be a huge bummer if it weren´t so.

  12. You misinterpreted the Hound-Brienne scene. It was "the one who gets in her (Arya's) way" as in Arya will kill them. He didn't say "It won't be me," because he is scared or doesn't think he stands a chance against Brienne (bear in mind she barely beat him, merely due to a cliff, and he was slow and wounded at the time. There was a scene shortly before where Arya told that he should've let her burn that neck wound and that it has him walking slower.) It was a statement about how Arya doesn't need protection anymore and that the Hound doesn't want to do anything to get in Arya's way; whether he could or not.


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